
Saturday 28 January 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 28th January 2017

My frugal list is quite small this week due to illness.  After recovering from gastro last week I caught Darren's cold this week ( sharing is caring ).  Combined with working three days this week plus organising food for an Australia Day bbq on Thursday, I'm suprised I had any strength left to do frugal things. Here is my oh so small list for the week-

*  Gratefully received three parcels in the mail from blog reader Eden.  In the parcels were some lovely greeting cards for me to repurpose in my card making.  Thankyou so much Eden.  Your thoughtfulness and kindness is appreciated.

*  Gratefully received lots of card stock from fellow Cheapskater friend Carol.  This lovely gift will certainly save me lots of money.

*  Gratefully received lots of egg cartons and a few glass jars from a friend.

*  Sold six dozen eggs to friends.

*  Made 9 1/2 jars of raspberry jam.  All this jam was made for free because I used raspberries and lemons from our garden and the sugar and jars were given to me.

*  Sold one school text book.

*  Made a batch of double strength Miracle Spray.  I dilute it when I fill up the spray bottles.

*  Did an extra cleaning job this week

*  Saved the shower warm up water for the washing machine.  Saved the washing rinse water for each next load of washing.

*  Washed the rubbish bins using recycled water.

*  Fed the compost bin with kitchen scraps.

*  Picked lettuce from the garden for a meal.   

Salad for a bbq lunch

Princess helping me sort my card making supplies

She loves to be a part of everything I'm doing.

Raspberries from our garden

Jam making

The final product

Free raspberry jam

What was on your fugal list this week ?


  1. Everything looks so nice and fresh, and abundant! Your kitty is so sweet! Andrea

  2. Hi, Wendy. I hope you are feeling better:) That doesn't seem such a small list to me, you did lots of frugal things. I haven't been sick and I think my frugal list is shorter! Here's my list:

    * mended my son's school bag & husband's work bag rather than buying new ones
    * menu planning & all snacks, meals and lunches made here at home
    * picking cucumbers and cherry toms from garden for salads
    * turned off powerpoints for appliances rather than leave on standby
    * topped up rather than filled up at petrol station (prices very high)
    * made a birthday card with my son for his Grandma using supplies here
    (We'll re-use saved paper we have here and a curling ribbon I salvaged
    on a beach walk for wrapping.)
    * made a batch of homemade dog food (our dog approves:)

    I'm envious of your raspberry harvest. I have two native raspberry bushes here and I found one half dug out of the ground during the week thanks to a scrub turkey chick who has decided to scratch and dig in our yard. They can be very destructive! I will be out in garden today working on a solution to try to save my raspberry bushes. Meg

    1. Meg, your frugal tasks will certainly save you a good amount of money. School bags are not cheap to buy.

      Yes petrol is very dear. I put in $25 on Thursday when it was $132.9 a litre. It's already dropped to $129.9. I'll fill up when I think it's at it's cheapest.

    2. I saw a $1.40 this morning, Wendy. So it will just be a top up again for our car. Meg:/

  3. WOW look at how many raspberries you harvested! Fantastic!
    The jam looks fantastic, and I bet it tastes even better!

    1. The jam is divine. It's my favourite flavour.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    What's better than raspberry jam? Free raspberry jam of course, clever girl, it looks so yummy. Have a great weekend, I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Fiona. It's Sunday today and I'm feeling much better. 90% there.

      Yes free jam is fantastic. The raspberry plants have more than paid for themselves.

  5. The raspberry jam looks awesome Wendy ~ raspberry is my absolutely favourite!

    Hope you are feeling much better

    Pamela xo

    1. Yes raspberry jam is my favourite too. Feeling much better today thankyou.

  6. Hi Wendy,

    Yum Raspberry jam, my favourite. Princess is such a good helper.

    Thus week I attended the card day and received lots of goodies like the paper from carol and I also received a card order for two cards and I'll only be using what I have on hand.
    I mooed Yogurt, Bread, Banana cake and all meals. I also made up a batch of Miracle spray and a double batch of washing powder.

    I cleaned out my pantry, bought school supplies for DS2 which only cost $20.20 as we tried to reuse most things from last year.
    When I was in Woolies this week, I bought some marked down Chicken Kiev's although they only had 5 left. The girl told me to get a raincheck which I did for another 6. I also saved $10.00 off my shop at Woolies so I got the Kiev's, Milk and bananas free.

    We had family over for dinner on Australia day and I cooked a roast Chicken with all the veggies(most from the garden), gravy , dessert(Jelly, Chocolate Mousse (marked down packet for 0.50c), fruit and cream all for $10.00 for 6 of us. We were also given Bread and bananas.

    Lots of sewing today, so must be off,

    1. Maureen you've had some great food savings this week. Looks like chicken will be on your menu.

  7. Wow look at all that jam! And it was all free so that is even better!

    I have picked 8kgs of figs this week from a friends tree and frozen them until I can get around to making jam. Hopefully next week :)

    Princess is so cute, and by the looks mischievous too :)


    1. Tania, it sounds like your jam will almost be free too.

      Yes Princess was having fun in that plastic box chasing her tail and doing laps.

  8. Mmmmm, your jam looks lovely! Here in the states were dreaming about our gardens for the year.

    I cleaned out a couple very large planters for herbs today. My chives and oregano have wintered well. I am thinking of tenting the planters with plastic to get a jump on planting this spring. They are in the front of my house which faces South and East. It seems to have created a bit of a warmer micro climate.

    Thank you for the reminder to order thornless raspberry bushes. I had planned to and forgot. Yikes. I do hope it is not to late.

    Thanks for sharing what you are up to, and have a blessed day!


    1. Hi Kath. I didn't know you could get thornless raspberries. I haven't seen them in Australia. They would be easier to deal with. I paid $15 each for my two plants and we got the money back in the first year with all the fruit we picked. Now it's pure profit.

      Your Summer will be here before you know it.

  9. Wendy, I agree with everyone else, your jam looks lovely! As it is winter here I've been getting quite a bit of sewing and crocheting done. In another 6 weeks it will be time to start gardening so I'm trying to get as much done before it has to be laid aside for gardening activiites.

    1. Patsy, I'm sure God gave us Winter for crafting and slowing down a little. There is a season for everything isn't there.

  10. Selling school text books - goodness me, what a splendid idea.

    1. Phil, I like to recoup some of the money I've forked out for over priced text books. Hopefully we can help Jessica buy some Uni books with the money.

  11. The salad and jam look delicious!! Despite being sick, you had a most productive week.

  12. I hope you're fully recovered by now, Wendy!

    All of your food looks so fresh and yummy! The salad almost jumped off the screen at me. And the jam is beautiful. Raspberry is my favorite as well.

    Blessings, Leigh

  13. I wish I had more garden room for Raspberries to grow. My son loves them.
    I picked up a Saba coat on the $1 rack at the op shop. Was $1 bc had missing buttons and no one had bought it so they put it on clearance. Ordered buttons for $3.50 on ebay.
    Found a designer dress (witchery) missing a belt but otherwise perfect on rack too. Have a waist belt at home.

  14. Your raspberry jam looks divine Wendy. I'm just wondering if they were planted in your garden or a pot? I would love to grow a bush and eat freshly picked. Many thanks Lorraine

    1. We planted them in the garden first. Now we are growing them in pots too. They seem to do better in the ground.


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