
Saturday 4 February 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 4th February 2017

Health has returned to all of us and we are back in the swing on living frugally yet abundantly.  The weather has been mild in Melbourne and we've been able to get out into the garden to pull weeds and do a tidy up.  We try to do this as much as possible before it gets too hot.  Here's what we've been up to -

*  Gratefully received a grape plant and lots of grapes from my Dad.  The grapes are small but oh so tasty.  Now we can't wait until we can pick our own in a year or two.  I also received two glass jars.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher using bi carb and vinegar.  Wiped down the door and seals with miracle spray.

* Cleaned the kettle using citric acid.  I poured the kettle water onto some grass growing in the crack of the pergola concrete.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and washing machine water as per usual.  These water saving tasks have become a way of life for us.  We don't even think twice about it.

*  Dried the washing on the line.

*  Picked a few raspberries every couple of days.  The second batch of raspberries will be in abundance shortly.  These will  be frozen to make raspberry and white choc muffins throughout the year.

*  Fed the compost bin with kitchen peelings.

*  Diluted a bottle of white vinegar 50 / 50 with water.

*  Had an extra cleaning job this week.

*  Bought Nurofen headache tablets on sale in Chemist Warehouse.  Due to buying restrictions I had to go on two separate days to get two boxes ( they are large boxes ).

*  Sold a few cards in my Etsy shop

*  Made pita chips for snacks.

Raspberries almost ready to pick

If only the tomatoes would ripen

This rose smells divine

The feijoas are getting bigger

Megan made this cake from scratch.

A Sunday night dinner

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?


  1. Dear Wendy,That was a good week! I have had amazing success getting the super large packs of tablets like that... one pack it worked out that compared to little packs I got something like 60 tablets for free. The price difference was staggering. So now I watch the catalogues and get my calculator out to compare. Well done on going in two days!
    Have a lovely weekend. We have a new baby in the family and it has been very hectic but happy! With love

  2. Hi Wendy,iam glad you and your family are now all on the mend and feeling much better,
    ways i got ahead this week, this morning i made up some more miracle spray,last night i cooked mexican meatballs in the slow cooker,i did a menu plan from whats on hand in my pantry and freezer,also made up some desserts from left over jellies,laying around in the pantry, the recipe i got on Caths blog,Megans choc cake looks yummy,have a wonderful weekend xx

    1. A great frugal list Melissa. Menu plans always put my mind at ease.

  3. Freijoas! Since moving from Adelaide to Newcastle I have not seen these growing at all.

    1. Phil, most people have never heard of them. Can't wait to taste the fruit again. My mouth is watering.

  4. Hi Wendy. Glad you are all feeling well again, no fun being sick! I'm envious of your cooler weather, it is very hot up here in Brisbane with temperatures remaining high for days on end:( On the frugal front here, menu planning and home cooking mostly. I only had to buy mince and chicken thighs this week as I'll use what I have frozen for most meals. I bought some cottage cheese for a cheese and spinach pie too as a meatless meal. I also found two old clip-locking jars at op-shop this week, I've washed them til they sparkle and I'm going to marinate feta in them. I love marinated feta but it's so expensive to buy so I'm going to make my own. Have a good week. Meg:)

    1. Yes it has been warm in Brisbane. We've had such a mild Summer so far.

      Marinated feta sounds yummy. Enjoy !!!

  5. Wendy I'm glad everyone is well again. I am looking forward to my husband and daughter thinking of the warm up water as useful to save rather than letting it go down the drain. One day.
    Whilst it is very hot and dry around here, I have still been getting into the garden in the early evening and doing a little bit everyday. This week I cleaned all the windows inside and out. I mowed the lawns and finally learnt how to use the whipper snipper. Our home looks as good as it feels.

    1. One day Jane. One day.

      Home always feels good when the lawns has been cut.

  6. Your garden photos are always so pretty. Thank you for sharing them.
    And you've reminded me that it's been a while since I gave our fridge a good wipe-down, so I'm adding that to my list at your prompting.
    Blessings, Leigh

  7. I just love vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents---these are about all I use anymore. Totally satisfied with them. Picked up some packets of lettuce seeds at Dollar Tree today for 25 cents a packet. Also got some boxes of flower seeds for $1.00 ( corner had price of $2.99)--this will be much cheaper than buying plants (fingers crossed they germinate and grow). Stocked up on Ricola cough drops (30 count packs) for 50 cents--since have 11/18 expiration date--should have enough thru 2018. Still eating out of pantry and freezer- sure helps on grocery bill. Enjoy the fruit.

    1. Delorise, they are some great bargains you founds. Every little bit helps.

  8. Hi Wendy,

    This week saw me doing lots of home cooking like Muesli bars, muffins, egg custard, mini quiches, pizza scrolls and red sauce pasta for 2 nights. I thought I had tuna in the pantry but No, so out came a tin of ham and we had ham and pineapple steaks. I also used up old bananas and gave the fridge a clean out. Used the leftover Pork from Christmas which had been frozen and made patties for two nights.

    Picked lots of things from the garden, lettuce , caps, toms and silverbeet. Used carrots from the garden and chopped up a bunch of celery bought on special.

    Finished sewing the teddy bear I was making for a cousin for her baby shower.
    DH fixed the hot water tank for under $30.00, Yeah!!!

    Glad to hear your all better, enjoy the Grapes...Yum


    1. I thought you meant you'd cleaned out the fridge with the banana - hehehe !!!

      So many good things growing in your garden.

  9. Hi Wendy, how do you double the vinegar? Marie

    1. I pour half into another two litre bottle then top up with water. Then I let it sit for two weeks before using. I don't think it comes back to full strength but it seems to smell quite strong. I only do this when using it for cleaning and making miracle spray etc.

  10. I love seeing your garden pictures from across the world--it's winter here and we have had ice and snow, which we usually have very little of. I have never seen that round fruit before. What do you do with it? Does it turn into a big fruit of some kind?

    Your cake and chicken salad look really good!

    1. Hi Becky, if you are talking about the feijoas they are also known as pineapple guavas. The fruit can grow to the size and shape of a dessert spoon. Their fragrance is amazing and they taste zingy yet sweet. To eat them you cut them in half and scoop out the flesh.

      I'm so looking forward to tasting them again.

  11. Megan's chocolate cake looks splendid. I was idly watching a Gordon Ramsey restaurant-makeover show recently (gosh can he swear real bad!) and he mentioned just in passing about all the bottled sauces and prepackaged food the restaurant was using - he said to the owner "You do realise that you can make all this from scratch at a tiny fraction of the price? You're wasting *&%# money buying this stuff!" I smiled as I realised that the principles we 'preach' are also true in the commercial world.

    1. That is so true Phil. It tastes better made from scratch too. But I can't get use to the taste of homemade tomato sauce. Store bought I will always buy.

      Yes I don't mind watching his show every now and then but cringe every time he uses " that " word.


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