
Saturday 11 March 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 11th March 2017

Here are all the frugal things I completed this week -

*  Gratefully received a few lemons from a friend.  They will be used when we cook fish in foil.  We have a lemon tree but the lemons are still green.

*  Sold two dozen eggs.

*  Made a batch of gravy powder mix in readiness for the cool weather meals I hope to cook soon.

*  Made a batch of natural yoghurt.  Then made a batch of sweetened yoghurt form the natural one.

*  Made a batch of Miracle Spray to sell to a cleaning client.

*  Sold a batch of white choc and raspberry muffins.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to pour on our pot plants.  Emptied the family's water bottles on a few plants too.

*  Stocked up on choc bits on a half price sale.  I now have enough until they come on sale again leading up to Christmas.

*  Gratefully received a jar of rhubarb and strawberry jam from a friend.

*  Froze three single serves of leftovers.

*  The family had frozen leftovers for dinner one night.  A free meal.

*  Picked lots of raspberries,  tomatoes and strawberries from the garden.  Soon I'll be able to make tomato relish.

*  I gave my pantry a tidy up.  From the tidy up I started writing this month's grocery shopping list.  It
's always good to know what I have on hand before I shop.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch.

*  Dried the washing on the line.

*  Some nights when the girls were out,  Darren and I used the " no light ' rule when we watched tv.

*  Filled up my car with petrol at $1.15 per litre and topped up again on Friday at the same price.

From the garden

The raspberries keep coming

New cards in my Etsy shop

Homemade churros

Freezing celery for winter stews etc

    What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Homemade churros would be a hit at our place, Wendy! Your frugal list is always very inspiring! I didn't get to a lot again this week because I did more relief teaching work. I was grateful for the food in our fridge, freezer and pantry as this meant I still made all meals and snacks at home even though I was busy. I made a lemon crumble slice using up a tin of condensed milk from my stockpile. It's not something I usually cook with but it made for a delicious slice for afternoon tea this week. Meg:)

    1. I'm glad you got the extra work Meg. Every little bit helps. The slice sounds yummy.

  2. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary this week except that I used a paper cutter to trim the edges of a greeting card so it would fit in a slightly smaller envelope I’d addressed by mistake. I’d already stuck on the stamp and didn’t want to waste the postage.

    I made menus last week and stuck to them! I also got good deals on meat again this week. I repackaged it for the freezer in the amounts we will use.

    One of the things I like about your weekly list is that it demonstrates how the little things add up to a satisfying lifestyle. I do most of the little things just by habit and wouldn't want to live any other way.
    Maxine in northern Idaho USA, where the snow is finally melting!

    1. Praise God for melting snow !!! Spring weather will be just around the corner.

      Sticking to a menu is a great achievement Maxine.

  3. Hmmm, I'll have to get courageous and SELL my eggs like you. I am too kind and just gift them. After all they are fully free-range and organic too I would imagine.

    1. Phil, the farmer we get our chickens from says his customers sell their eggs for $7 and sometimes up to $12. We settled on $5 because that's about the cheapest you can buy in the supermarket.

  4. Hi Wendy, your churros look amazing! I may have to ask for your recipe hehe. I never thought to freeze celery either. Here's what we got up to this week:
    -used the lights at night as little as possible, used candles instead which was very relaxing!
    - Put boiling water into a thermos on days we are home.
    - Line dried all clothes as much as possible.
    - Tried to use as much in our pantry and freezer to prevent the need of buying more food.
    - Refuelled my car and used my woolies everyday rewards to make the price a bit cheaper.
    - switched all appliances off at the wall where possible
    - came under budget for the monthly shop.
    I decluttered my house last week and now feel a lot better that everything is organised! Hope you have a great week Wendy.


    1. Amy, we are still trialling the churros recipe. It was too eggy. But they still tasted great.

      Congratulations on your grocery budget.


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