
Saturday 18 March 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 18th March 2017

WOW  !!!  My week just disappears before my eyes.  We were away for two days,  I worked two days,  I did the monthly grocery shopping plus all the usual housework.  I did manage a few moments in the garden planting,  pulling weeds and picking produce.  Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Made a double batch of cranberry hootycreek biscuit dough.  Some of the dough was baked, the rest was frozen for future biscuit baking.

*  Saved lots of shower warm up water and used it to water the pot plants. I saved the washing machine water too.

*  Darren and I went away to Bendigo last weekend.  We took chicken and lettuce rolls form home for our lunch and packed lots of water bottles,  homemade biscuits and chocolate brownies.

*  Baked a double batch of chocolate brownies.  Some were taken to a church gathering,  some were frozen and some we took away with us.

*  Picked lots of raspberries,  tomatoes and a few strawberries from the garden.

*  Made yoghurt from scratch and froze four portions of starter yoghurt for later.

*  Made two batches of homemade laundry powder.

*  I picked up another regular cleaning job this week.  I'm so grateful that God provides just when I really needed the work.

*  Found a new small colander,  a cook book and a soap mould at Savers op shop.  I used a 15% off discount stamp to get them even cheaper.  The book will be a present.

*  Made a cleaning hamper for a belated house warming present.  I included homemade laundry powdersoapMiracle Spray,  microfiber cloths and the recipes.  In total it cost me $4 for the spray bottle and cloths.  The rest I already had on hand.

*  Petrol is very dear at the moment so I only put in $30 this week.  As soon as the price drops I'll fill up again.

*  Darren dug up a rouge raspberry plant and planted it in a pot.  If it survives we'll give it as a present.  The original two raspberry plants we bought in 2014 for $15 each have saved us a small fortune.  We've picked about 12 kilos of fruit over the years,  made jam and given lots of little plants as presents.

*  Gratefully received a few lemons,  a few black Russian tomatoes,  a handbag,  lace doilies,  and a  bottle of homemade tomato sauce from a couple of different friends.  We are very blessed indeed.

*  Kept the cooling off for a couple of days.

*  Planted silverbeet seeds,  potato eyes and lettuce seeds ( from a plant that went to seed ).

*  Fed the compost bin with kitchen scraps.

My op shop finds

Princess loves watching the chickens

Some of the girls

The mandarins are growing

Standard rose in bloom

In the garden

Gifted lemons

Did you have a frugal week ?


  1. Oh that soap mold find at the op shop is a rare thing - well done.

  2. Dear Wendy,
    It is fantastic about the cleaning job! Yes I did have a fairly frugal week. It was a mix of some free fruit, cooking, crafting and gardening. I just notice that a bit of this and that really adds up. Many are things I always do knowing how much they save like packing my husbands lunches. His workmates all spend around $20 a day on food and drinks. This alone over a year is mind blowing. Also our weather is more like autumn now and I love it! Have a good weekend! Love

  3. The lemons look delicious - what a generous gift! You saved in so many ways this past week. Great job! Have always wanted to make homemade yogurt. Thank you for the link to the recipe.

  4. How lovely to be gifted lemons, Wendy! I think the generosity of gardeners is just a wonderful thing:) We had a fairly frugal week here. I worked a lot again, so not much progress on some projects. Still, I managed to get my grocery bill to come in under budget with some menu planning. All meals made here at home, snacks too. I found time for just a little knitting and am almost finished a scarf which is an Autumn gift for a good friend. Have a lovely week. Meg:)

  5. Hi Wendy

    You've certainly had a productive week.
    I wanted to say thanks for all your time that you give to putting up information on your website and via email newsletters. It is really helpful and informative; and a great help for others like myself who also want to live an abundant life.
    Blessings to you



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