
Saturday 22 April 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 22nd April 2017

My frugal list is a short one this week due to different circumstances.  I took some time off on Sunday and Monday to relax and spend time with my family and extended family for Easter.  Tuesday I worked due to the public holiday on Monday.  Wednesday was the monthly shopping day and fridge / freezer buying day.  Darren helped get the washing,  vacuuming and mopping done while I was out shopping.  Thursday I was unwell so I spent the day taking it easy.  Friday I was busy again with work,  a visitor,  work drop offs and pickups for Megan then the movies with Darren and Jessica.

So here I am.  Friday night and wondering what I did this week to save some money.  Here's what I managed to get done amidst the busyness -

*  Replanted 6 strawberry runners ( plants ) that were growing in the garden.

*  Saved the shower water to use on the veggie seedlings.

*  Picked lettuce to use in three of our main meals.

*  Wrote a menu plan for the next four weeks.

*  Fed lots of grass and clover to the chickens.

*  Picked a couple of feijoas from the ground each day.  I've enjoyed eating them as a snack.

*  Sold four dozen eggs.

*  Dried the washing on the line.  I didn't do as many loads this week so there's a saving on the water use too.

*  We put a deposit on a new side by side fridge / freezer this week.   After getting a quote at one retailer,  we went to another store and they bettered the other quote.  The fridge / freezer was already on sale at a very good price too  It always pays to ask for the best price possible.

*  I did the monthly food shopping on Wednesday and stuck to the list.  Always a bonus to stick to the plan.

* Found $1 in an abandoned trolley when I was taking mine back. A dollar is a dollar and will be used wisely.

*  Gratefully received a few capsicums from my friend Maureen's garden  a couple of weeks ago  I diced and froze them into small portions to go in casseroles.

*  Baked a few cranberry hootycreek biscuits and peanut butter choc chip biscuits using dough from the freezer.

Easter decorations in our entry.

Eater dccorations on the kitchen dresser

Feijoas ripening on the windowsill

 How did you save money,  time or energy this week.  I'd love to see your frugal list.      


  1. Hi Wendy, you still managed a very good frugal week despite how busy you were! Glad you are getting a new fridge/freezer, it always pays to look around and get the best price! Here's what we got up to this week:
    - took advantage of half price specials at coles this week and stocked up on deodorant, toothpaste and jam.
    -line dried all clothes
    - baked cupcakes for a fundraiser and raised money for a friend who is fighting for her life, I was only able to donate so much so this was my way of helping more
    - home cooked all meals
    - took my daughter to a kids concert and packed our own lunch and avoided the merchandise stands (which had long queues and the items were very expensive!)
    - apart from adding to our stockpile, we only bought fruit, milk and bread at the shops this week.
    -tried to use electricity and gas as little as possible
    - on the hunt for good nappy pants that are not a premium brand, I managed to find good nappies that were cheap but time to look into the next stage. I have requested samples so hopefully I find something soon.
    - diluted more fabric softener.
    I hope you have a great week Wendy!


  2. Even though your were very busy, you still have a long list, Wendy! At our place, today, it's raining so I will only do one load of washing to hang on our racks & downstairs line so it has full weekend to dry. School clothes! During the week here:
    * topped up car with fuel at $1.12 pL before it went back over $1.20.
    * bought a lovely top at op-shop for $1.50 (half - price sale!)
    * used gift card we were given to pay some of cost of an electric mulcher (we have big garden and want to make more of our own mulch)
    * all meals made here at home. Made lemon slice for morning teas.
    * borrowed lots of books from the library:)

    Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

  3. Wendy, you had a frugally good week! I've worked on planting the garden, planted several more herbs, and started a sourdough bread starter. I chuckled when you said you found $1 in an abandoned trolley, we made $.50 when we returned two abandoned carts at Aldi's. Hey, it was $.50!!!

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Sorry to hear you were unwell but glad to hear you found a new fridge.

    This week I spent some time in the garden picking veggies and watering with the tank water. I also used the tank water for the washing machine. Had Easter at the in laws and just used chocolate blocks I had hidden for presents. I've been waking each day and using the exercise machines around the lake that I walk. When we were away for a couple of days over Easter, we took all our own food etc...

    I fixed a hole in DS2's school tracksuit pants and used the Thermos to store the boiled water from the kettle.
    I made 2 x Orange cakes , chocolate cake, pasta sauce x 2 meals, froze 2 meals from leftovers, stretched the milk by adding milk powder to it and made Moo Pasta sauce (like the Maggi pasta sauce packets) and cream of anything soup mix (as I ran out of tins of cream of chicken tin soup).

    Hope you enjoyed the movies.
    Hope you will post your shopping list and Menu plan,
    Blessings Maureen


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