
Saturday 13 May 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 13th May 2017

We had a couple of sunny days in Melbourne this week.  The lovely weather allowed me some much needed time in the garden to do a bit of tidying and planting.  Here's what i got up to this week -

*  Froze two single portions of leftovers.

*  Stretched a meatloaf for two meals by adding lots of steamed veggies to the plate.

*  Picked a few raspberries and feijoas from the garden.

*  Wrapped up all the gifts to be given throughout May.  I used discounted wrapping paper bought on Boxing Day and prettied up the present with strips of curtain netting.  I think they look lovely.

*  Used the dry mop to sweep the floors instead of the vacuum cleaner.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes a couple of nights instead of loading the dishwasher.

*  Dried most of the washing on the line or clothes horses.  I only used the dryer for sheets and work uniforms.

*  Kept the heater off when possible during the day.  I made sure the family room curtain was opened first thing in the morning to let the Sun heat up the room.

*  Gratefully received a few bread bags and used them to line the bathroom bin.

*  Replanted the broccoli seedlings I planted a few weeks ago.  Some of the seeds germinated right next to each other and some didn't come up at all.  I now have 19 broccoli plants evenly spaced out.

*  Fed the weeds to the chickens.

*  Fed the worm farm with kitchen scraps.

*  Spaced out four potato plants that have grown from potato eyes thrown in the garden.

Strawberry guavas

Princess enjoying the sun

Gift wrapping.

What was on your frugal list this week ? 


  1. Hi Wendy, I hope you had a great week. You always have a good frugal list. Our list this week is a bit longer than usual so we are pretty happy! This is what we got up to:
    * stocked up on babylove nappy pants. They were half price at woolies (saved $34) and even cheaper per nappy than the supermarket brands (saved an even further $14).
    - Stocked up on half price paper towels
    - Gratefully received a box of weetbix, baked beans and a packet of biscuits
    - used the heater as little as possible if at all
    - avoided using the dryer unless it was absolutely necessary
    - used a thermos to store boiling water for tea and coffee during the day.
    - lunches were all brought from home
    -All meals made from scratch
    - managed to get a soup starter kit (full of fresh veggies) for about 65 cents. This will make lots of vegetable soup which I will freeze and use for lunches and dinners.
    * the lights turned on at night time were kept to a minimum.
    I can't remember what else we did but this time of year for our family is when all the insurance and rego need to be paid so we try and stretch things a bit further. I hope you have a great week and happy mother's day for you tomorrow!

  2. I think your present wrapping looks lovely, Wendy! I'm not quite sure where the week has gone here, it's been a bit hectic. In amongst it were some frugal things:
    * our car has a brake fluid leak and instead of paying $1500 for part our mechanic has sourced one from wreckers for $250.
    * a lovely friend gave me a big bag of lemons and avocados from their trees
    * helped my son to make little beaded hearts, with materials we already had, to give to his Grandmothers on Mothers' Day. You put them into a potted plant as a decoration.
    * eating lots of spinach, mandarins, herbs and lettuce from our own garden ... (possum nibbled off every young leaf on our broccoli seedlings though:(
    * bought a dozen free range eggs for $5 from my son's school.

    Have a happy Mothers' Day tomorrow, Wendy. Hope it's a lovely Sunday.

  3. What a beautiful present, Wendy! Mine always look like I, um, tried.

    In addition to all of the usual frugal stuff, this was a blockbuster week for me:
    * Used a $10 coupon on a $10 purchase = free. (Always a very good price!).
    * Counted the change in my jar and added $27.81 to savings. I only started saving change found around the house in December.
    *Sold a weed trimmer for $95.
    *Gratefully received 2 pairs of capris for my daughter and 2 books for me from a generous friend.
    *Won a package of buns and a box of pasta in a supermarket game.
    *Saved a FORTUNE on a prescription by having it written for 90 days (instead of 30 days plus 2 refills) and having it filled at my insurance company's "preferred pharmacy."
    *We are having a rainy spring, but I was able to hang one load of wash outside this week.
    *I'm trying to start some shrubs from cuttings. Wish me luck!

    Love reading what everyone else is doing!

  4. It was a bit of a crazy week, but we managed a few frugal wins:
    -Sold a table that was left behind when we moved into our house. It was a cheapy Ikea table, but still, $5 in our pockets, & decluttering to boot
    -My husband is making me dinner tonight, instead of takeout or restaurant dinner for Mother's Day
    -Put together a gorgeous bouquet for the teachers for a special day at school, using some of the many roses we have at home
    -Filed a request for a refund for a camp. We had a change of plans, and the camp originally declined my request for a refund, but then went on to sell out & find other kids to attend. I provided feedback about the experience & how their change policy wasn't clearly stated. Received $600 back
    -Line dried the majority of our clothes
    -Made most meals at home (did have one splurge meal out, but used a coupon & it was reasonably priced)

  5. Ok people, can you be frugal and minimalist? x

  6. Here is what I have been up to-
    -closed the blinds as the sun drops to keep in as much heat as possible
    -hung all the washing on the clothes line even on one evening it was lightly sprinkling!
    -made lunches every day for the children and Hubby,
    -poured the leftover water in the drink bottles on our strawberry plants,
    -persisted with turning lights off and kept only 2-3 lights on during the evening,
    -left the bathroom exhaust fan off as well as the heat lights
    -used Eco mode on my washing machine
    -gave the dog the water from boiled vegetables (when cooled)
    -only filled the kettle with enough water for my cup of tea instead of filling it up to the Max line
    -kept the fire off during the day and only lit it once the house was closed up for the night,
    -shopped around for two books by Cath Armstrong to find the cheapest price secondhand,
    -continue to wash up by hand,
    -my daughter only ate half her sandwich one day at school so I kept the leftover in the fridge overnight and made a half sandwich the next day to add to it,
    -washed the dark clothes on the short wash to save on electricity,
    -bought four t-shirts at Suzanne Grae for a TOTAL of $20.00 cash,
    -bought three brand new long sleeve t-shirts at the local op shop plus a light weight woollen top (also brand new!) for a TOTAL of $10.00 cash.
    -Placed a blanket in the car for the children to use after swimming lessons so I can keep the heater off to conserve fuel,
    -downloaded the NRMA app for free to see where the cheapest fuel is for our cars,
    -gratefully accepted leftovers from Mum which has been recess for the children three days this week,
    -took in two baskets of ironing. Half the money went into our money box and I have kept the other half in my wallet for milk and the school Mother's Day Stall,
    -Explained to the children that most clothes they wear during the week can be worn more than once,
    -moved some furniture around the house to let in more light from the west to warm the house,
    -began my stockpile of rice, coffee beans and ham,
    -used the small television instead of the big screen

    Most weeks are more or less the same.

  7. Hello all
    I bought 12 kg of potatoes direct from the farmer for $1 a kg. Hung my washing on the clothes horses or outside line instead of visiting the laundromat dryers. Made all our meals at home. Made my present and card for my Aunty's birthday. Managed to pick up another bundle of face washers from the op shop (they are new) to make into presents. Used my fuel vouchers to fill the cars.
    Put the small change in the savings jar. Dropped more clothes off to the op shop. Started to declutter more of the house. Turned the heater off during the day. Tried to go to bed early to conserve my energy as well as our electricity usage.
    Have a truly abundant week peeps.


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