
Thursday 8 June 2017

Free School Holiday Ideas

School holiday are just around the corner and I'm sure you are wondering how you'll keep the kids entertained.  Winter holidays can be challenging when the weather prevents too much outdoor activity.  Here are some ideas that won't harm the family budget -

*  Visit your local library to borrow dvds and books.  If they are offering holiday activities you might need to book in advance to secure a spot.

*  Have a few friends over and hold movie party.  Organise a theme and have the kids dress up.  It could be a color theme or something to do with the movies they'll watch. Cook a bowl of pop corn ( kernels cost under $2 to buy if you don't have them ).  Ask the kids to bring a snack.

*  Get your kids in the kitchen to do some baking.  This is a fantastic opportunity to make lots of school snacks to freeze for next term.  Of course they can eat as they bake.  Muffins and biscuits are easy to make.  Freeze extra muffins and biscuit dough for future use.  Have a try of these recipes

Chocolate choc chip muffins

Peanut butter choc chip biscuits

*  Plant a pot of lettuce seeds,  grow a carrot top,  or dig in your garden shed for other veggie / flower seeds.  Eggs cartons,  ice cream containers,  old shoes,  tins,  buckets,  guttering,  eskys ( coolers ) and newspaper pots are all free and wonderful for starting a mini garden.

*  Dig out the Lego and build a town.

*  A change is as good as a holiday.  Rearrange your children's bedroom and ask them to help.  Update the pictures on the wall with free images on the internet or from an old book.  While you're at it,  sort out a drawer or two.  Ask your child what don't fit any more and pass them down to their sibling or donate.

*  Visit an op shop.  If your kids get pocket money,  make sure they bring it with them. They might find a toy they've been wanting or a dvd,  craft item or book.

*  Hold a board game day with competitions and prizes.  If you have a present cupboard I'm sure you'll find a few little bits and pieces to give as prizes.

*  Make a craft.  Have a look on Pinterest and gather supplies from around the home.  Makes some cardsgift tags,  book marks or something to frame.  Do you have any old fridge magnets advertising a business you don't need ?  Use this as the base and the kids could stick a craft to it.

*  Visit Grandma,  Grandpa or an Auntie if they are local.  If not,  visit a friend who has kids.  Bring a snack to share. 

Lego and Duplo
Making gift tags

Making cards with ribbon and wrapping paper pictures

Muffins for lunchbox snacks.


  1. I remember when the kids were a lot younger and the winter holidays were our favourite. Best memories of cosy days learning to knit and cross stitch, playing board games, rugging up and going for walks, baking, pyjama days, library visits and story time, making cubbies under the kitchen table with blankets, having play dates with friends.
    Now they're older we still love the holidays and our cosy home days. Lots of family time. Our kids are travelling up to my inlaws the second week of the holidays, the first week will be a day out in the city catching public transport, days at home, walks, baking. We still do these things however just need to juggle a bit more due to their other commitments.
    Great post Wendy.

  2. Some great ideas there Wendy! Picnics and the park (weather permitting!) is always a great day out too!


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