
Saturday 24 June 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 24th June 2017

This week has just flown by.  Every day I seemed to have a fair bit on but I'm grateful to have the energy to do it all.  Sunday was church then I spent 6 hours setting up my new blog shop.  Monday I was at work.  Tuesday I had a lovely day making cards with friends.  Wednesday we had waterproof grout put into the ensuite shower ( long story ).  This took about 3 1/2 hours which meant I couldn't do my usual cleaning tasks with fine dust flying around.  I spent the rest of the day wiping every surface in the ensuite.  Thursday  I did  the monthly food shopping then sorted out the pantry as I put things away.  Friday I was at work then came home and folded the washing and tidied up.  The following frugal tasks were slotted in when I had a few spare moments.

* Sold 1 dozen eggs

*  Sorted out the freezers to make sure I know exactly what I have on hand.  I've tried writing a contents list for each freezer but with four people digging in the freezers,  it was hard to keep them up to date.  I find regular tidy ups seem to work for me.  I always have a fair idea of what I have.

* Menu planned for the next 3 1/2 weeks.  After digging around the freezers, it seemed like a good time to write the next menu plan.  This will save me time thinking about what to cook next.  It also helps me use up bits and pieces.

*  Gratefully received lots of bread bags to reuse as bin liners.

*  Refilled all the foaming hand wash pumps around our home.  Made up a couple of bottles of the solution ready for next time.

*  Darren and I made salmon patties in bulk.  I used five tins of salmon, added the extra bits and pieces and ended up with about 60 patties.  Most were frozen in lots of 2 and 4.

*  Wrote out shopping lists until December.   As most of you know I stockpile extra groceries later in the year so I don't need to do a big shop during the Summer heat.  This year I've decided to balance it out.  For the next few months I'll stock up on toiletries,  cat goodies,  toilet paper and other paper / plastic products.  Later in the year I'll stockpile tinned goods,  pasta and other dried groceries.  November and December I''ll stock up on butter,  cheese,  sauces and dressings etc.

*  Spent most of the day on Tuesday making cards at Cath's place.  I used supplies I had on hand.  I'm hoping to add them to my new blog shop very shortly.

*  Made a container of seasoned bread crumbs from scratch.  I use dried bread crumbs I'd made out of  saved bread crusts.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses and the line.  just a few bits and pieces went into the dryer.

*  Did my monthly grocery shopping on Wednesday and stuck to the list.

*  Set up my new blog shop on Sunday.  I'm now selling vintage goods and handmade crafts with  cards coming shortly.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water for each next load.

*  Picked silverbeet from the garden to add to our spag bol sauce on Friday

*  Continued to use blankets to keep warm after the heater turns off at 9.30 pm each night.

*  Opened the family room curtains first thing in the morning when the Sun was shining.  It really does help to warm up the house.

Blankets to keep us warm

Making seasoned dried bread crumbs.

Saving the washing machine water

Monthly shop at Aldi and the fruit and veg shop.

How did you save money this week ?



  1. I bought 6 bottles of my regular dishwashing liquid because they were on a half price sale this week, that should last us the rest of the year.

    Despite working at paid employment for 4 days this week I managed to cook all meals from scratch, because of my weekly menu plan and shop! So no expensive takeaways!

  2. I've had a busy week, and you and I had one activity in common--I cleaned my freezer. I've been eating it down for a couple of months in anticipation of our move, and I didn't have to inventory it when I was done. I just open the door and there it all is!

    In addition to the usual frugal stuff, I did these un-usual things:
    (1) Did a lot of painting--the kind where it takes more time to get the stuff out and put away than to actually paint--and used the paint and tools I already had.
    (2) Picked the meat from the carcass of a turkey I roasted a few days earlier, and felt guilty about throwing the bones away without making stock. With an interim move coming up, I'll only have the freezer on top of the fridge.
    (3) Gratefully received 3 books from a friend.
    (4) DD has been on vacation with friends. With just DH here, and busy getting the house ready to sell, I didn't cook much. We did, however, eat everything in the fridge that wasn't nailed down. (Some odd combinations!). I made an excellent chicken salad with turkey and we ate it for dinner once and lunch twice.

    1. Maxine, do you go and look at your clean freezer? I do that every time I clean / sort my pantry or freezers.

  3. I need to find out more about this waterproof grout, Wendy. Our ensuite needs some work done with grout being the main issue. We celebrated a birthday here this week, had a big procedure done at the dentist to deal with a cracked tooth and my son is on school holidays. Here's my frugal list:
    * low key and no cost school holiday fun with playing at home, taking dog to park and visiting friends to kick footy with.
    * made orange and yoghurt cake with citrus received from a friend. I didn't have any icing sugar so I used Thermomix to make some from raw sugar I did have.
    * eating frozen meals like soup and lasagna from freezer, salads for lunch with lettuce, snow peas etc. from garden.
    * home-made chicken and snow pea stir fry for birthday dinner - snow peas from our garden
    * using blankets and winter doonas to keep warm at night. No heaters needed yet. Sleeping in on holidays too means warmer when we get up!
    * Grateful for the Private Health Insurance we have because we paid only about half of the cost for a crown on this cracked tooth.
    Have lovely weekend! Meg:)

    1. Hi Meg. The grout is a two part epoxy grout. It is very expensive to have installed at about $1000 per shower. If you can find someone to by it at trade prices they might charge you about $500 per shower. We are not paying for ours due to the bathroom renovation company not sealing our shower properly 2 1/2 years ago.

    2. Hi Wendy, just curious how did you prove that the shower wasn't sealed properly, because I suspect that is what is happening with ours, our door trims seem to be wicking up water as evidenced by brown staining and bubbled paint.

  4. I tried keeping a list of the freezer contents, too. It seemed to be more work trying to keep on top of it, as you mentioned.
    I'm amazed that you got 60 patties from five cans of salmon! Good going!

    1. I won't need to make salmon patties until the end of the year.

  5. Hi Wendy,

    This week I had a great week decluttering the house. I followed my menu plan and did a little bit of shopping mainly for the specials. I received an order for 11 of my cards also this week. I coloured my hair and cut my own fringe.

    I've had a lot of sickies (DS'S and DH) this week with colds so unexpected expenses there, but glad I'm healthy. Received Gas and Electricity bill this week and as the rate of the solar rebates have dropped, these were the first bills I've had to pay in years. Oh well, just have to save elsewhere.

    Had a great card making day last Saturday and also this week I received free bread, scones and cake.

    Good luck with your Blog shop and Wow what a lot of Patties.
    Have a great week, xxx

    1. 11 cards, that's so exciting Maureen. Well done to you xoxo

  6. Hi Wendy,i found some pitted dates while cleaning my food cupboard so i decided to make date pudding in muffin tins for dessert,i also made condensed milk and evaporated milk i never knew how easy it was to make so thats items off my shopping list,iam also going to do a batch of soy wax candles in tin cans covered with decorative card stock we had a friend come over just yesterday and cut down a tree that was dying we have tons of fire wood to get us by for a while good luck with your new blog shop.

    1. Hi Mel, that's wonderful to have the free firewood. I love the look of your candle holders too

  7. id like to know what youre recipie is for the salmon patties is

  8. Hi Wendy, Looks like you had a wonderful week.
    I have a few questions for you. I have a few travel mugs and they are really stained with tea inside. Any ideas on how to clean them up?
    I also wanted to know if you have ever done a blog on portion sizes? I know i have read Caths take on this. I just wonder if after dinner any of your family still feel hungry and if so do you have more to eat or is that generally it?
    Hope you have a lovely week.

    1. I'm not Wendy, but I know this one! Fill a mug with water and add a splash (one to 2 Tbs.) of liquid chlorine bleach. Let it soak, and the stains will wipe right off. Then pour the bleach water into the second mug, and so on. If you are impatient, you can soak them all in a sink full of soapy water with bleach added. White vinegar will also remove tea stains, but you have to use straight vinegar and scrub a little harder.

    2. You could try a teaspoon of sugar in a damp mug. Use your fingers or a scourer to remove the stains.

  9. Thanks Mike. Is the chlorine bleach bad though if you then use the cup after?


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