
Saturday 29 July 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 29th July 2017

We are very grateful for the many blessings that come our way.  Sometimes those blessings come to us as tangible items we can use in our everyday life.  Some days the blessings come as a word of encouragement for the way we live.  Daily we look at our bachyard and marvel at God's creative blessings in the form of plants,  fruits,  chickens,  grass and even the rain.  However you live you life,  there are many blessings to be grateful for.

Here's our frugal list for the week -

*  Gratefully received a bag of lemons from a cleaning client.  I'll been juicing them over the next few days.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Bought a few lamb specials at Tasman Butchers.  Lamb shanks were $5.99 for a pack of two.  I bought 6 packs and will ration them out as a treat.  I also bought two trays of lamb off cuts.  They were $5 a kilo with almost 2 kilos per tray.  I've cut the excess fat off and frozen the meat for future stews and chunky soups.

*  Turned the heater down to 19 degrees a few times especially when I was doing lots of housework.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water as usual

*  Cleaning the washing machine with Epsom salts as explained here. Hopefully this will keep my 4 year old washing machine in tip top condition.

*  Darren received three avocados from a friend.  Such a blessing he is very grateful for

*  Bought petrol at $1.10 per litre.  This is a very cheap price for Melbourne at the moment.

*  Made a litre of yoghurt from scratch.

*  Darren bought $2 t shirts reduced in Kmart.

*  Gratefully received some craft stamps and envelopes from a friend.

*  Sold a jar of jam. .

*  Gratefully received some young girls magazines in the mail from a blog  / Facebook reader.   Jessica will be able to use them in her pamper party business.  Thankyou so much Janine xoxo

*  Cooked all meals from scratch and stuck to the menu plan.

*  Used a 20% off discount to buy new ink pads,  stamps and papers to make more cards.  Stay tuned.  I'll b adding more stock to my blog shop shortly.

*  Used blankets,  closed the curtains early and turned a few light off when I could to reduce our power usage.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses and coat hanger in the showers.

It's lemon season

Lamb shank dinner

For the family.

My meat bargains

More lamb bargains

From a Bella Pamper Party last Saturday

Princess getting a blow dry on the heating duct 

It's a cat's life.

  What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Princess definitely knows how to keep warm, Wendy! We've not needed heaters or hot water bottles up here in Brisbane this week as the temperatures have been in the mid's more like Spring!!
    * made big pot of pea and ham soup and froze into portions
    * made own breadcrumbs from leftover crusts and added to meatballs
    * bought a blue top at op-shop...$3.
    * Filled up at cheapest petrol price $1.19 per L.
    * All washing dried in the abundant sunshine:)
    * Secured a discount on a new oven as mine finally decided it was
    * Packed a homemade lunch and went on a family picnic last Sunday.
    Have a lovely weekend! Meg:)

  2. Rebecca Finlayson29 July 2017 at 08:50

    Looks like Princess has the right idea!! Im glad you received more magazines...i lost count how many the girls dropped into the water!!
    I bought some really cheap strawberries, $1.99 500g. My 13 month old has eaten nearly half a punnet already!

    1. Yes strawberries are cheap right now. The magazines are a real blessing.

  3. Love the lamb find Wendy. What a great bargain! Lamb is my favourite meat. Have a couple of bags of lamb offcuts in the freezer too. So much flavour and deliciousness in the slow cooker.
    Princess looks very comfy on warming herself. One very happy kitty. :-)
    Up here in Brisbane so no heater or driers, and we have some ropes under the patio for wet weather clothes drying. So that helps with the power. Hubby is from Adelaide and still loves siting out the back in July with a beer.
    Have working on preparing my new veggie patch. Have spent three Sundays ripping up pavers and old timber square boxes so we can did into the earth and I can finally have a decent size patch. Its wonderful being out in the sunshine and the garden. Clears the head and feel refreshed and happy after the hard work put in. Its fenced off from our two fur boys as dogs love nothing more then fresh dirt to dig in. My Eddy loves to help himself to radishes and tomatoes, the cheeky boy.
    Grabbed some good 40% to 50% off meat and milk finds this week at the local IGA. I would never pay their regular prices. I go past there every Friday on the way home for work. Its like a treasure hunt every Friday night.
    Oh, and thank you for your lovely Honey Mustard Chicken recipe. Its a real hit in our house and we had it a few nights back with leftovers for lunches.
    Have a wonderful blessed week Wendy :-) Claire

    1. I'm glad you liked the honey mustard recipe. It's a favourite in our house.

      I'm glad you got out in the sunshine. I'm busting for Spring to arrive with some slightly warmer weather.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    We moved to a rural area a few hundred kms NW of Brisbane in December 2016. We don't have the variety of stores here but we do have Aldi within 30 mins drive. Since I now work full time I shop once a month on Saturday morning. It's a big job but worth it! I just pick up milk or whatever fruit/veges I need. Now fuel prices - the cheapest I found up here is $1.21L. A tankfulI lasts me a fortnight and costs about $46-$47. I only have a small car. I can' complain about the cost of fuel as it is offset by the mild weather. The lowest temperature has only been 7 degrees and that was only once. By this time last year in our old place we would have been through 2 tonne of wood by now. We haven't even lit our fire or turned on the aircon (heating)in our new house. The summer is another thing! We do use the aircon in summer. You miss out on some things but catch up in other ways. My husband is repainting the kitchen so there will not be much cooking this weekend. I have lots of freezer meals so we will be having those for a few days. All the washing is dried on the line in the sun. I have some curtains to be refurbished for our bedroom tomorrow. Phew, that's about it for me this weekend. Have a good week Wendy! Julee

    1. Petrol down hear is now about $1.05L. I'm hearing it's as cheap as 92cL in Sydney.

  5. Hi Wendy,
    Please give your recipe for lamb shanks.

  6. Hi Wendy,
    Do you do your makeup for everyday when you are at home?

    1. Yes, but I don't put as much on. I don't wear lippy unless I'm going out.

    2. It does make you feel a bit brighter doesn't it. My husband always remarks on it in a positive way which always makes me feel good.

  7. You had a great week, Wendy. We're still going back and forth between our house that is for sale and where we are living now, and that alone eliminates the opportunity for many frugal activities. We also left at the end of the week to visit my son in Wyoming for 4-1/2 days, and that wasn't frugal at all, LOL.

    However, early in the week I got blueberries for $3.77 per two pounds. I needed slightly more for jam, so I bought two packages and we ate the rest. I made a batch of cooked low-sugar jam that priced out at about $1.25 per cup for berries, pectin and sugar. I reused canning lids (most for the third time) and, once again, all of them sealed. I also poured boiling water through a couple of dish towels that got berry stains during the project, and the stains just melted away. I learned this from my mother, who learned it from her mother, who was born in 1875! It's a trick that's clearly been around for a long time...and has worked for me many, many times.

    I made bread crumbs in the blender with dried-out heels of bread. I never buy packaged breadcrumbs.

    That's all, folks, from Maxine in northern Idaho USA

    1. Maxine, I'm going to try the tea towel trick next time I make jam.

      I save all sort of glass jars and reuse them over and over again. If the lids don't pop down, it's no big deal because I know it's been sterilised.


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