
Thursday 24 August 2017

ANZAC Biscuits

As a newlywed Anzac biscuits was the first  home baking I attempted and mastered.  Darren and I have always enjoyed these biscuits but my memory of Anzacs goes back even further.  As a thirteen year old in a high school Home Economics class,  I baked a similar version.  The teacher scored our ANZAC slice on color and neatness and I came out top of the class with a 10 out of 10.

The Australian history of Anzacs dates back to  World War 1.  Although it is unlikely these biscuits were sent to the front lines for the soldiers to eat,  they were commonly eaten at galas,  fetes and other public events.  This is where they were sold to raise money to support the war effort.

1 cup of rolled oats
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup of plain flour
1/2 cup of desiccated coconut

125 g of butter
2 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of water
1/2 teaspoon of bi carb of soda

Combine oats,  flour,  sugar and coconut in a large bowl ( or a stand mixer ).
Place the butter,  honey and water into a glass jug and microwave on high for one minute until the butter has melted.
Add the bi carb of soda and stir until well combined. Add this to the dry mixture and combine well.
Place rounded teaspoons of mixture onto a greased baking tray and flatten with your fingers
Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes until golden
Lift from the trays when cool

Makes approximately 36 biscuits


*  I quite often double this mixture and freeze some dough for future baking.

*  The biscuits keep quite well in an airtight container for up to two weeks.  They will last longer but loose their freshness.

*  For chewy biscuits cook for 15 - 18 minutes.

*  A durable biscuit for travelling.


  1. Goodmorning Wendy,
    I love ANZAC biscuits, they are part of my childhood memories. Mum made countless trays of these totally delicious biscuits for our school lunches and we never got tired of them. I liked mine well done, almost to the point of being burnt! I still do also mums recipe used golden syrup but I have used either honey or golden syrup, what ever I have in the house at the time. Have a lovely day.

    1. I've certainly made countless trays over the years too.

  2. Yum! We love ANZACs, the family to eat and me because they're so easy to make, use things I always have in the pantry and aren't too expensive :)

    1. Cranberry Hootycreek biscuits run a very close second in Darren's eyes.

  3. These look great Wendy. I have made these in the past without sucess but the WW version uses golden syrup. Glad to be able to use honey as I don't normally keep golden syrup. Do you form into a log to freeze like your other recipes? Thanks :D Rachel

    1. That's the exact reason why I use honey. As a newlywed 22 years ago I didn't have golden syrup in the pantry. Yes I freeze the dough into logs.

  4. Sound yummy! 160 degrees C = 320 degrees F. What does the name ANZAC refer to? Just curious.

    1. It stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

    2. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

  5. How do you keep that nice plump shape once they cool down? I do let them cool on the tray before I place them onto a wire rack however they are always rather flat. Thanks, Kylie

  6. just cannot beat a good anzac biccie with a cuppa. Some old recipes will be around for ever I'm sure. How can something so plain-looking be so good!

    1. Yep, love an Anzac with a cup of tea. They just go together.

  7. Hello Wendy,

    I found that using brown sugar made all the difference to the texture and taste of Anzac biscuits. I never thought of trying honey though, must put that on my "to do" list.

    Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe.

    Love Tania xx

    1. I always have honey so it seemed easier to use it.

  8. I have made countless trays over the years too Wendy but am going to give this one a go. Mine never stay plump, so the brown sugar and honey sounds good. Btw, when I've made your your Cranberry Hootycreek biccies and took them into work one day, they were gone in minutes. They went down a treat. Thankyou for all your lovely recipes Wendy :-)

    Claire :-)


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