
Thursday 28 September 2017

Apple Sponge Dessert

This comforting dessert is a great way to use up a few wrinkly apples from the bottom of the fridge.  I prefer to use Granny Smith apples ( cooking apples ) for their tart flavour which is offset by the sugar and cinnamon.

2 - 3 Granny Smith apples
butter for greasing
2 teaspoons of sugar
cinnamon for dusting

! tablespoon of butter
1/4 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 cup of Self Raising flour
1/2 cup of milk  (approximately )

Peel, core and thinly slice the apples

Arrange the apples on the bottom of a greased pie dish.  The apples can be arranged up the sides a little but allow room at the top for the sponge batter.

Sprinkle the apples with cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

In a bowl mix the melted butter,  1/4 cup of sugar,  egg,  flour and milk until it forms a smooth,  slightly runny batter.

Pour the batter over the apples making sure they are all covered.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 - 40 minutes until golden on top.

Run a knife around the edges to loosen. Place a larger dinner plate on top of the pie dish and flip over so the dessert is now on the dinner plate.

Serve with cream or icecream ( or by itself ).

Serves 5 - 6.

The final product

Arranging the apples

Cinnamon and sugar added 

Adding thr sponge batter

Ready to flip

Ready to slice and eat.


  1. I love pretty much anything with apples in it! Sometimes, I get bags of apples that are discounted simply because they are not "perfect", are marked etc. There's nothing really wrong with them and I stew them up, with cinnamon (Isn't that a match made in heaven!) and freeze them. Thank you for sharing this recipe. Meg:)

  2. Thanks Wendy, sounds delicious. I'm going to make this tonight. Just a question- you have put ! for tablespoon of butter, is it 1 tablespoon of butter? Thanks again

    1. Yes it's one tablespoon although I don't usually measure it. I just put in a good knob of butter.

  3. I love apple sponge. Granny Smith really give it s good zing.

  4. A well balanced apple tea cakes needs no cream or ice cream. Best eaten fresh by itself with a cuppa. I remember my grandmother stating that it used to be impolite to serve cake with cream to visitors as the cream was only used to 'hide' the slight staleness of not-so-fresh cake! How times have changed.

  5. My mum used to make this when I was a child except it wasn't turned over - just left with the sponge on top. We used to have it with custard but I think I'd prefer ice cream now.

  6. Thanks for the recipe Wendy - very timely as I had 2 apples and a pear begging to be used. Very easy to mix and simple ingredients. Cooking in oven now and will be appreciated as dessert tonight.


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