
Saturday 16 September 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 16th September 2017

This week feels like it's been more productive than the last couple of weeks.  I'm now back at work,  made some cards and crafts,  had my card ladies over for a day of card making and did a monthly grocery shop.  Most of the usual housework got done with the help of Darren and i even had a chance to pull a few weeds.  Ahhh, the fresh air.  Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Sold four dozen eggs.  It looks like 3 of our 4 chicken are now laying again.  During Winter we were down to one chicken laying.

*  Gratefully received lots of card making supplies from a couple of friends.  I've already started using the new supplies to make more cards.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

* Did my monthly food shopping on Thursday and stuck to the list.  I've started stockpiling for Summer and the holiday season.  Because of the extra buying,  I need to be really careful to stick to the list so I don't over spend my grocery budget of $250 per month.

*  Froze 4 serves of chicken curry.  It was only the three of us home for dinner that night so thee was more than the usual leftovers.  If you're ever after a REALLY budget friendly meal,  chicken curry is certainly cheap to make.

*  Bought 2 trays of sausages marked down by 20%.  I've portioned them into meal sizes and frozen for Spring /Summer bbqs.

*  Recycled a gift bag for a gift  and gave a handmade card for a birthday.

* Fed new Spring grass,  weeds and bread crusts to the chickens.

*  Darren gratefully received three avocados from a friend.

*  Jessica made sugar biscuits for a party she went to.  She also made potato and leek soup to take to Uni for her lunch.

-  Turned lights off around the house.  Some night's Darren and I just had the light from the tv on.
-  Closed the ducted heating vent and doors to the girl's bedrooms when they weren't home.
-  Dried most of the clothes on coat hangers and clothes horses
-  Turned the standby lights off appliances when we finished using them.
-  Put lids on saucepans to reduce gas usage.
-  Closed the curtains when the sun went down ( or just before )
-  Boiled the kettle to make cuppas then used the rest of the water to wash the dishes.
-  Hand washed the dinner dishes when there wasn't enough for the dishwasher.

Flowers Megan bought me two weeks ago.  Still going strong.

Jessica's potato and leek soup.

A new card coming soon to my blog shop.

Christmas coffee up card.

How did you save money this week ?

1 comment:

  1. Have been enjoying your blog but regarding the Energy Saving Tips, these are what would've been normal life for me as a child in the early 1950s but obviously have to be re-learned by a later generation. We only ever had one light on in a room (OK, it was dull be we accepted that you didn't have umpteen lights blazing away and it was automatic to switch off a light as you left a room. I have always put lids on saucepans, but better still, I have a steamer and steam veg and you even boil the potatoes in the water in the bottom of the steamer. Similarly, we get up and switch the TV off when it's not in use. And having lined curtains that you draw as soon as it's dark is what one always did for in the days before double glazing, this was a necessity to stop wind whistling through the ill-fitting windows. Putting on a jumper or an extra blanket on the bed was also a necessity as few houses were centrally heated. It's pure luxury to us to be able to walk around our house in winter in a light jumper. But as you have found out, small measures save money (and the planet.) I celebrated my birthday last week and now have three lovely gift bags to re-use - a small thing, but small things add up.
    Margaret P


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