
Saturday 9 September 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 9th September 2017

Once again my frugal list is on the small side.  I've spent most of the week in bed or laying on the bed watching tv,  trying to rest and recover from the flu / illness / cold ( or whatever it is I have ).  Thankfully I'm on the mend and almost back to full strength.  Here's my frugal list for the week

*  Made four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.  I didn't have the strength to do it all on my own so I roped Jessica in to help me.  She did a great job.

*  Lined both bathroom bins with recycled bread bags.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher with bi carb,  white vinegar and Miracle Spray

*  Cleaned the kettle with citric acid.

*  Made a big pot of veggie soup using veggies we already had plus the stalks from an older cauliflower and broccoli.

*  Made up a container of French onion soup mix using a few packets plus ingredients I had on hand.  I use this mix for cooking roast beef in the slow cooker,  sausage casserole and as a seasoning.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash pumps with diluted shower gel.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water for each next load.

*  Made the most of the Lincraft 40% off sale and purchased a couple of shapes punches for my card making.  I also bought lots of tissue paper at 40% off for Jessica's pamper party business.  60 cents for 10 sheets is a fantastic price.  I cleared the shelf of pretty girly colors.

*  Darren and I made a trip to DFO Moorabbin on Friday.  There is a Kaisercraft clearance store there and they have 50% off storewide. I picked up some absolute bargains for my card making and a few presents that cost next to nothing.  I think I'll be heading back there in a few months to see if they have any new stock in.

*  Stayed home most of the week due to being unwell.  I made a good saving on petrol usage.

*  Sold a few crafts and card in my blog shop.  I also made a few new items with supplies I had on hand.

A pot of soup for recovery

Jessica's bread

New items for sale in my blog shop

Magnetic ladybug pegs

Magnetic flower pegs

All occasion greeting card / gift card holder

How did you save time,  money and energy this week ?


  1. The flu really knocks you around so I'm glad you are feeling better! Your little magnetic pegs are cute:) I worked 3 relief teaching days this week so some extra money coming in. We ate meals from freezer quite a few nights. I got a great bargain on strawberries and on eggs this week. I bought 6 punnets and 5 dozen eggs...we'll use that may eggs easily inside the use by date. I'm going to make a stack of mini quiches for the freezer. I bought two heavily discounted bags of marked apples and stewed up all those to put in freezer. This morning, I am taking some leeks and a lettuce from my garden to swap with a neighbour for some mulberries and limes from his trees. A great trade! Meg:)

    1. I'm glad you got the extra work Meg. Eggs will last about 6 weeks past their best before date if you keep them in the fridge.

  2. Hi Wendy,
    Glad you are on the mend. Your list is great considering you've been sick.!!
    We had a good week here. The weather has been lovely so all mattress protectors, doonas and linens have been washed and dried in the sun. I took advantage of half price Omo at Coles. I like the home made powder but the whites turned grey. I can't bleach as the school shirts have tartan edges:(
    Took my lunch to work each day.
    Cooked all meals from scratch. Froze leftovers for future meals.
    Refilled soap pumps with diluted liquid soap.
    Baked brownies and m&m bikkies for snacks
    Trying to recycle and reuse as much as we can.
    Have a lovely week.
    Rachel :)

    1. Rachel, I can't wait for proper washing weather.

  3. Did you go to Savers at Moorabbin as well ?

    1. I didn't know there was one there. We were limited for time so next time we go we'll check out that Savers.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Can you do a blog post on Veggies & fruits that are cheaper on each season , please.

  5. Hi Wendy,
    I'm glad to hear that you are getting better. That soup looks delicious and just what you needed to help recover. The lady bug pegs looks really lovely. Here's what we got up to this week:
    - started grating laundry soap to make laundry powder
    - received free $20 at coles to spend. There was a promotion from flybuys, so we split our monthly shop over two weeks but it was worth it. I have plans for that $20!
    - made meals from scratch and took lunches from home as much as possible
    - picked kale and made kale chips
    - the lovely weather lately means the dryer hasn't been touched this week
    - invited family over for dinner as opposed to going out
    - bought steak for $9/kg in bulk. We have enough to last us a good while!
    - cut up a cereal box and placed squares between steaks so that they don't stick to each other in the freezer.
    - longer days means light switches are on for a bit less at nightime and mornings
    I can't remember anything else we did as it's been a very busy week. I hope you make a full recovery soon


  6. Dear Wendy, I hope you are feeling better. The flu has been nasty this season. That's a great list considering you weren't well, and well done to Jessica on the bread. It looks great. Love, Mimi xxx

  7. As Mimi said you have done well considering you have been unwell. I had the flu too so take it easy as it can take some time to recover. You don't want to catch another flu which is what has happened to a few people.


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