
Thursday 5 October 2017

DIY Carpet Deodoriser

Back in the days when my girls were little and our carpets were heavily used,  I bought the carpet deodoriser powders ( it that what they're called ? ).  I loved the way my carpet smelled after using it,  but didn't like the price tag that came with it.

It got me thinking about a way to make it myself.  I knew bi carb was great for absorbing odours and I loved the fragrance of a few essential oils I used in oil burners.  So I put two and two together and came up with my own carpet deodoriser.

1 cup of bi carb of soda .
10 - 12 drops of essential oil
small bowl,
medium / large salt shaker
cling wrap or a small plastic bag

Mix the bi carb and essential oil together in a small bowl.  Use the whisk until well blended.

Spoon the mixture into the salt shaker and cover the holes with cling wrap or a plastic bag

Let the mixture sit over night for the bi carb to absorb the oil fragrance.

Sprinkle over your carpets where needed and let it sit for at least 1/2 hour.

Vacuum up and enjoy the lovely fragrance.


*  I only make up what I need to use.  I don't make big batches because essential oil fragrance can change when left over time.  You'll lose the beautiful top notes and be left with a not so nice smell.

*  Bi carb can be bought in bulk from herb and spice shops, cleaning wholesalers or pool shops.  It's also known as ph Buffer from pool shops and is only safe to use in cleaning or in pools. In other words,  not for baking.


  1. Hi Wendy,

    Funny you should write about this as i only made up a batch last week and it's lovely on the carpets.


  2. Wendy I use this on my micro suede recliners and on the mattresses. It is so quick and easy to use. Don't make my mistake and have the ceiling fans on when you're shaking this mix onto an item. It takes weeks to finally get all the bicarb powder off everything.

    1. Oh dear Jane. I can imagine it went everywhere.

  3. I remember those carpet deodorisers. Thanks for this fantastic idea.

  4. So, for us in the States, is the bi carb what is sold here as baking soda?

    1. Yes it is Pat. Try to source it from different places other than the supermarket. You'll save quite a few dollars by doing this.

  5. I have done this for years with very good results. A used, clean Parmesan cheese container works great for a shaker, too!


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