
Saturday 14 October 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 14th October 2017

Gosh,  I've had a busy week.  I started off my week by making lots of things from scratch.  Then I became super busy reorganising my blog shop into categories and uploading lots of new items to sell.  Our Spring / Summer veggie garden was planted and more weed pulling was achieved.  Here's what else I got up to -

*  Made 2 x 600 ml bottles of diluted Dynamo laundry liquid.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Gratefully received a top and skirt from Jessica when she was cleaning out her wardrobe.  YAY for a  daughter who is the same size as me.

*  Made lots of pita chips for snacks.

*  Made two bottles of double strength Miracle Spray.

*  Made a quadruple batch of laundry powder.

*  Dried most of  the washing on the line.

*  Ate out of the freezer for most meals.  I'm trying to make room in the freezers for legs of lamb which are starting to come down in price.

*  Only bought milk from the shops. 

*  Planted lettuce,  tomatoes,  cucumber and beans in the veggie garden.

*  Sold three dozen eggs.

*  Sold some crafts in my blog shop.

*  Hand washed the dishes most days.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load. 

*  Bought corned silverside for $5.99kg.

*  Froze two singles serves of leftover tuna pasta bake.

*  Gratefully received a bread stick from a friend.  I turned it into mini garlic breads and froze them to go with meals in the future.

Cucumber seedling

Tomato seedling

Peaches growing

Christmas Hand towel for sale in the shop

Christmas coffee cup card for sale in the shop.

Christmas decorations for sale in the shop.

How frugal was your week ?  Did you get lots of tasks done ?


  1. That's a long list, Wendy. No wonder you've felt busy! The cherry toms, cucumbers and lettuce in our garden are growing well. I'm growing cherry toms and Lebanese cucumbers. Both do well here. My most frugal thing this week was the haircut my lovely husband did for me, saves more than $50 each time. My hair is long, wavy and messy and so no-one can tell the difference! Meg:)

    1. Meg, home haircuts save a small fortune. I cut my girl's hair and they sometimes cut mine when it gets too long.

  2. I caught up on a lot of gardening jobs this week.

    Hubby built me a super sized compost bay, we spent a bit of money on shade cloth for it, but the rest of the material we had on hand, this will save money in the long term, because as we create our own compost, we won't have to buy it.

    I also repotted a Frangipani that I struck from a cutting, and repotted a few other tube stock plants, so much cheaper to buy them small and grow them up at home.

    1. It sounds like you had a very productive week in the garden Cheryl. Home composting does save a lot of money. We have two bins and they have more than paid for themselves.

  3. Hi Wendy,

    Your cards and Christmas decorations look great.

    This week I made bread and yogurt. I got the Silverside at IGA for $5.99 kg and were blessed to receive Bread, cake, Hot x buns and Lemons. I used from the garden lettuce and planted Tomatoes you suggested and got 7 seedlings in the punnet (normally 6).

    Used the washing machine water for the next load, DH did maintenance around the house and this cost nothing. I walked to the library to pick up DVD's for the weekend for us to watch.

    Have a great week.


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