
Saturday 28 October 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 28th October 2017

This week I've spent time getting some Christmas shopping done.  I've almost finished with just 3 presents left to buy and the Christmas stocking to fill ( I've made a start on them too ). There's what else I've been up to -

*  Gratefully received a bag of home grown oranges and a few branches of bay leaves.  These came from a customer at the Café Darren works at.

*  Ate straight out of the freezer most nights.  I'm gradually making room for the legs of lamb coming on sale.  The bonus is we didn't spend any money to eat each night other than the usual grocery budget.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to use on the fruit trees.  On the days it rain the shower water was poured into the washing machine.

*  Gratefully received two fuel dockets in the mail from blog reader Tania.  Thankyou so much for the blessing.

*  Planted more beans seeds in the veggie garden.

*  Fed lots of grass and clover to the chickens.  They absolutely love it.

*  Dried all the washing on clothes horses and the line.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes most nights instead of using the dish washer.

*  Refilled the dish washing liquid bottle and diluted it by about 30 - 40 %

*  Sold a few craft items.

*  Sold three dozen eggs.

*  Gratefully received two bags of mushrooms from a friend.  We enjoyed some with meatloaf and gravy for dinner one night.

*  Stayed away from the supermarkets and Darren popped in just to get milk.

*  Made lots of raspberry and milk chocolate muffins for snacks. I've frozen most of them for the family to take to work.

Loganberry flowers

Cherries growing

Princess loves to help Darren do a workout

Lift those paws Princess.

On top of the compost bin waiting for the birdies to fly over.

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Hi Wendy thankyou for all the frugal tips you post, I love reading them. You posted that you fed clover and grass to your chickens, are they clippings from the mower or is that not safe to feed them? Would it be possible for you to for you to tell us how you have your chickens set up and what they eat etc. I have wanted to get some for years but I'm worried I don't know enough. I don't want to upset my neighbours or encourage mice! Thanks again for all the fantastic info.

    1. I usually pick the fresh Spring grass and clover for them. Darren also empties the lawn clippings into the chicken run. they don't usually eat those clippings but scratch away in them.

      I'll write a chicken post next year.

    2. Thankyou so much, cant't wait to read it!

  2. You had a great frugal week Wendy!

    Getting your Christmas shopping almost done is quite an achievement. I haven't even thought that far ahead yet, but I think I might have to get moving as Christmas has a habit of sneaking up on me :)

    Love how your garden is looking and your princess is so cute! I love how cats like to be part of everything...they are real busy bodies lol!

    Thank you for sharing your week,


    1. I shop all year round for Christmas to get the bargains. November and December tend to be quite busy for us in the lead up to our church's community day which Daren organises.

      Yes Love cats too. Princess really does love to be a part of everything. She smooches visitors that come and has been known to smooch camera crew's equipment when filming is going on. Funny to watch.

  3. That's a good spot Princess has there for watching passing birds! I had a busy week with some relief teaching work & appoiintments but was happy to manage a few frugal things:
    * finished sewing a wrap skirt using fabric from my stash.
    * found a top (to go with skirt) at op-shop for $3. Also got a light collared shirt for my son there for $1.50. Nice and cool for Summer.
    * Picked lettuce and first cucumbers from the garden.
    * Made a lemon crumble slice for school morning teas.
    * Filled up at cheapest price I could find for fuel. Saved 10c per L.
    Have lovely weekend. Meg:)

    1. I'm glad you are getting the work Meg. A great saving on the clothes and well done for making the skirt.

  4. Sounds like a very productive week! Your kitty is so pretty!

  5. Great list Wendy. I'm always amazed by the food you grow and that you keep chickens too! I'm slowly winning the war on my food budget thanks to your posts and blog. Thank you for sharing your weekly posts, tips and recipes. I saw you on ACA and have read your blog ever since. It has made a big difference to our family's budget and our view on finances. I think we should ask ACA to do another "A Very Wendy Christmas". I believe more and more families are wanting to stretch that all important dollar further! Especially as Christmas is fast approaching. Thanks so much. Rachel :)

  6. I wish I could say I'm almost organised for Christmas! Have made a start but have a fair way to go. How many chickens do you have, Wendy? We only have 2 and still need to buy eggs. I'd love to have enough eggs to share with family and friends. I'm guessing I'd need about 6 to have enough to for us plus some to share. Your weeks are always very productive!


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