
Saturday 25 November 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 25th November 2017

Only 31 more sleeps until Christmas.  The presents are all wrapped and under the tree.  Darren and I just need to finish making our Christmas cards which need a little decorating.  The calendar is starting to fill up with events and i'm surprisingly calm about it all.  Maybe it's the forward planning that's putting my mind at ease.

As you read this post today,  our church is holding it's big Community Day where we give out 200 food  hampers,  close to 1000 toys and offer a free sausage sizzle and rides to those in need.  Please pray for Darren today for strength, endurance and good health.  He works hard all year to get this event ready to bless others.

Here's our frugal list for the week -

*  Sold three dozen eggs.

*  Picked lettuce from the garden for two meals.

*  Started picking Loganberries for the first time.  I'm not sure if we'll like eating them fresh so I've been freezing them to make jam.

*  Sold a few cards and gifts in my blog shop.

*  Gratefully received lots of bread bags.  These will be used to wrap food for the freezer and to use as bin liners.

*  Bought a few chocolate treats at half price for our Christmas stockings.

*  Bought kitchen scourers for $1.00 a packet in Bunnings.  They had a few shopping trolleys with bargains at the end of the aisles.

*  Darren redeemed our Velocity points for a $100 Myer gift card.

*  I won a set of reindeer biscuit / cookie cutters in a competition.  I'll post photos when they arrive in the mail.

*  Made two sets of angels and wreaths for a customer order.

*  Combined a few errands in one trip to save on petrol which is very expensive at the moment.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and poured some on our hydrangeas bushes.  The rest of the saved  water was poured into the washing machine.

*  Recycled a few gift bags,  tissue paper and shoe boxes found in one of my daughter's room.

*  Received a voucher for a free sub meal at Subway.

*  Went to DFO Moorabbin with a group of friends to visit the Kaisercraft store ( card making supplies ) .  I used a gift card Jessica gave me for my birthday to buy heavily discounted supplies.  I also purchased a gift for my 2019 present list that was well under budget.

*  Turned standby lights off where possible.  Applied the two light rule most of the time.  Saved the washing machine rinse water for each next load.

Angel decorations for a customer order

Feijoa flowers



Mango tree in flower with little mangoes growing

Please visit my blog shop for teacher presents,  Kris Kringle presents or handmade greeting cards and gift card holders.  All are uniquely made and sure to delight your friends and family.

Magnetic pegs

Gift card holder

Hand towel and face washer set

Christmas tree decorations.

What was on your frugal list for the week ?



  1. I'm sure your hampers and toys and food will be really appreciated by those who come to the Community Day, Wendy. What a lovely thing to do for other people Xxx. We had friends over for dinner last night so I made crumbed some chicken, made two potato bakes and a big garden salad. I already had the chicken so I just blitzed up breadcrumbs from crusts I save. Potatoes needed using up and the lettuce and cucumber in the salad came from our garden. Our guests brought ice-cream for dessert so we had that with strawberries. Meg:)

    1. Thankyou for your kind words Meg.

      Your dinner sounds delicious. Real home coking.

  2. Great job on your savings every little bit helps.

  3. It is good to hear that your church is not self-serving but actually doing some practical good for your community - I wish ours was like that.

    1. Hi Phil. Darren and I have always ministered at churches that help the community. Maybe you could suggest it to the pastor and contact the Salvos and Foodbank for donations.


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