
Saturday 2 December 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 2nd December 2017

The warm weather has continued this week.  We've tried to be wise with our water usage in the home and around the garden.  Thankfully we received lots of rain early in the week allowing us to take a few days off from watering our veggie garden and fruit trees.

Last Saturday's Community Helping Hand Day went really well.  Although we thought we wouldn't have enough toys to give out,  we ended up with plenty and some leftovers. As a church we are very grateful for the opportunity  to bless those in need.   It took about 4 days for Darren to recover and to start feeling like himself again.

Here's how we saved money this week -

*  Gratefully received a $100 gift card as compensation for the food we lost when our fridge / freezer played up.

*  Picked lettuce for a few salad dinners.

*  Made a batch of homemade soap.  Some will be for gifts and the rest we'll use ourselves.

*  Dried all the washing on clothes horses out in the sun or on the line.

*  Picked Loganberries each day and froze them.

*  Both Darren and I made the most of the Black Friday sales and gift cards to purchase a few items of clothes we needed.

*  Made a 2 litre bottle of double strength Miracle Spray.

*  Refilled all the foaming hand wash pumps with diluted shower gel.  I know it sounds like I do this every few weeks but we do wash our hands a fair bit due to all the work we do around our home.  We also stay fairly healthy by washing our hands on a regular basis.

*  Kept the curtains closed on warmer days.  I only turned the cooling on late in the afternoon.

*  Ate a couple of meals of leftovers from the freezer on nights it was just Darren and I at home.

*  Gratefully received the biscuit / cookie cutters I won.  Now to do some baking.

*  Poured the shower warm up water on a few plants in the garden.

*  Darren found three shirts ( some were good brands ) and a new pair of jeans at Savers op shop.  He also used his student card to get 20% off.

Darren loves his reindeer decorations

Princess guarding Darren's cherry tree from the birdies

The cookie cutter prize I won

Making soap

A few photos form last Saturday's Community helping hand day

What was on your frugal list this week ?

How are your Christmas preparations going ?


  1. I love that photo of your Princess protecting that tree from the birds:) We are heading off on a holiday later today so most of the week was end of school year stuff and holiday preparations. Here's my list:
    * handmade felt doves for teachers' gifts using materials I already had. Used little brown paper bags, hole punched at top and with a rescued ribbon tie for wrapping. My son wrote teachers' names in swirly pen on these bags instead of making or buying tags.
    * baked biscuits and banana cake & froze them for holiday snacks
    * turned lots of gifted bananas into banana cake :)
    * Picking lettuce, cucumber and cherry toms from garden and will take with us as first few nights away salads. Neighbour gave us extra cucumbers too :)
    * Posted xmas parcels to my family, who live far away, to avoid having to pay express post costs later in the month
    * Wrapped one gift in an old calendar page and another two in reusable calico bags. Made two tags with woven stars just using old cardboard and some crochet cottons.
    * filled car at cheapest petrol price I could find - ready to go!
    Anyway, off to finish the packing! Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

  2. Dear Wendy , you have had a great week you had , princess looks so sweet guarding the trees, I love your photos.
    This week I have:
    Shopped at the spotlight sales to do up my bedroom,it's well on the way to looking beautiful again. I used a $40 off voucher when you spend over a $100 , I also bought some sales items I got everything I need to be comfortable when I am sleeping . All up I saved over $200 which will pay for my groceries for nearly a month.
    I have de cluttered my unit a lot, finally nearly finished setting up my new kitchen, I also wrapped some Christmas gifts using paper I bought on sale about 3 years ago.
    Another thing I did was make some Christmas and birthday cards , I have packaged up some cards in bags a friend sent me and will send them to a friend who loves writing cards and letters but has no local family, we write to each other now and then.
    What else, oh yes I have hung some washing on the line instead of using the dryer all the time.
    I saved on taxi fares by getting my care worker to take me to the local shops yesterday and we went for a drive to the local bay and talked and watched the water , I had a cuppa when I got home saving me money .iwas blessed with a very special gift from a friend It's been a great frugal week. I hope you have a great weekend Wendy and that next week is another good frugal week for all of us.
    Love Barb W.


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