
Saturday 10 March 2018

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 10th March 2018

This week just flashed before my eyes.  I worked four days,  hosted an engagement party planning afternoon tea with Eugene's family,  made more invitations,  wrote lists and kept the home tidy.  Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Gratefully received a big bag of beans.

*  Sold 8 jars of jam and 3 bars of handmade soap to a friend.

*  Gratefully received some tomatoes,  a zucchini,  a cucumber and glass jars from another friend.

*  Saved the shower water for the washing machine.  Saved the washing machine rinse water for the next load.  This week I only needed to do three loads of washing.

*  Picked beans and raspberries from the garden.

*  Found some artificial flowers super cheap in an op shop.  These will be used as part of the decorations for Jessica and Eugene's wedding.

*  Only bought milk,  lettuce and mushrooms from the shops.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch.  Froze leftovers when possible.

*  Cleaned the inside of the kettle with citric acid.

*  Gratefully received lots of bread bags.  Most of them were used to line the bathroom bins.  I put five bread bags in at a time so I don't have to do it each week.

*  Sold two dozen eggs.

*  Picked up more cleaning work to start in a few week's time.  I'll be roping Darren in to help me due to some of the jobs being big ones.

*  Made a deliberate effort to use what we already have in the pantry,  fridge and freezers.  That's why my shopping list had three items on it this week.

* Finished using a lipstick by digging down to the very bottom. By doing this I've doubled the life of the lipstick and saved about $8.

*  Jessica and I picked up about 20 freebie pouches of yoghurt when we were at the shops.  The staff handing them out gave us handfuls at a time.

*  Made a big batch of scones for the planning meeting.

Op shop find for $`1.99

Freebie yoghurt from the shops.

Bread bag bin liners

Scones for the planning meeting.

There was a great response to the ' Use It Up '  Challenge posted on Wednesday.  Will you join the challenge and save some money ?

How did you save money this week ?


  1. Sounds like a very productive week and getting an extra cleaning job to top it off. The flowers you found look lovely we used lots of artificial flowers in recycled glass jars at my wedding. We just bought 2 bunches of fresh ones on the day and scattered them amongst the artificial ones it looked lovely.
    Have a lovely week

  2. You have had a very full week, Wendy. The artificial flowers you found look lovely. What a happy event to be planning for. I worked two days this week and in between that did some frugal things:
    * filled up car when petrol price finally came down (somewhat)
    * froze lots of ripe bananas and made choc-chip/banana muffins too.
    * booked an AirBNB for a overnight stay at beach that is much cheaper than
    * taking mostly own food for weekend at beach, just be buying dinner
    * made omelettes and stif-fry meals during week to use up what was in crisper
    * used some art materials I had here for simple sewing project I am doing with
    a class I teach sometimes.
    * divided & potted up cardamon ginger to give as a gift later in year.
    Have a lovely weekend! Meg:)

  3. It is exciting to be planning an engagement party! I also have a daughter engaged, the wedding is in October. It is a wonderful time.
    I was late to the use it up challenge but am here now! I used up two cake mixes from the pantry, tea bags and coffee from my long term storage cellar, also laundry powder, toilet paper.... I am rotating supplies. Also I made a big batch of miracle cleaner and emptied a packet of washing soda and a bottle of vinegar. This weekend I will do some more. Have a good weekend! xxx

  4. I can relate to being busy. I now travel 44 kms (88Kms round trip) to work 3 -4 days a week and so I am trying to grab fuel when I see it cheap which in the country is not often. I had a major find in an op shop too. I found a wooden jewellery box and 3 photo frames on a bric a brac table and all up it cost me $1! (25c each). The Jewellery box is a present for a 10 year old.
    I was gifted some tomatoes which will be cooked up for future use in spag sauce saving me a bit. I am also making relish. Shopping from the pantry before going to the shops, dried all washing on the clothes line and used the shower water on my plants. I lost a couple due to the dryness, so hopefully the rest will survive. With floods in the north and fires in the south please stay safe.
    Have a blessed week peeps

  5. This week I organized my pantry closet and put all the items that were close to use by date in one area. I added these items to my menu plan to use them up. The spam was not a hit but the sloppy joe sauce was. It was really helpful for future planning to see what we go through quickly and what sits on the shelf until it is bad i.e. tuna never gets eaten but canned chicken does. Also, I didn't know that we had over a dozen cans of black olives so no more buying those until Christmas. This week we will do the same organize, take stock, and eat up close to pull date out of the deep freeze. Today is a beautiful cool Spring day here ( Washington State, USA) I hope you all have a beautiful day too!

  6. You are doing so well, I just love all your money savings, they so inspire me.

  7. It's great if you can get extra cleaning jobs and get jobs for your husband, too. It sounds like a great solution to him getting more hours--one way or another:)

    You got some great things from the thrift shop--those flowers are beautiful.

  8. Tasks to save money this week include:
    * Taking my lunch every day to work
    * Cooked all meals from scratch or freezer
    * Spent today cooking, 4 batches of muffins for lunches etc, two batches of yogurt, 2 pizzas from scratch (one for the freezer), breadcrumbs from crusts
    * Spent $2 on a plain white blouse at Target. I it in a little bit in the sides as it was a size bigger than I take, sewed some pintucks and some broderie anglaise lace on the front. It will be good for work with the 2 pairs of black slacks I was gifted with during the week.
    * A neighbour gave me a cucumber which I will use for a salad
    * Did my first set of acrylic nails on myself - I paid $120 for the acrylic nail stuff and with the 3 lots of refills and the redo of the nails yesterday it has now paid for itself!
    * Didn't spend any money at all last week except for the $2 blouse.

  9. This week I was able to dehydrate another 10 pounds of fresh green beans that I was given!

    At the same Produce market, they gave me a bushel box filled with red sails lettuce bunches for my chickens and 4 big bags (with 5 bags each inside of the big bags ) of green onions.

    I put 5 green onions in a glass yogurt container with water to become an “everlasting” source of green onions in my kitchen. I planted the rest (after cutting most of their green tops off) into my raised bed gardens outside. Even though we had a dusting of snow in the days after planting,they should make it through which will give me about 100 green onions this year!

    My 8 chickens continue to give me about 4 dozen eggs a week so I sold 4 dozen from my reserve for $10. this week!

    I got a 25 pound box of tomatoes for $5 and we are enjoying them in salads and in some of our meals. Any extras as the week progresses will be diced and canned for my pantry! I find that when I can them as diced tomatoes, I can convert them to salsa, sweet and sour sauce, Rotel, etc when I need to at a later time!

    In keeping with your Use it Up challenge, I made a new lap size quilt top from scraps. Funny that it didn’t seem to diminish the volume of scraps I have!!

    Took more of my plain yogurt and made a quart of strawberry yogurt and a quart of caramel apple yogurt which also used up some of my fruit spread and jam. This will be a nice breakfast or snack.

    I took 20 minutes the other morning and made up 12 ham,egg,cheese McMuffins and 12 lemon poppyseed muffins to fill up our breakfast-to-go container!

    Another $200 came in for a quilt I made so, after tithing, I took half of the remainder and paid down a debt and the other half went into our savings account!

    It’s fun to see how little bits really add up!
    I’m hoping that Spring is just around the corner!

  10. Cashed in $40 in cash and gift cards this week


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