
Saturday 7 April 2018

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 7th April 2018

Darren,  Jessica and myself had a lovely weekend in Bendigo over Easter. The weather was just perfect,  the Bendigo Easter parade was amazing and we picked up a few bargains around town.  We also caught up with family and friends and spent some much needed time relaxing.

This mini holiday was a year in the making ( or planning ) which gave me lots of time to save for it.  I'm sure half the fun is in the planning and dreaming.

Due to our time away my frugal list is a bit on the short side this week.  I'm hoping your frugal lists will inspire me to get more done next week.

*  Used our thermos and ate home baking for a morning tea pit stop on our way up to Bendigo.

*  Bought lots of Lindt chocolate bunnies on sale in Kmart on Easter Monday for $2 each.  This is the cheapest I've ever seen them.  I bought enough for birthdays,  Christmas and Easter next year.

*  Took water bottles wherever we visited around Bendigo.  This saved us about $36 over the four days away.

*  Filled up and kept topping up my car with cheap petrol in Bendigo.  It was $1.18 per litre while Melbourne's prices were still around $1.47 per litre.

*  We took rolls for lunch and spag bol for dinner on the first day.  The second night we made pita bread pizza with items from our pantry and fridge.  Our snacks were homemade chocolate cake, homemade cranberry hootycreek biscuits and chips and chocolate from home.

*  Found some engagement party / wedding decorations in a shop called Provincial Home Living.  They are the wooden letters that is the latest trend.  We found them on clearance for $1 each and bought ' E ',  ' & ' and an  ' U ' which we'll turn into a ' J '.  The $1 price is a better price  than the discount shops.

*  Planted silverbeet seedlings in the garden.

*  Dried all washing on the line or clothes horses.

*  Stuck to the two light rule.  Turned off standby lights and power boards.

*  Saved the washing machine water and shower warm up water.

*  Froze dinner  leftovers.

*  Sold two dozen eggs and three jars of jam.

Around the home.

Tea time anyone ?

Free range eggs from home.

How did you celebrate Easter in your home ?

Were you still frugal during the holiday ?

Did you pick up any post Easter bargains ?


  1. That doesn't seem like a short list to me, Wendy! You got some bargains in Bendigo. We had a very quiet Easter here, a trip to a local Farmers Market on Sunday morning being the only outing. We had a lovely Easter lunch with family, all homemade including roasted chicken, salads & the cheesecake. Here's my list:
    * picked last cucumber and handful of cherry toms from wicking barrels. Salad!
    * used wraps I had frozen in freezer for chicken fajitas + pumpkin soup meals from freezer too. Made a chicken and veg pie from leftover roast chicken too.
    * used things from my present box to put together a gift.
    * received a whole bag full of limes from gardener down the road; froze juice in ice cube trays and will make a lime and yoghurt cake for family gathering on Sunday.
    * borrowed lots of books from library (my son found some he wanted to read over his school holidays too). Watched dvd instead of going to movies.
    * chopped abundant lemongrass and used strappy leaves as mulch in garden. No cost!
    * cut out pieces for two lined pencil-type cases from material scraps, they will be gifts when I sew them up.
    * re-organised lounge area and set it up so power cords for tv & dvd much more accessible so easily turned off when not in use. (Before, you had to try and reach around a very large and heavy cupboard!)
    * only half-filled car with fuel, trying to buy as little as possible at these elevated prices.
    * dried washing on racks under verandah as it's been showery all week.
    Today, I will go to little city farm nursery and choose a few more veg seedlings. The lettuce and chard I put in two weeks ago are growing well. Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

    1. Great job on sorting out the power cords. We can't reach the power point for the lounge tv because it's at the back of a large tv unit.

  2. We had a very quiet holiday at home. I bought nothing new for dinner. The ham and all the fixings came from our stock. I had a look for after-holiday chocolates but they were all gone by the time I got to the store. I did find one, lone silicone flower to use for a soap mold. It was 74cents, a bargain!
    Your trip sounds lovely!

    1. The soap mould is a bargain. Well done on the find.

  3. Easter got a bit sidelined by life this year. My beloved presented me with a huge Lindt bunny at Woollies and I gave him a thank you hug and put Mr.Rabbit right back on the shelf ...he thought I had broken our joint promise about no chocolate this year when I pranked him with an empty Easter Egg on April Fools! We had a good laugh. Heather XXX

  4. Your pictures are beautiful. Is that white tall item a lantern in the first picture? It's lovely.

    1. Yes it is Belinda. I found it in Target about 3 or 4 years ago.

    2. Target has some of the cutest home decorating items. Thanks, Wendy.

  5. Sounds like a nice trip with extra savings, seems like you travel like us.

  6. Hello Wendy,
    We just had our Easter this weekend 8th April (orthodox) it was a lovely time with family around to celebrate. Love your site and I do comment from time to time. I had a quick question about dusting - how do you dust your home? I'm trying to find a quicker method my home is large and it takes so much time. Is there a quick and easier way than wet dusting or moving everything and using a microfiber cloth. Help.

  7. Glad you had a nice Easter. We did too. Egg prices here are getting crazy. Wish I was allowed to have chickens. My frugal week is here:


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