
Saturday 5 May 2018

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 5th May 2018

After getting through another busy week,  all I can say is,  I'm glad I'm an organised person.  Darren ,  Jessica and I went to a wedding expo on Sunday,  then lunch afterwards.  Bargain shopping followed at a newly discovered store called Bodero ( check them out on Facebook ).  I worked four days this week, cooked,  baked,  kept up with the housework and helped with the painting ( I do the masking tape ).

Here's my frugal list for the week -

*  Used up a sample tube of toothpaste ( from a wedding expo ).

*  Lined the bins with bread bags,

*  Bought two sports hoodies ( $6.99 each ),  two cardigans ( $6.99 each )  and two almost new oven trays ( $1.99 each ) at Savers op shop.  I used a 20% discount card to get them even cheaper.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.  We were having trouble with the slices sticking together in the freezer ( and sometimes breaking ).  To prevent this from happening I put half a loaf at a time in the fridge to be used over 3 days.

*  Saved lots of bread crusts to eventually be made into dried seasoned bread crumbs or bread and butter pudding.  I'm storing them in the freezer until needed.

*  Made a batch of gravy powder mix.

*  Baked cranberry hootycreek biscuits for snacks.  I used dough from the freezer and only baked what we needed for the week.  This eliminates so much wastage.

*  Bought good brands of shampoo and conditioner for $2 a large bottle from a clearance store.  I've been happy with the products so I've visited the store again to build up a stockpile.

*  Bought petrol for $1.32 per litre when most places are charging about $1.50 per litre.

*  Received our gas bill for the last two months.  Thankfully it's only gone up by 53 cents this year comparing it with the same time last year.  We are happy with this considering gas prices are soaring.

*  Sold three jars of jam and one dozen eggs.

*  Tried to keep most of the lights off after dinner each night.  Some nights we only have light from the tv.

*  Started using tea leaves instead of using teabags when drinking tea.  We keep forgetting we have boxes of tea leaves so it's been good to get the tea pot out.

*  Cut up a cereal bag to use as go between for hamburger patties,  crumpets and chops.

*  Gratefully received a gift voucher for a free muffin and hot drink after experiencing poor service late last year.  When I contacted the company's head office to find out if the issues I raised had been resolved,  they offered the voucher.

*  Gratefully received a voucher for a free cooked chicken from Coles.  It's a bit of a long story so I'll write about it on Wednesday.

*  Gratefully received a few glass jars to use for jam making.

A bargain at $2 a bottle

From the kitchen - spag bol

Cranberry hootycreek biscuits

How did you save money this week ?


  1. Your frugal lists are inspiring, Wendy! We filled up too at $1.36pL instead of the $1.57 or higher. I've learned to really keep an eye on prices at different petrol stations. Here's the rest of my list:
    * all meals made here at home, snacks from the freezer - cake and biscuits
    * switching off many appliances at powerpoint after use including tv, wash machine, oven, hotplate, toaster and microwave, computer. None left on standby
    * organised for neighbour's son to walk dog while we are on holiday saving lots on dog walking costs.
    * picking lettuce and spring onion from garden, used cranberry hibiscus leaves I grow in a salad. Topped up soil in potato bags (cover green tops) to encourage plants to make more potatoes.
    * Fed worms in worm farm and added raked leaves to compost
    * Borrowed books from local library, great saving for a book-a-holic like me!
    * Hubby found a small second hand pool table on Gumtree, offering $25 less which was accepted. Our boy loves to play pool with his Dad and friends but has outgrown his very tiny set. This new-to-us table is in great condition and also comes with cues, balls etc. We had been looking for a while and are pleased with price and condition of table.

    I am off the op-shop this morning to see if I can find a few more warm clothes for our trip to Melbourne soon. Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

  2. Wendy,

    Have you tried using cut-up cereal bags between slices of your bread?

  3. Hi How do you make your breadcrumbs? This is a great idea instead of shop bought.

    1. The recipe is in the recipe section under mixes.

  4. Glad you got more work. I have been working more too. They extra money is always welcome. I use cut up plastic from cereal and crackers between my frozen pizza. I'm sure it would work for bread too. I get lots of samples of toothpaste. I can't remember the last time I had to pay for toothpaste, floss or toothbrushes. My list for last week is here:


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