
Wednesday 6 June 2018

Buying Budget Friendly Gifts.

Buying gifts for family and friends should be joyful.  When the budget is tight,  it can be a  real challenge..  Here's how I manage to buy lovely gifts without blowing the budget or taking out a loan.

*  Perfumes are at their cheapest around Mother's Day,  Valentine's Day and Christmas / Boxing Day.  Larger chemists quite often offer the cheapest prices.  Stock up on the favourites and store in a cool dark place until the occasion arrives.

*  Aftershave is in abundance and at rock bottom prices around Father's Day.

*  Pool toys and  beach towels are on clearance towards the end of Summer.  Stock up for the following Christmas or kid's birthday parties.

*  Christmas platters,  plates, table runners and bowls are sold at bargain prices straight after Christmas.  Stock up because they make wonderful presents for the following Christmas or any occasion during December.

*  Football merchandise should be bought towards the end of the finals or after the grand final.  If you are not fussy about the brand,  have a look at stocks in department stores.

*  Power tools and general hardware might be on sale for Father's Day or for Spring renovations.

*  Slippers,  coffee mugs,  blankets,  cushions and chocolate are on sale for Mother's Day,  Father's Day and just after.  Blankets are definitely on clearance after Winter.

*  Baking utensils,  patty cases and  cookie cutters come on sale just after Mother's Day,  Easter and Christmas.

*  Eskys,   cooler bags and electric fans will be heavily discounted after Summer.  Supermarkets generally offer fantastic prices on these items.

If you still can't find a gift to fit your budget,  bake some giant cookies ( for the males and teens ) or fill up a pretty jar for the females.  It really is the thought that counts,  not the price tag.


  1. Some great ideas there Wendy!!

  2. Some great tips there Wendy. Thank you for your wisdom and sharing your knowledge with us :)


    1. Thankyou Tania. You make some lovely gifts.

  3. I bought over 30 bath bombs for 90% off after Christmas this year. So far I have given 2 to each of my daughters with their Easter baskets, 5 to a friend for her 50th birthday, 2 to my daughters friend for a birthday. They retail for $8 a piece regularly. I have also used 2 myself. I love a nice bath. Gift giving does not have to break the bank.

  4. Great post Wendy, with very good advice. I am just wondering Wendy, do you curb how many people you give gifts to? Now I have two children and spend my majority of the time at home with them, our budget is very tight. I am happy to buy small thank you gifts for swim teachers, etc. But I am wondering about my own friends. I cannot afford to give to people I don't see regularly anymore, except just a homemade card. What do you think? Love, Bridge

    1. Hi Bridge, we give mostly to close family and just a couple of close friends. For work Kris Kringles, I give some of my homemade soap and a jar of jam.

      Don't be afraid to cross people off your list. If they are waiting for a present then they don't understand your circumstances. Try to keep a few little bits and pieces put aside in case the occasion arises to give an unexpected gift.

    2. Thank you so much Wendy. This is very kind (and wise) advice. I really appreciate you replying to me and it has made me feel so much better. Thank you. I LOVE the sound of homemade soap or jars of jam- these are my kinds of gifts! Heaven. Love, Bridge

  5. I know this is an old post but Wendy you must keep and eye out at Australia post, depending on the store our has a clearance bin. Usually first reduction is $10 then $5 and then $2.
    I picked up 3 new books (one novel, one on photography and one was a language learning kit for $2 each. Over the year I fill my stash of gifts with Aus Post Clearance


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