
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Charity Giving This Christmas

Here is a timely post I wrote on this blog two years ago and have shared with the Cheapskates Club for the last 5 - 6 years.  I hope you are inspired to help others have a great Christmas.

Many charities find it very hard to meet the needs of struggling people across the globe. Government funding can be scarce and many charities rely on the goodwill on companies and the everyday person like you and I.  Please take the time to read this post and help where you feel you can.

It's just over seven weeks to Christmas YAY !!! I love Christmas because it's the time of the year we celebrate the birth of Jesus - the greatest gift ever given. I also love to give to others especially those in need.

As you start to think about Christmas presents and food for your own celebrations, please take the time to plan how you'll help others. Here are some ideas that won't blow out your family budget -

* Clean out your pantry and donate excess tinned and dried foods to charities, churches and schools that are collecting.

* Each time you do your grocery shop add a couple of tins of spaghetti, baked beans, tinned fruit and vegetables. You could do this every time you are tempted buy a bottle of soft drink or a packet of chips as a part of your usual shop.

* Next time you feel like takeaway, put the money towards buying food for charity.

* Start looking for specials on boxed cereal, porridge, tinned hams and toiletries to donate.

*  Get together with a few friends,  pick a charity and plan to bless those in need.

*  Feel like a cuppa at the shops ?  Instead,  use your coffee money to buy a jar of pasta sauce and a couple of packets of pasta.

*  Buy a couple of toys for charity when you are Christmas shopping for your own family.  Charities are in real need of presents for children over the age of 10.  A tote bag,  skate board,  basket ball or Nerf gun make fabulous presents that won't break the family budget.

*  Ask your children to buy a present from their pocket money.  This is a great opportunity to teach them about budgeting and giving to others. 

With a little bit of planning ahead of time you'll be able to bless many in need.

Who's up for the challenge to start now ?
Have you already put items aside for charity ?


  1. Thank you for this reminder Wendy, I am doing my weekly shop today, and I will be certain to buy items to donate to charity, it's the least we can do.

    Cheers Cheryl

  2. Wow, food for thought here Wendy. It makes one realize how blest we are!!!

  3. I like your ideas.I have offered to donate to various charities over the years and have been put off by unrealistic expectations. I was once asked to donate an Xbox. Iy was more than I could afford to spend on my three children and further more they did not have such a thing. I left that place feeling I should have my name down for gifts for my children

    1. Suzan, please don't be put off by a few charities. Please give where and when you can. Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful charity that gives shoe boxes full of goodies to children in need here and overseas, Perhaps a charity that feeds the homeless in your area could use a helping hand or a few tins of food.

  4. We live in a part of the country that was recently hit by a hurricane. Many had to evacuate to our city from their homes and now find themselves permanent residents as their homes and jobs were destroyed. It is heartbreaking to see so many needs. We hear so many sad stories. Giving to charity is very simple right now...the hard part is just deciding where and how to share when everywhere you turn you see hurting people. And it has stuck me so many times that if every household in our area simply gave $5-$10 in goods SO many needs would be met. We sometimes feel that we can’t help because we can’t do a lot. But try to think of it that way. Just do the little you can and know it all adds up.

  5. Great idea Wendy

    We have always taught our DD8 that we should do something at Christmas without getting something in return.

    The Kmart wishing tree has been done in the past, with gifts given for her age, a teen and a family gift like a toasted sandwich maker, waffle maker or a toaster. When she started school she chose to give a small gift with her Christmas cards like a Christmas pencil with and eraser attached, matchbox cars etc.

    This year she is doing spy pens with her cards.

    Just last night I saw on the news they are asking for people to donate a handbag filled with feminine products essentials (deodorants, toothbrushes & paste, hand creams, sanitary products etc) as apparently there are a lot of women in our area who are really doing it tough and can't even afford to get these things for themselves as they put their child's needs before themselves. I thought this might be appropriate for me this year to do.

    We do a few donations each year spread out.
    We do
    brain cancer research as my Mum had a tumour
    Diabetes as I have type 2
    Black Dog in memory of my Dear Brother who we lost this year
    Children's hospital as we have a child (not sick but who knows if we need it)
    And we have done lots for the drought effected areas as we know many who are doing it tough.

    I know this is off topic but how is your family doing? I was reading about the hard time you had been through recently and let me just say that you are all in my thoughts.

    Take Care and be kind to yourselves through out this time.

    Aly xx

    1. Aly, you have a great selection of charities that helps a wide variety of people. Well done to you and your family.

      Our family is doing well but we have been extremely busy with Christmas preparations, church charity giveaway day, Christmas breakup,s work and more work. Hopefully December will bring a little quietness to our lives. Thankyou so much for asking xoxo

  6. Im just about finished making up a dignity bag for the "its in the bag" campaign. I also donate a food hamper to the Salvos each year. Its so important to help those less fortunate


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