
Saturday 23 February 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 23rd February 2019

Today is the day of Megan's baby shower.  We've been busy all week getting the house and garden looking nice and tidy.   I baked and cooked food a few weeks ago and froze it ready for the big day.  Decorations have been sourced from the discount shops as well as using what we already have on hand.  Here's what else we got up to this week -

*  Refilled all the foaming hand wash pumps around the house with diluted shower gel.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water and shower warm up water to reuse on the garden.

*  Finished making thankyou favours for Megan's baby shower.  The jars were gifted and I made the gift tags.

*  Megan made the most of Savers 50% off clothing sale on Monday.  She bought a dress for her baby shower  ( $5 ) and quite a few feeding tops for after the baby is born.

*  Sold the last two large pamper packs and four mini ones  to a cleaning client.

*  Sold two dozen eggs.

*  Gratefully accepted a couple more hours of cleaning work from two clients.

*  Gratefully received quite a few peaches  and glass jars from a friend.

Made one kilo of yoghurt using a small potion of frozen yoghurt as a starter.

*  Picked a couple of bunches of roses from our garden to help decorate the tables at Megan's baby shower.

*  Finished digging down to the bottom of my lipstick.  This gave me three months worth of ' free ' lipstick.

*  Decanted the last of our Vitamin E cream into the next bottle.  The pump doesn't go down to the bottom so there's always about a centimetre of cream left.  It's thick and gluggy so I need to bang the almost empty bottle into the top of the next one.

*  Bought a George Foreman slow cooker from Savers for $7.99 less 15% discount.  It looks like it's only been used a couple of times.  I gave my old one to Megan who said she'd use it with her other one when lots of guests are over.  Now she has two and I have two.

Thankyou favours for the baby shower

Gifts for Megan's baby

More gifts mostly from Savers

A garland Megan made for the party

Flowers for the party table

Making yoghurt.

Ripening the gifted peaches

How did you save time,  money or energy this week ?
What has been your latest op shop find ?


  1. Hi Wendy,

    This past week I found and bought a marble rolling pin from the op shop. I've always admired them, but never bought one, because I have a wooden rolling pin. But for $8 I couldn't resist! I've used it already, and it works like a dream, it's so heavy you don't hardly have to push it. I love it! I can't wait to use it more!

  2. Wow Wendy you have done well from the op shops and Megan will have heaps of wonderful low cost baby clothes for the baby. The find of the near to new slow cooker for such a low price is incredible and a good pick up.

    We kind of went op shopping but it was at a collectors house clearance sale where we picked up lots of gardening tools and other needed things for the home. We had great fun and there was so much stuff there we will have to go back and have a second look.

    Our savings last week added up to $447.37 :).

    Finances -

    - I found a $190 transaction on my bank account that we didn't make and reported it to the bank, it is coming up as miscellaneous debit ?. The bank is waiting for 10 days and then refunding us this amount and our local bank has escalated this to the fraud squad to hopefully get our money back sooner. Note to everyone check your bank accounts for nefarious transactions regularly.
    - On eBay I let them know about a glitch where they are charging us for free listings and they refunded me the listing fees charged.
    - We paid an extra fortnightly payment and a bit off our mortgage and have decided to pay off the standard mortgage payment and monthly interest each month to save money and time on the home mortgage.
    - I listed 7 items on eBay using a free listing promotion saving $11.55 on usual listing fees. I know I listed lots more than this but lost count during the week :).

    Earnings -

    - I earned around $18 from the sale of saved pumpkin seeds and a handmade A6 notebook journal cover in my eBay store.

    Purchases -

    - We asked at our local post office about a local property that looked like a wrecking yard and found it was a "collectors" home and all the items were for sale. Upon hearing this and knowing we were in need of a few gardening hand tools and galvanised pipe joiners we decided we would have a look. We purchased 2 really old road pick heads, a rake head, a trench shovel with handle, a 1.8 m post hole crow bar and 14 galvanised pipe connectors for $60 saving us $404.98 less the cost of handles over buying them in our local hardware stores new. Can you believe they now sell unbendable garden tools for $89.95 each ?, and the older ones never bent anyway. I could not justify this price and only paid $5 ea for the 2 picks and garden fork heads. If we could find them, the galvanised pipe joiners were anywhere from $12 - $20 + ea for the larger ones we purchased and we paid $20 for 14 of them.
    - Purchased 3.812kg of beef mince on clearance special at a little country supermarket for $5.42 per kg. I picked 4 of the largest packets I could find for $5 ea and saved $14.33 on our usual $9 kg prices here.
    - Purchased all on specials 4 x packets of potato chips, 1 packet of twisties, 2 shampoos, 2 conditioners, 2 norsca deodorants saving $16.51 on usual prices. We added these to our grocery stockpile.

    Organisation -

    - Went through my sewing and craft room and listed a lot of items that were not listed. Still more to go but I am getting there slowly.

    Water preservation -

    - Used grey water from our washing machine and grey water tank to water fruit trees in the yard and ornamental flowering potted plants. Also used saved shower warm up water and dish rinsing water to water potted herbs and fruit trees with.

    Hoping everyone else had a wonderful week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  3. Hello everybody. Beautiful day so i hope you have great weather for the shower. This week i saved money by buying dinner plates from savers which were well needed. I had my hair cut and i colored it at home. I stocked up on Jarrah coffee which was half price this week. I bought some reduced trays of meat. Got money back at coles after some cold meat was scanned twice on my last visit. Cashed in my coin jar and added it to savings. Remembered to take frozen drinks with me when i went shopping. Most importantly my pay rise finally come thru from work so looking forward to 14 months back pay still to come. All in all a great week, and another one where i still haven't bought anything new!

  4. Wow what a lovely spread, You do such neat things and I know you do it very inexpensively, which I love.

  5. Latest op shop finds were a Rainbird jacket and large pyrex jug for $5 each. I had a look at Marie Kondo's show on Netflix on your recommendation which brought on a declutter and filled the boot with donations for the op shop which is the best part.
    Sold a couple of items on ebay and facebook also. Marie

  6. I have bought a couple of dresses at the op-shop for work and that has saved a small fortune. Both good quality, hardly worn, perfect fit and for such a small fraction of what someone paid for them. I hope Megan really enjoyed her baby shower, such an exciting time! Meg:)


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