
Saturday 23 March 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 23rd March 2019

Due to the week long ' Babe Watch " ( as Darren calls it ),  I was unable to do too many frugal tasks.  I've made extra trips out to Megan and Kurt's place to spend time with them while Megan was in early labour ( for 7 days ).  Hopefully I'll have some good news for you all very very shortly.

Here's my little list of frugal tasks -

*  Made a double batch of ANZAC biscuit dough.  I baked some biscuits for us,  some as part of a present for my Dad's birthday and the rest of the dough went into the freezer for future baking.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Gratefully received a few card making supplies at our card making day last Saturday.  I also bought some at heavily reduced prices.  I'm very careful about what I bough and only buy what I need for can see a use for.

*  Gratefully received a bunch of silverbeet from my Mother In Law.

*  Made a batch of Miracle Spray for Megan and Kurt.  They love using it on just about anything and my heart swells with pride when they tell others about it.

*  Made a triple batch of laundry powder.

*  Gave Megan a haircut.

*  We all filled up our cars with petrol at $1.21 per litre.  The next day it went up to $1.54 per litre.


  1. Oh poor Megan that is an ordeal to go through for 7 days and I hope she delivers a happy healthy baby soon with minimal time in labour :). Wendy you still got a lot accomplished even on "babe watch" .

    We had 30mm more rain which we think filled the water tanks almost to full which we are immensely happy about. Now it is just humid and dry again though but the rain softened the ground for us to get 7 more posts down from the grapeyard vineyard enclosure with ease with shovelling most of the soil rather than using a post hole crowbar :). We are making a start on our vegetable garden beds having purchased some more needed items and only some manure and a small amount of fittings and a tap we will need to purchase.

    Our savings last week added up to $581.24 :) .

    Earnings -

    - Made $27 from the sale of 2 lace curtains on eBay I took down after replacing them with handmade ones.

    Purchases -

    - Purchased a 75cc petrol post hole auger to dig the post holes for the garden enclosure and 6 x 2.4 x.9 above ground metal garden beds using discount vouchers and codes saving $368.31 over buying them in our local hardware store.
    - Found and purchased 2 x 3kg bags of valencia oranges on special in Woolworths saving $5 on usual prices. We juiced them for some lovely fresh orange juice.
    - From a small country discount variety store we purchased an 8 pack of permanent markers, 2 x rolls of packaging tape, 8 dining room chair pads and 3 hats for DH saving $49.04 over buying in other stores.
    - Found on special in a small country supermarket 2.5 kg of rindless short cut bacon and 4.34kg of beef rump steak on special for $8 a kg saving $87.60 over buying it in the larger local supermarkets.
    - Purchased 4 x 790g packets of party sausage rolls on half price special saving $14 on usual prices.

    In the kitchen -

    - Made a quadruple batch of magic mix chocolate pudding saving $12.67 over buying it ready-made in the shops.
    - Made a single batch of chocolate chip and coconut biscuits saving $7.01 over purchasing them ready-made in the supermarket.
    - Made a whole orange cake with citrus juice icing and sprinkled with orange zest saving $24.52 over purchasing it.
    - Made 3 loaves of homemade bread and 2 batches of MOO yoghurt saving $16.09 over purchasing them.

    In the gardens -

    - Pulled down 7 more posts in the grape vineyard enclosure when the weather was cooler. 8 more to go till we finish :).

    Water Preservation -

    - Saved shower warm up water to water potted fruit and herb potted plants with.
    - Saved grey water from our washing machine to water potted ornamental flowers and used grey water from both ours and the neighbours grey water tanks to water fruit, berry, native trees and shrubs in the yard.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead :) .

    sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Today I managed to fill the car at $1.24. As most of the service stations are over $1.50 I feel good. I am about to make some bread. Not cheap but nicer than store bought. I am watching my pennies when out and about.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    Congratulations to your family on the safe arrival of your new grandson. May all your days as Nana and Poppy be filled with love and joy. Such a very special time. Wishing Megan and Kurt lots of love and sleep too. Best wishes. Rachel:)

  4. wendy has not announced on her own blog that she has a new gran baby yet tho Rachel. Jac

  5. Can't wait to hear all about the bundle of joy. Good luck to Megan.


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