
Saturday 13 April 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 13th April 2019

It's been a difficult week to get through.  We've had challenges coming at us left,  right and centre.  Darren and I are fine and we are standing strong in God's love for us.  Please pray for good health,  healing and peace for our loved ones.  Thankyou.

Here's my frugal list for the week -

*  Made a double batch of chocolate brownies.  I left a few pieces out for us to eat fresh and the rest went into the freezer for family gatherings.  Chocolate brownies freeze really well.  In fact,  you can't tell they've been frozen.

*  Made chicken stock in the slow cooker with a chicken frame.  The next day I made a big pot of chunky chicken soup.  We had it for two meals and the rest was divided up into single portions for the freezer.  I gave a few to Megan for easy lunches.

*  Started my first ever bottle of vanilla extract.  It should be ready to use in five weeks.

*  Charged all the laptops,  phones and electric toothbrushes on the weekend when electricity is a little cheaper.

*  Made a one kilo batch of yoghurt using frozen yoghurt as a starter.  This is so yummy with fresh fruit for dessert.

*  Made homemade pizza to curb the takeaway urge.  We used about 100 grams of shredded chicken meat on each pizza with our favourite toppings.  Jessica and I love tomato and bbq sauce mixed together,  mixed herbs,  tomatoes,  pineapple and cheese.  Darren loves the same sauces and meat,  mushrooms,  tomato,  cheese,  olives and  anchovies

*  Gratefully received a bunch of silverbeet from my MIL's garden.  We used it in spag bol sauce and with another meal as our green vegetable.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water,  saved the shower warm up water and saved drink bottle water to reuse around the home and garden.

*  Our chicken feed was getting low so Darren mixed in some quick oats to stretch it until he could get to the feed store.

*  Fed the compost bin every couple of days with kitchen scraps.

*  Made lots of cards using what I already had on hand.

Men's cards

Pictures are from rose books

Some still to be finished

Chocolate brownies

Making vanilla extract.

 What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?


  1. Wendy you have done so well this week and homemade pizza and chocolate brownies are our favourite foods in our home too. The homemade versions have far more fillings and don't taste like cardboard like the commerical ones :) .

    Prayers sent to yourselves and family at this difficult time.

    Our savings last week added up to $967.14 :).

    Blessings -
    - Our neighbour gaves us 2 cooked mud crabs and 3 rockmelons from her gardens.

    In the gardens and house -
    - We cleaned the fireplace flue using a drill operated flue cleaner we purchased on eBay saving $167.14 over getting a tradesperson in to do it for us even including the cost of the flue cleaner purchase :o .
    - Crawled into the ceiling cavity to measure up for the insulation batts we are saving for. Serious spraying in there before we clean it and put the batts in as there is Redback spiders and eggs sacks in the corners and I am not taking any chances.
    - Pulled down 3 more grapeyard vineyard enclosure 14' ironbark posts and only 3 more to go, happy dances.

    Groceries & kitchen baking -
    - Found lots of up to and half price specials and purchased tinned cream of chicken and mushroom soups, ice cream, tinned tuna and reduced produce from IGA saving $111.16 on usual prices.
    - Did a bulk purchase of staples and tinned fruits from Woolworths and took advantage of $10 off rewards and other specials as well as our discount by buying our RACQ grocery discount gift cards saving $28.15 on usual prices.
    - Did a bulk order for things we were short of from Nuts About Life website being cocoa powder, coconut, cinnamon, cashews, walnuts, mild curry powder and nutmeg and saved $134.10 over buying them in either Aldi or Woolworths too including delivery for the equivalent amounts.

    Finances and listings -
    - Listed 10 more free listings on eBay saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.

    Purchases -
    - At a school fete we purchased a electrician tested secondhand breadmaker for $5, an insulated army surplus coat for DH for $10 and a new suede leather hat for me saving $262.80 over buying new or the coat secondhand.

    We had a wonderfully productive and money saving week this week too :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Hi Wendy

    I've only just jumped back on the frugal bandwagon after months of falling off. I hope that your family is ok.

    This week I checked the specials before shopping, made a list and stuck to it.

    I've started baking again and made Anzac Slice and Snickerdoodles. Tomorrow I will be making Rocky Road and Brownies. All baking is for my hubby, he loves it when I bake for him. He has a terminal illness and went back to see his specialists this week, his nutrionist was happy he had put on 7 kilos since January. He told her it was my cooking and I was pleased as punch. My grocery budget isn't as small as some because I do like him to have his treats - cheese, bikkies and chips are at the top of the list but to be honest if I can control everything else we still do well at around $500-600 per month for 3 adults.

    I will be buying a few chickens this week at $3 per kilo from Woollies and with Easter just around the corner plan to stock up on Chocolates for baking and hopefully some lamb, another favourite of hubby's.

    Have a great week and thanks for always inspiring me.


  3. Hope things improve. I feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been getting hit on all sides and I just want to crawl into bed and wait for it to be over and it never is over!! Life goes on with curve balls all the time. Hope your new grandbaby brings you joy when things are rough.
    Take care, Barb In Pennsylvania USA

  4. Praying for you and yours Wendy. Life can be very tough at times. Keep going and trusting in God.

    You have had a productive week. I am going to try and make those brownies soon.

  5. Sorry to hear you have had a tough week Wendy you family are in my thoughts.

    How is the gorgeous Luka? Hope Megan is recovering well and enjoying motherhood.
    Your brownies look amazing! Will you be posting the recipe? I am going to an easter lunch next weekend and I am in charge of dessert, would love to take a batch of these.

    Enjoy your week.


  6. I just prayed for you and Darren and your family. Blessings on you all!

    This week I deliberatly used up food in my freezer, including many frozen bananas. I made banana blueberry cake (3 bananas), and just this afternoon I made frozen mango/banana smoothies. Yum! My freezer was becoming disorganized. Although it still contains a hodge podge of little containers of beans, veggies, random packages of sausage, etc., now it is looking much more organized and it is saving many dollars in our food budget too. Mimi posted about mixing Nutella with frozen raspberries to use as a spread, so that’s likely how I’ll be using some of my frozen berries this week. Love, Teresa

  7. Praying for your family Wendy. We're a bit the same at the moment being hit from all sides, as much as it can be hard sometimes, I just leave it in God's hands and pray for peace through the hard times. Blessings to you and your beautiful family xo


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