
Saturday 27 April 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 27th April 2019

We hope you had a blessed Easter with your family and friends this week.  Here's what we got up to at the Gower Abundant Cottage -

*  Made up two bottles of diluted Dynamo laundry liquid.  The ratio is one part Dynamo to four or five parts water.

*  Cleaned the kettle with citric acid.

*  Ate freezer meals for dinner on two nights

*  Gratefully received lots of card making papers from a friend.

*  For Easter I gave Lindt bunnies and small Easter eggs I bought on clearance after Easter last year.  For Luka I bought a baby book from Savers for $1.99.  It looks new too.

*  Diluted a bottle of dishwashing liquid to clean the shower.  Combined with a microfibre cloth,  it's quite easy to clean the shower if I do it every 4 or 5 days.

*  Fed the compost bins with kitchen scraps.  We've been making chicken and vegetable soup so there's been lots of peeling going into the bin.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch using what we already had on hand.

*  Opened and closed the curtains during the day to make the most of the milder weather.  The heater only came on at night for a very short period of time.

*  Took a plate of chocolate brownies ( from the freezer ) to a card making day last Saturday.  I also gratefully received some fancy patterned scissors from the swap table.

*  Bought a big bag of sausage mince from Australian Butchers for $1.99 kg.  This is a fantastic price and Darren's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the big bag.  He can't wait for the first batch of sausage rolls to be made.

Happy Easter

Diluted Dynamo liquid

Cleaning the kettle

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?
Did you grab any Easter bargains during the week ?


  1. Hi Wendy and it sounds like you had both a wonderful easter with family and did lots of frugal things too :). We had a lovely quiet easter at home too and went to church that morning as well.

    This week for us was more community service where we helped our local RSL sub branch cleanup and prepare for the Anzac Day memorial service on Thursday. It was all hands on deck and myself and another military veteran lady cleaned the inside of RSL club until it sparkled and DH helped with another couple of veterans set up the outdoor gazebos and to cook afternoon tea for the veterans and band members. What a magnificent day it was and DH marched for the first time in years in the Anzac march and laid the wreath for our RSL sub branch.

    Our savings last week added up to $217.21 :) .

    In the kitchen -

    - Made a batch of MOO yoghurt saving $2.81 over purchasing it.
    - Made a half a batch of brownie/chocolate sauce premix saving $7.33 over purchasing it in the shops.
    - In the breadmaker we made 3 loaves of bread during the week saving $10.47 over purchasing them in the local shops.

    Finances/Listings and extra earnings -

    - Paid our usual fortnightly house mortgage payment.
    - Listed 20 items on a free listing promotion saving $33 on usual listing fees.
    - I earned around $12 from the sale of a homemade cotton eye mask on eBay.
    - DH earned $150 from gardening jobs he did this week. We put aside the expenses for oils, fuel and other needed equipment from each job as he does it. Next week some of this will be used to purchase fuel and sprays he has used and the rest will be kept for maintenance of our gardening equipment.

    Purchases -

    - Bought 3 x 3kg prescripton dry cat food for our cat who was born with half her teeth (she still manages quite well though). I used some of my earnings from my PayPal account and the full budgeted cat food account to purchased it using discount voucher codes on eBay saving $20.28 over purchasing it at the local vets.
    - Purchased 2 x 12mm x 300mm and 2 x 16mm x 300mm wood auger pieces on eBay saving $128.08 over purchasing them in our local hardware stores. We are going to use these to put up a front gate so have to drill through large ironbark fence posts to attach them and are going to use these for both our kangaroo garden enclosure and rebuilding our chook pen too.

    Hope everyone had an equally wonderful week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. I love your Easter decorations. I decorated simply for the holiday, using flowers from my yard. I had family over, and they all brought things. The only thing I bought from Easter clearance was a bag of M and M eggs for my daughter and I to eat last night while we watched a movie!

    Otherwise, I've been spending as much time in the yard as I can, as the weather has finally turned nice.

  3. Hi Wendy...sounds like you had a good week.

    I have a question for Lorna. You seem to list a lot of items for sale on ebay. I'm curious what you sell. Are you selling your sewing creations, or something else? Just being nosy, I guess!

    This was my week--
    A friend joined us for Easter dinner. She not only brought dessert, but gifted us with a pretty purple rock cress for the garden.

    I made 6 "TV Dinners" in Bento boxes combining leftovers from Easter dinner (ham!) and Monday's dinner. Good for lunches and whenever I don't feel like cooking...which is often, LOL.

    In the past 8 days, we have planted 2 dwarf fruit trees (apple and pear) and 50 strawberry plants. They were not cheap to buy, but I view them as an investment.

    Two of my friends divided perennials and gave me at least $100 worth of plants. I was given an old-fashioned bleeding heart, several pulmonaria (lungwort) and a ton of white lamium (dead nettles). We planted them out today.

    My friend Colton built me a 4x10 ft. raised bed (for $) and contributed some of the materials. He brought more compost from our vacation home, which is better for the plants and free to me, since I made it. I will still need some bagged garden soil, but not very much.

    I bought some bagged garden soil today and received a free vegetable plant with the purchase of each bag. I got about $15 worth of tomato and pepper plants, but I don't consider it much of a saving because the soil was overpriced. Now I have to keep them alive until we're done with frost, LOL.

    I bought a nightstand for the guest room at Goodwill for $15.

    I used a $5 coupon at the drugstore. I also bought 6 months' worth of pasta for .49 lb.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    We've had a few expensive weeks. So I'm looking forward to things settling down. What really gives me comfort is that the money was there to cover the costs and not put on a credit card. Even though I was worried I realise being frugal has helped us cash flow it all rather than go into debt.
    I did manage to bake and keep within our food budget. We stayed home over Easter as it was wet and it was a great excuse to relax together as a family. Have a lovely very week. Rachel:)


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