
Saturday 25 May 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 25th May 2019

This week's frugal list isn't as long as usual due to the continuing challenges we are dealing with on a daily basis. I'm happy to get through each day with a reasonable tidy home and to eat home cooked meals.  Everything else is a bonus.

Here are the frugal tasks I completed this week -

*  Refilled the dishwashing liquid pump and diluted it by 1/3.  I added a little water to the almost empty bottle and turned it upside down to get every last drop out.

*  Refilled the shampoo and conditioner bottles and diluted the conditioner by 1/3.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Purchased silverbeet,  lettuce and broccoli seedlings to plant in our veggie garden.  Darren will be emptying the compost bins into the garden,  then I can plant the seedlings.

*  Charged all our electronic devices including shavers,  fitbits,  mobiles,  ipads and laptops over the weekend when electricity is a little cheaper.

*  Kept the curtains open on sunny days to capture the warmth.  This helped to keep our heater usage down.

*  Fed our compost bins every couple of days with kitchen scraps.

*  Mixed rolled oats in with the chicken feed when we were getting a little low on chicken pellets.  We also fed them bread crusts and Darren tipped all the lawn clippings into their run.  Over the next few days the chickens had fun digging around for bugs.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch.

*  Froze lots of single serves of leftovers from our main meals.

*  Saved water from the washing machine and shower like we usually do.

*  Dried lots of washing on clothes horses and only used the dryer when really necessary.

*  Picked a couple of handfuls of feijoas from under the tree.

The inside of feijoas that are scooped out to eat.

Home baked bread

Freezer meals

How frugal was your week ?
Did you try a new frugal task or recipe ?


  1. Hi Wendy you have done so well for the week and you and your family will be in our prayers. The homemade bread looks divine :).

    Been a similar week here with building our 10 above and below ground garden beds and removing lots of wheelbarrows full of soil.

    Our savings last week added up to $470.15 :).

    In the kitchen-
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch for the week.

    Grocery stockpiling -
    - With our $40 a month pantry building budget we purchased on really good specials 2 x small chocolates (for grocery shopping energy), 1 x box of special K, 11 x pkts of pasta and sauce,4 pkts of nice biscuits and 8 x 250 g blocks of Philadelphia cream cheese saving $34.70 on usual prices.

    Purchases -
    - Purchased 4 x 100 pk boxes of Panadol and 8 shave sticks on special saving $9.12 on usual prices.
    - Saved up enough to buy all of our wool insulation batts for our ceiling cavity.
    - Purchased a new laptop for myself on eBay since my last one's hard drive gave up the ghost saving $374.11 over buying an equivalent one in the shops.

    Trading -
    - Traded us digging fence post holes with our auger for 8 metres of rapid mesh we lined our trailer with saving $35.72 over buying it in the shops.

    Internet listings -
    - Listed 10 items on eBay using a free listing promotion saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.

    In the gardens -
    - DH finished tilling our 10 in-ground and above ground garden beds and we both removed barrow loads of soil ready for it to be amended with manures and put back in.
    - I lined the bottom of each garden bed with weed mat, grass clippings, ride on lawnmower mulched autumn garden leaves and our vegetable scraps from the last week or so.

    Hope everyone had an equally wonderful week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. I never thought to cut feijoas that way.

  3. Thinking of all of you during this challenging time Wendy. Your frugal list is still great.thank you for sharing.
    This week we cooked from scratch and kept within our grocery budget. I had some sad apples that were peeled and stewed, then frozen for future apple crumble. I use your recipe for crumble topping. Yum! I do dessert on Sunday nights as a treat. I made 8 logs of cookie dough for the freezer too. There's more cooking on my list to make the coming weeks easier and cheaper. Win Win.
    Thank you for sharing your frugal ways with us Wendy. It s very motivational. Have a great week. Rachel :)

  4. I've just discovered the bulk lines available in Coles now - doing the math on them this evening.

  5. Hi Wendy I am so sorry that life is stressful for you at present. I hope things settle down soon for your family.
    I look forward to every single one of your posts.
    God bless you and your family.


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