
Saturday 4 May 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 4th May 2019

Our frugal week has mostly consisted of keeping the house running and cooking all our meals.  I've worked five days this week due to the public holidays the previous week and Darren has been getting into his Bible College studies in his free time.  Here's what else we got up to -

*  Used old bread bags to line both our bathroom bins.

*  Decorated department store bags using papers I already had on hand.  They are then reused for gift giving for all occasions.  This week I had three gifts to get ready for giving.  I was able to recycle one gift bag from my stash and reuse two department store bags.  It must be years since I bought gift bags and birthday wrapping paper.

*  Fed bread crusts and old lettuce to the chickens.

*  Sold one dozen eggs.

*  Sold one hanging hand towel,  five decorated face washers and a hand towel to a friend.

*  Made up two bottles of diluted Dynamo laundry liquid.  We've had extra house guests for the last few weeks and they love scented clothes.  My homemade laundry powder doesn't have a scent so this was the next best thing for them.

*  Made up foaming hand wash for some of my cleaning clients when cleaning their homes.  They have the foaming pumps but bought the hand wash gel.  I'm saving them money too.

*  Froze all leftovers into single serves.

*  Made a triple batch of laundry powder.

*  Gratefully received a couple of discount fuel dockets in the mail from a friend.  Thankyou so much Tania.

*  Bought a couple of Lilydale cooked chickens in Coles for just over $7 each.  Darren peeled the meat off the bones to make lots of yummy meals.  The bones went into the slow cooker to make stock.  Over this weekend I'll be making big pots of chicken soup.

*  Donated two bags of goodies to Savers and received a discount stamp for future purchases.

Making laundry powder

Slow cooker chicken stock

Diluting the laundry liquid,

 How did you save time,  money or energy this week ?


  1. Well done Wendy! I had a big week and lots of savings and sort to things that will save in the future. One was spreading sheep manure all through the herb and veggie garden. This was a lot of work! I added hay to the chook yard and pen. Made a big batch of soup then a curry. Made some gifts. Planted some seedlings... and used up eggs as I get five a day now and they soon add up! Have a lovely weekend! xxx

  2. Greetings from northern Idaho, USA! I hope things are going well for everyone. The Crock Pot full of chicken stock looks divine. Here's what I did this week to save time and money--

    I started a new bin of compost.

    I was given 10 raspberry plants that would have cost $80. We planted them Friday.

    I planted lettuce seeds.

    We found some leftover plants from last fall behind the garden shed. I had seeded some sweet Williams last fall, but they didn't do anything. They wintered over, and while they are scrawny, we decided to give them a try (and a lot of love). We also planted some bulbs that look to be grape hyacinths. I love a surprise, LOL!

    I paid my bills online, saving time and postage.

    We went to our gourmet club dinner last weekend and ate overlooking the lake. We had a 3 course seafood dinner for $23 couple, including a $1 donation to our parent organization's scholarship fund. Considering the menu and lakefront location, $23 was less than 1/3 of what two comparable restaurant meals would cost.

    I bought lettuce for the first time in several months. It was .99 head. I haven't bought celery since Christmas. It is nearly $3 bunch. I have NEVER seen it that expensive before...and as long as it is, we aren't eating any.

  3. You have done very well.

    This week I have managed to save money by having planned leftovers for dinner on busy nights. WE have had homemade soup for sore throats.

    My big expenses related to my granddaughter. Hopefully this last hole will be filled soon.

  4. Another great week Wendy. We had a frugal week by cooking all meals from scratch and taking advantage of some good grocery specials. Fuel is coming down in price but still very expensive. Our 17 year old who just started driving is understanding that cars are expensive to run. It is a good lesson because we want our kids to understand money and how to use it wisely. Have a great week. Rachel:)

  5. Hi Wendy

    Hope things are improving for you and your loved ones.

    This week,

    - Had 2 leftover nights, hubby doesn't have much of an appetite at the best of times so our meals seem to last a couple of nights.
    - Spent only $62.00 of whats left of my food budget, if I can do that next week (or even lower) it will put $70 into my slush fund. My aim is to better that by matching it and adding another $20 next month.
    - Received my electricity bill and was pleasantly surprised to find we were $36 in credit, I do pay a certain amount each month but we've had our solar for just over a year now and were able to put $72 back into the grid.
    - Baked shortbread and muffins.
    - Took lunch and snacks to work each day.

    Have a great week.


  6. Hello Wendy , another good frugal week for you.
    I've had a few wins this week on the savings department.
    My best find was at Target. I bought myself a lovey winter dressinggown, slippers and slip on shoes with birthday money from my lovely daughter. As we walked in the store, on the counter was a box of Cadbury Cream Eggs left from Easter. The price was 20 cents each!!!!!! We couldn't believe it. This is my hubby's favourite choc and daughter had also bought him some for Easter. When they came into the supermarkets before Easter they were $1.80 each!!! There were 28 in the box so bought them all. We'll have a supply for ages for $5.60. Also bought 2 Red Tulip 200gm bunnies for 75c each. These were originally $4.50 each. We were so lucky to find these bargains.
    I bought a gorgeous nighty at Millers, still using birthday money. Scored a delicious free homemade iced cupcake and orange juice there as they were celebrating their Mothers Day sale!
    Bought "Fresh and Crisp Vegetable Bags" $3 for 10 at Woolies, to make my fresh produce last longer in the fridge. Hopefully this small investment will save many dollars in the future.
    Had a few small finds at the Op Shop. 3 little kids books for 50c each for cardmaking, pizza cutter and milk frother 50c each. Also some lovely scrapbooking papers and 2 paper pads all $1, plus 6 stamps.
    In all the years I've been Op Shopping, I've never had a score of scrapbooking goodies. You couldn't wipe the smile off my face. 😀
    I also received 3 bags of bread, buns, at the Op Shop. It was Woolies bread, baked the day before still had 2 days left on them till out of date, so lovely and fresh. What a huge saving.
    Visited Aldi, Woolies and Coles to do my grocery shop. I paid $1.80 kg for Butternut pumpkin at Woolies, a big savings as it was $3.50 kg for any type of pumpkin at the other supermarkets. It's very difficult to get low prices on fruit and veg in the country, and it certainly bumps the grocery bill up. Cath had a great tip on Cheapskates about freezing pumpkin and celery for soups, which I will try.
    I also enjoyed a free lunch at a local Bowling Club for my birthday. One of the perks of the $5 membership fee and a lovely quiet time with my hubby.
    I've been busy making sets of cards and envelopes as gifts, a hobby I love. I also purchased large sheets of white cardboard 85c each to cut up into my own card sizes, another way to save money on my card supplies.
    I mended 2 huge, jagged tears on my granddaughters fitted mattress protector, using an old white shirt fabric. Not pretty but did the job and saved her Mum $40!
    I recycled good quality 2inch elastic from a too small pair of track pants , and repurposed it to put on the bottom of hubby's fleecy farmjacket whose elastic had stretched. The jacket was in such good condition and feels great to give it a longer life. Hubby was thrilled.
    Well on to a new week. Hope your week is happy and productive Wendy and enjoy your precious little one. Best wishes, Lorraine 💁


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