
Wednesday 9 July 2014

A Cold Winter's Day

Today is a cold and wet day in Melbourne. We've had some strong winds too. On days like today I'm very greatful for ducted heating in my home. I've set myself a challenge of keeping the temperature on the heater set at 18.5 degrees instead of the usual 20 degrees. So far so good. I've kept myself busy and warm doing the vacuuming, mopping and clothes washing. I've hung the wet washing on clothes horses. A bonus of floor ducted heating is that you can place your clothes horses over a duct and in about 24 hours you have dry clothes.  A double use of the heating.

I have a beautiful lamb stew cooking in the slow cooker for tea tonight. The aroma of lamb,  tomatoes and rosemary is amazing, I'm drooling just thinking about it. I'll be serving it with buttered toast on the side. All being well there will be some leftovers for tea tomorrow night.

I'll be getting out the blankets tonight and closing the curtains a little earlier to keep the warmth in.
Lots of good things to warm the soul.

1 comment:

  1. I've only ever been to Melbourne once and the weather was.......different!! Having lived in QLD all my life the weather was certainly an experience. Very grateful for my slow cooker too. It's certainly lovely having the delicious smells wafting through the house!!


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