
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Cranberry Hootycreek Biscuits

Here it is.  The much asked about,  much talked about Cranberry Hootycreek Biscuit recipe.  I first came across this recipe on the Cheapskate's website a couple of years ago.  I love homemade biscuits and was looking for a different type of biscuit.  The name had me hooked straight away. Darren likes to call then " Hooten Nannies ".  I think the original recipe might have come from America as it had pecans,  plain flour and bi carb in it.  I've changed the recipe around to make it my own.

1/2 cup of butter or 125 grams
1 egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups of self raising flour
1/2 cup of rolled oats
1/3 cup of packed brown sugar
1/3 cup of white sugar
1/2 cup of dried cranberries
1/2 cup of white choc bits
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.  Line a biscuit tray with baking or silicon paper.
In a medium bowl mix together the butter,  egg,  vanilla extract and sugars until creamy.  Add the flour,  rolled oats, cranberies,  choc bits and walnuts.  Mix until combined. 
Drop heaped teaspooonfuls onto the biscuit sheet and flatten slightly with your hand.
Bake for about 10 minutes until the edges start to brown.  Cool on the biscuit trays.

Notes -

*  You can use any nuts you like.  I use walnuts because they are cheaper than pecans.
*  I chop the cranberries so that they go further in the biscuits.
*  Biscuit dough can be frozen in log or ball form.  Allow 15 minutes for the logs to defrost before slicing.
*  I use a big Kenwood mixer to make the dough.  Hand mixers can be used to beat the sugars,  egg,  vanilla extract and butter but you need to switch to a wooden spoon when you add the other ingredients.
*  I make a double batch to save time.  Some to bake for eating straight away and the rest of the dough goes into the freezer
*  They make great presents wrapped in a cello bag with ribbon.

The finished product - Cranberry Hootycreek Biscuits

Logs of dough from the freezer

Flattened dough on a biscuit tray

I hope you enjoy these biscuits ( cookies ) as much as my family does.  Let me know if you get a chance to bake them.


  1. Hi Wendy, thanks so much for this recipe. I have all those ingredients in the pantry, except for nuts(ours will be nut free as I don't want to make a trip to the supermarket for one thing, as invariably I will grab extra stuff and I'm trying to be more mindful by just buying what we need!) So tomorrow will be baking kids will be thrilled. Thanks once again. Cheers Donna Z :)

  2. Hi Wendy, I am looking forward to trying this recipe. This week I have made Broccoli soup, sauce for the lasagne which I have frozen. Greek meatballs, the recipe was in the Women's Weekly years ago. I have eaten some and frozen the others. I also made some Rissoles. This weekend I will make an Apple and Pecan cake and your biscuits. I do love your blog. You were saying that you cleaned your kettle with Citric acid, would you mind sharing how you clean your kettle. Many thanks, Kind regards, Bernadette H

    1. I'll post a reply to the kettle cleaning in the frugal tasks so others can look at it.

      Thankyou for your kind words. Please visit again.

  3. Yum these bikkies sound so good! I will have to add the extra ingredients to my next grocery trip because as above said I always come out with more then I go for! I have also changed our grocery store to Aldi instead of Coles or Woolies. I didn't realize you save so much already just by changing stores! I will have to stop by coles to pick up things as I want to make our own washing powder and miracle spray this week but will wait for shopping day first. Im getting excited for your weekly frugal tasks so I can get more ideas and share some of mine that I have found this week :) Thanks Kayla

    1. Kayla, I look forward to seeing your frugal list too. It's all about sharing ideas. That's why I'm writing this blog.

  4. Also I was wondering, I know you only spend $300 per month of groceries but did you just start out on that amount one day or did you have to work it down from like $800 per month? And is it better to go weekly, fortnightly or monthly for shopping? Thanks Kayla

    1. I'll do some posts on this shortly as it's hard to answer in a sentence or two.

      I shop monthly and do weekly top ups of milk, fruit and veg. If there are super duper bargains I'll buy them too.

    2. Ok great thanks Wendy :) I saw you on a current affair the other day I didn't realize you were that Wendy lol. You did amazing and the savings you gave that family on their groceries was awesome! Also I read you have they cost much to start up? We are renting at the moment so don't want a permanent fixture but mayb a moveable one or easy one to take down and put up if we move. Also are they hard to take care of or expensive to feed ect?? I think my girls (3 and 5) would love to have a couple of chickens and collect eggs. They have loved the vege patch we started and I have the perfect place for the chicken coupe. I will research more before I start but wondering if the price chicken feed outweighs the cost of the eggs? or do they just eat scraps and weeds? I think more research needs to be done on my part :) Thanks again Kayla

    3. I'll have to do a post on chickens too. You're giving me lots of ideas. The coop cost about $200 but some people make their own out of scrap materials. The chickens cost about $25 each. We sell some of the eggs to offset their feed costs. Please check out the Craig's Farm ad here on the blog. I bought my chickens from there and they sell the same coop we bought.

  5. Thank you so much for this recipe Wendy, I am going to make some this afternoon. I am loving your frugal ideas :)

  6. HI Wendy, I made these yesterday for my son who love white choc & cranberries. They are a hit! Thank you for the lovely recipe, it's a keeper for sure.

  7. Bookmarking for making closer to the fall


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