
Thursday 18 September 2014

My Menu Plan 20th Sept - 19th Oct 2014

 One of my blog readers asked me to post my menu plan for the month.  I always keep last month's menu plan and rewrite it for the next month.  I generally change a few things around depending on what we are doing and according to the seasons.  If the weather is getting warmer then I add a few lighter meals or salads.  If the weather is heading into Winter then I include more stews,  soups and casseroles.

Here it is -

Sat 20th Sept - Chicken Curry in slow cooker with rice
Sun 21st -  Get your own but feed me

Mon 22nd - Honey mustard chicken and rice
Tues 23rd - Meat pie and greens
Wed 24th - I'm away so the family can cook or have freezer meals
Thurs 25th -  I'm away again        "            "              "
Fri 26th - Salmon portions  rice,  zuc slice and veg
Sat 27th - Chicken flan and greens
Sun 28th - Get your own but feed me

Mon 29th - Meatloaf,  mash and veg
Tues 30th - Sausages,  smashed potatoes and veg
Wed 1st Oct -  my birthday so I chose lasagne and veg
Thurs 2nd - Salmon patties, rice and veg
Fri 3rd - Hamburgers and wedges
Sat 4th -  BBQ
Sun 5th - Get your own but feed me

Mon 6th - Homemade KFC drumsticks,  mash and veg
Tues 7th - Chop suey and rice
Wed 8th - Tuna pasta bake
Thurs 9th -  Roast chicken and roast veg
Fri 10th - Homemade pizza
Sat 11th - Beef stew in slow cooker with mash
Sun 12th - Get your own but feed me

Mon 13th - Saucy chicken,  mash and veg
Tues 14th - Tacos
Wed 15th - Silverside in slow cooker with roast veg
Thurs 16th - Tuna casserole with greens
Fri 17th - Spag bol
Sat 18th - Chicken burgers and chips
Sun 19th - Get your own but feed me

Part of my monthly shop

Homemade chicken, tomato, cheese and pineapple pizza

What my birthday dinner will look like - Lasagne

Frezer meals for when I'm away

Hamburgers and chips
 Do you write a menu plan ?


  1. Sure do! Like you my meal plan is for the month. I print it out and stick it on the fridge so everyone knows "what's for tea" and trust me when I say they all four of them get very upset if I swap things around! They love to know what they are eating and I love them knowing - if I'm busy they are able to at least start dinner if not cook the whole meal. I've meal planned for so long I don't think I'd be able to function without it. Certainly takes the stress out of getting a meal on the table, even on a really busy day.

    1. Cath, I could not function without a menu plan either. I've gone without one for a few days ( because I didn't have time to write a new one ) and I was so lost I didn't know what to cook.

      Never again !!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your menu plan Wendy, yours is a great list and I will use it as a guide to plan my list. Your food looks delicious!

    I am terrible at menu planning, and I need to try harder. I have a fussy 18yo, so I try to plan food that I know he likes, but that puts a limit to my list. I think I am going to have to get tougher, either eat what we have or go with out lol!

    1. Tania, have a look at my post on menu planning. It explains it step by step. Variety is the key. Maybe get your son to help you write one out.

  3. I try to menu plan & this time I have tried to do 2 weeks. However I have had to change my menu this week as what I took out of the freezer was not what I thought! I am going to have to label better!
    As I had some bacon over from another recipe we will have egg & bacon pie tonight.
    I am trying to use more lentils & beans so my shop this week for 2 weeks was much less which I am very happy about.

  4. Hi Wendy, thanks so much for posting your menu plan, it gives me great ideas for my own menu plan which I have now just completed. Do you use the recipe for the pizza base, (the penny pinching base recipe)? Yours looks delicious! Do you make your own flan base and if so, is it shortcrust? For the chicken burgers, do you use chicken mince or pieces of chicken? And when you have a BBQ, what meat would you serve? Sorry for all the questions, but very interested. Thanks again, your so inspiring, Maureen

    1. For the pizza bases I use a recipe similar to the wholemeal bread I make. Will post the pizza dough recipe soon.
      The flan makes it's own base. This will be the first time I'm making chicken burgers. I cut up a large chicken fillet into four burger sized pieces. Will let you know how it goes.

      For BBQ's I generally serve sausages and rissoles.

  5. no menu plan as yet just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me made a batch of soap powder last night instead of parking myself in front of the TV thanks heaps Donna

  6. Hi Wendy, your pizza looks great! I wonder about the price comparison with homemade v Aldi pizzas which are so enjoyable. Also since following your inspiring ideas and Cath's I have managed to shave...wait for it...a big $100 from our original shopping bill!!! My husband looked at me with such disbelief. So making a shopping list of EXACTLY what you need, bulk buying and making your own certainly does help. Also I'm still off work so going through our budget again is our priority task to see how much more I can shave off. Thank you yet again!

    1. Well done on the $100 saving. I bet it makes you feel good.

      Aldi $3 pizzas are fine according to my girls. My pizzas cost just a touch more but are really filling and have no artificial yuckies - not sure if Aldi's do. I prefer the taste of homemade.

  7. Thanks again Wendy for answering all my questions, cant wait for your next post, Maureen

  8. Hi Wendy, I have just recently started writing menu plans. I have set myself the task of doing them fortnightly just to get my head around it. I was just about to sit down and do my 3rd menu plan, after just getting through the 1st 2 fortnightly ones (I hope this makes sense?) I had to read your blog 1st! My kids love going to the fridge and checking what's on the menu. It has made my job easier too, no having to think about what I will cook and make a mad dash to the supermarket after work to get the ingredients as I had not checked the fridge/pantry before leaving for work. This has been a big saving for us. I make a menu plan, then make a shopping list. I check cupboards after making list straight from the menu and then cross off what we already have on hand and don't need to stock up on. I have made a price book and scour the junk mail for specials and then stock up on toiletries and grocery items when they are on special. It is has certainly cut down our grocery bill. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Cheers Donna Z :)

  9. Hi Wendy, thank you for the menu plan; I'm doing my right now. I noticed you are away for a couple of days soon are you doing more filming for ACA? I certainly hope so it is always great to see and hear the tips that you give. Simone

    1. Simone, you guessed right. I'll reveal all when I can.

  10. Wendy I am so thrilled for you, have a wonderful time! I will keep looking out for the show. Simone


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