
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Fancy Face Washers

Fancy face washers make lovely presents for females of any age.  My Grandma gave me face washers and hand towels with crocheted edges for birthday presents when I was little.  They were beautiful and I loved them.  It was twenty years before I was able to unpack them for use in my own home.  Every time I used them I thought of my Grandma.

I can't crochet ( yet ) so here's my version of a fancy face washer.  All you need is-

*  Scraps of material about 10 cm wide x the length of the face washer or hand towel.

*  New face washers or hand towels.

*  Sewing machine or neeedle and thread

*  Iron

Cut the material strip to the desired width and length allowing an extra centimetre for a seam around all the edges.

Fold and iron the one centimetre allowance back onto the wrong side of the material.

Sew the material onto the right side of the face washer.  Quite often face washers have a strip of detail woven across.  I cover this with the material.

Trim all cottons and there you have it,  a lovely present that cost $1 - $2.  My girls have requested one in their Christmas stocking.


  1. Hi Wendy, these are lovely. I'm going to try and have a go at making these for presents for Christmas. Good luck today with ACA interview, can't wait to see the new story tonight. Hang in there with your reno's as it will be all worth it. Xxx Maureen

  2. They look very pretty, Wendy. Very frugal too. I am hoping to improve my crochet skills next year and have a few YouTube tutorials lined up to watch. Clare from has some great tutorials and she uses wool we can buy here in Australia which helps with sorting out what ply to use.

  3. Those face washers look really pretty Wendy. I have never thought to do that, probably because I know how to crochet so that would have been my first choice. I also sew, and have plenty of fabric so I might make one of these for my care sister in church, as it is such a nice idea for a gift.

    Thank you for sharing :)


  4. Thank y ou for sharing Wendy, lovely! That red one is stunning! Rosie.

  5. What a great idea! I'd love to see the crocheted ones your Grandma made as well!

    1. Hi Kamay, I'm glad you found my blog. Unfortunately Grandma's facewashers and towels are long gone.

  6. Hi Wendy,

    I missed last nights episode and have been trying to watch it on the ACA website this morning, but there is no sound on the video.
    Do you have another link i could use?

    Also, will you be putting another post up soon? I check every day for a new post and love when your on ACA.
    You've taught me so many ways to save money for my family.

    Keep up the good work! We all love what your doing!


    1. Hi Kaylee. I'm sorry but I don't have another link for the ACA story. Try emailing or facebooking ACA to let them know the sound isn't working. It also looks like the story is shorter on their site than what went to air on tv last night.

      I generally post twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. On the odd occasion when I have time I post on a Thursday.

  7. Oh Wendy thank you, I have admired these for years but hadn't realised they were so simple to create. I think I shall be creating some soon!

    1. They are very simple. I like to get a production line going and do lots in one hit.

  8. Could you please tell me where I can find Castile soap.

    1. I've never bought Castile soap but I believe it can be bought online.

  9. Hi wendy
    Got lucky this week and found an easiyo on special for half price $10.99 @ Woolworths, but I don't want to but the packets all the time as that gets too expensive. Can you please tell me how you make yours and do you add flavouring or sweetner etc.
    You were great on aca, every bit helps. My parents have been getting discounts for years by saying " we are pensioners, can you give us a better price?" Sometimes up to 10%

    1. I'll do a post on yoghurt next week.

      My Grandpa always asked for a " pensioner discount " even at trash and treasure markets.

    2. Thank you,

  10. Hi Wendy, Great story again on ACA last night. Today DS1 wanted to buy a suit for his school formal and had seen your story last night so off he went, looked around and told me when he got home, he asked for a discount and keep bargaining the sales man down and got $100.00 off, bargain!!!! The salesmen said the rush was over on people buying their formal suits so he wanted to get rid of the stock, lucky for him, so thanks Wendy, your advice is even extending to DS.
    p.s DS2 (12yrs) said whilst watching story last night, "I need to have Wendy with me when I buy my Lego at the Christmas sales", Heee, Heee, Thanks Wendy, xxx Maureen

    1. I'm glad to hear your son got a great discount on his suit. As I said in the stroy it doesn't hurt to ask.

      Tell your DS2 that he's very funny. He had me laughing.

    2. Hi Wendy, i was in Aldi's today and they had face washes 10 for $6.99 all different colours, if anyone is interested. Xx Maureen

  11. Hi Wendy

    These look really good and will make lovely gifts for Christmas.

    I am in the process of making matching hand towel and face washer sets with Christmas prints on them for presents for family and friends


  12. These are gorgeous! What a lovely idea. Love them!

  13. Dear Wendy, I found you from Annabel. I love this idea! I'm not a seamstress but I can do this and I'm going to start thinking about the fabric for my girls. Thank you for sharing they are darling! I would have loved to receive these for myself as I girl, I'd love them even more now.

    1. Hello Colette and welcome. Annabel is a great friend of mine. Love her blog.

      I'm not a talented seamstress either but I like to give things a go and this is quite easy.

  14. I have sone similar strips of pretty materials onto Tea Towels,got the idea from JENNY Of ELefantz .My friends love their gifts


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