
Thursday 20 November 2014

My Menu Plan Thursday 20th Nov - Thursday 18th Dec 2014

It's time to post my monthly menu plan again.  The busy season will be upon us shortly so I've made sure most of the meals are quick and easy to prepare.  As usual,  the menu can change depending on how the week is panning out.  The weather will also decide if we have salad or hot vegetables. 

I have lots of freezer meals as a back up if some family members are absent at meal times.  Megan is away on camp for five days during this menu period and she doesn't want us to have any of her favourite meals while she is away.  That makes it difficult as she likes just about anything I cook.

Here's my menu plan -

Thur 20th - Honey mustard chicken with rice
Fri 21st -  Meat pie with greens
Sat 22nd -  Church leaders lunch
Sun 23rd -  Get your own but feed me
Mon 24th -  Crumbed chicken drumsticks and salad
Tues 25th -  Sausages and salad
Wed 26th -  Roast beef in slow cooker with roast veg and greens
Thurs 27th -  Salmon patties,  rice and veg
Fri 28th -  Freezer meals
Sat 29th -  Chop stew in slow cooker with toast or bread stick
Sun 30th -  Get your own but feed me
Mon 1st -  Saucy chicken drumsticks,  rice and veg
Tues 2nd -  Meatloaf,  mash and veg
Wed 3rd -  Leftover Meatloaf,  salad and baked potatoes
Thurs 4th -  Fish portions and salad
Fri 5th -  Hamburgers and wedges
Sat 6th - Beef stew and mash
Sun 7th - Toasted sandwiches
Mon 8th -  Sliced meat,  salad and smashed potatoes
Tues 9th -  Lasagne and veg
Wed 10th   Silverside in slow cooker with roast veg
Thurs 11th -  Tuna casserole and greens
Fri 12th -  Nasi Goreng
Sat 13th -  Chicken schnitzel and salad
Sun 14th -  Get your own but feed me
Mon 15th -  Sliced meat,  salad and pasta salad
Tues 16th -  Chops,  salad and pasta salad
Wed 17th -  Chicken burgers and wedges
Thurs 18th -  Tuna pasta bake

Some of my monthly grocery shop.

Roast beef and roast veg.

I've been stockpiling.
How do you cope with the busy season ?


  1. One thing that I do is have a list of snack and lunch ideas on the side of the fridge so my children 3 teenage boys and little sister can see what's available to eat and you don't get the dreaded 'what's to eat?' over the entire holidays. When They were little I used to have a list of activities they could do too.

  2. Hi Wendy, thanks for posting your Menu plan. Just wondering, when you say you arw having sliced meat, is this from the deli or leftover meats? And what is smashed potatoes? Thanks again, xx Maureen

    1. Generally it's sliced meat from the deli. I buy about 300 grams for the four of us. Sometimes I cook a silverside to slice up as vold meat.

      Smashed potatoes are boiled spuds that are lightly mashed with a fork. Put dobs of butter on with salt, pepper, dried garlic and parsley. Then top with a small amount of grated cheese ( or you can go without the cheese ) and place under a griller..

  3. Hi Wendy,
    Thankyou for your menu plan post, it has given me some ideas for meals. I tend to repeat the same meals, often. Have a great week.

  4. Hi wendy. We are a family of 2. Hubby and me. On a pension so looking for good meals that arent expensive. Carol

    1. Most of my meals cost between $2 - $5 for a family of four.


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