
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Skin Care and Beauty Products On A Budget

I've had a few requests asking me to reveal what skin products and makeup I use.  My skin is slightly oily at times and I have very sensitive skin.  While this might pose a problem for some,  I've found I can use budget friendly products providing they are not cheap and nasty.

I wash my face with Dove soap and a face washer every day and once a week I exfoliate my skin with St Ives Apricot Scrub.  Exfoliating once a week seems to be enough to keep my skin smooth.  I then moisturise with Olay lotion.  The pink one is used in Autumn,  Winter and Spring.  When Summer comes I switch to the white lotion which has an SPF of 15.  I try to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible.  Olay lotions are great as they are absorbed into the skin quickly, then I can start putting on my makeup.  I remove eye makeup with tissues and no name brand Vitamin E cream from Woolworth or Coles - it doesn't matter.  They both work really well.

Skin Care Products

Deodorants have been a bit tricky for me.  I've tried many brands over the years including the expensive ones and I've found the Avon deodorants work really well.  I use the 24 hour aluminium free one for every day use.  When the weather is super hot or I'm filming under hot lights I switch to the 24 hour plus one.  It just seems to work a little better.  The problem is I can only use this one for a couple of days before my skin reacts and becomes itchy.

The makeup I use consists of different brands.  I use face powder purchased from the supermarket.  I was using a brand called Tania and it was around for many years but has now been deleted.  Now I use a brand called Classics.  Face powder feels better than liquid foundation and looks natural ( with a little coler ) on my face.  The blusher brand I use at the moment comes from the $2 and cheap shops.The brand is BYS.  I try to pick a color that looks like a natural blush.  Nothing brown or orange.  Eye liner comes from Avon and is called Glimmersticks For Eyes in Cosmic Brown.  Eye shadow has been a problem for me.  I like to wear a medium brown color and every time I find one I like it gets deleted.  At the moment I'm using Rimmel but I have used Maybelline and Avon.  I always use dark brown mascara and for many years I've been using the Maybelline Waterproof. Full N Soft range. A year ago I switched to their standard Full N Soft one.


Lipstick is generally an Avon one.  I'm using a Smooth Minerals lipstick in the shade of Rosy Brown at the moment.

When I'm on tv,  all makeup is applied in layers as the lights wash it out.  I learnt that the hard way with the first tv story I did about 3 - 4 years ago.  I thought I'd put plenty on.  The mirror told me I had enough but when the story went to air it only looked like I had a bit of lipstick on.  Now I put about six layers of mascara on,  three of lipstick,  two of face powder,  three of eye liner and extra blusher and eye shadow.  It's not a look I'd normally wear out.

Here are the approximate prices I pay for my makeup -

Dove soap - $1 or under
Exfoliating scrub - $10
Olay lotion - $9 - $10
Vitamin E cream - under $5 for a 500ml pump bottle
Deodorant - $1.50 - $1.99
Face powder - $6
Blusher - $4
Eye liner - $7
Eye shadow - $7 - $10
Mascara - approx $8 on clearance
Lipstick - 2 for $20


  1. Hi Wendy, so glad you posted this as skin care and makeup can be so costly. You're right about how you look on T.V as you look to me like you are only wearing a bit of lippy. Do you wear makeup every day or just on special occasions? When you did the T.V interview 3-4 years ago, was this for ACA(Cheapskates)? After you told me you use Dove soap as a facial cleanser, I purchased some (on special of course) and I have been using it for about 6 weeks and it's lovely on my skin as I also have very sensitive skin and this product has been fantasic, thanks for this tip. Blessings, Maureen

    1. Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and don't manage to get anything done.

  2. I wear makeup every day although not anywhere near as much for tv. Certainly not all the layers.

    The first story I did for tv was on ACA and the story was titled " Lifting the lid on tinned food ". Cath from Cheapskates needed someone in Melbourne who was prepared to be on tv. I replied to her request on the forum and the rest is history. I did two stories for Today Tonight. One was an NQR story on feeding your family for $80 a week. I had to pretend I didn't know how to do that. Cath came to my home and I was more nervous about that than actually doing the story.

    The next story was titled " Unlocking the supermarket codes " That one was about May last year.

  3. Great ideas thanks Wendy, i share that same skin type too of combination oly, but sensitive so thanks for the advice. Things like cheap lipstick and blusher especially-nobody would ever know what brand it is, so long as its a good colour it doesnt matter - i agree. I also find insummer i paintmy toenails and always just get a $2 nail polish and it works really well too. rosie

  4. Hi Wendy, I would love to see those stories but I couldn't find them under those titles on the ACA website. Would you be able to attach the links like you've done before.

    1. Sorry, I've just tried to find them and they are now unavailable. I could invite you all over for a viewing at my place - hehehe !!!!

    2. Lol. You would not be short of friends to join you.
      I'm not sure if we are allowed to advertise a spotted special on your blog, but this week at Bunnings I found a 1kg bag of microfiber cloths for $10.95 my packet had 25 in it. I use them every day and throw them in the washing machine, they last way longer than any other cleaning cloths.

  5. Hi Wendy,
    Great post. I always buy a large tub of Dr. Lewinns day cream. I have dry skin and I find a little goes a long way. I only buy on special, and usually there is a set with night cream that my friend likes, so we both save money. Kathleen if you go to YouTube you can find the Today Tonight NQR story. Just put in NQR Today Tonight. Keep up the wonderful work you do Wendy.
    I finally work out how to comment.Yay!!

    1. Thankyou for locating the stories. The videos were no longer available on ACA and Today Tonight.

    2. Thanks Kathryn for the YouTube tip. I also found "today tonight secret supermarket code" on YouTube

  6. Hi Wendy, just thought i would let you and everyone know that i was at the "Chemist Discount Centre' shop this morning and they have the Olay Lotion (as above) for $10.00 and Dove soap for 1 bar 79c ea and also Colgate toothpaste 120g for $1.79 and Oral b toothbrushes for $1.49 ea. Coles also have your scrub on special for $7.50. The Chemist dicount centre have shop in various locations in Victoria. Regards Maureen

    1. It's well worth stocking up at those prices.

    2. I feel like a real cheapskate lol! My face cleaner/scrub is bicarb soda, and my moisturiser is organic coconut oil. Works a treat for me as I don't like using chemicals on my skin.

      I use sorbelene cream for soap, this leaves my skin nice and soft and much healthier than soap.

      I make my own toothpaste from bicarb and coconut oil, and this works well.

      I am also looking at ways to make my own deodorant as I am fussy what I put on in that area. There is breast cancer in our family so I need to be extra careful.

      I don't own very much makeup, just the basics. This is only used for special occasions, and lasts for a very long time. If I get low I ask for some for birthday or Christmas gifts.


    3. Hi Tania
      I'm the same I use coconut oil and bicarb soda. Although it can be pricey you don't need much and it smells devine. People have asked me what do I use as my skin is so clean and smooth so I tell them. For the deodorant I use the same ingredients as toothpaste but add cornflour. Not sure if I can mention this website but go to and she has good recipes too. Best of luck!

  7. Thankyou Maureen,
    I will be going there to stock up on Dove soap.

    1. You're more than welcome Kathryn, helps to save a few dollars, Maureen

  8. I love that you've started this blog Wendy. Everyone that has commented so far has been lovely :)

    I like Dove soap but unfortunately react to Olay, not sure why but the products I do use are always bought on special and I stock up then.

    I also have a 17 year old daughter that enjoys using nice skin care products. She is prone to acne so we do what we can but she loves a new line of skincare in Target and because she pays for it herself I know it's not expensive. She's frugal like me.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  9. Thanks for all you share...really enjoyed reading about your beauty and makeup routine...also what works for the cameras and the associated costs. Patricia xoxo

  10. Effective and nice blog!! We should wash our face every day with good soap. It helps to remove skin impurities. Don't forget to moisturize your skin. Your skin care products are really affordable and easy to use. You have shared very effective ideas for all type skin. It’s really very helpful for us.

  11. Wonderful blog Wendy, thank you. For deodorant I have been using Bicarb and generic baby talc 1:2, if I need to shave underarms I do so the night before as it may sting a little (although not too bad if I forget). Lyndall ☺

  12. I love your blog, I have only recently discovered it. One of the previous comments mentioned treatment for acne. My son 14 had been struggling with spots for a while, we tried various products such as Clearasil etc which were pricey and not all that effective. Our GP recommended Sapoderm medicated soap (made by Dettol) retails for $4.40 for 3 bars ($1.46 per bar). Results were great and evident after only a few washes. Just thought I would share this information with other people needing an effective and economical solution for problem skin. Linda

  13. I absolutely love your site.. Very nice colors & theme.

  14. With having a background in beauty therapy you should only exfoliate only 1-2 times a week depending on what the product says as doing it everyday can strip off too much skin which can let to irratation..

    1. Agreed. That's why I only exfoliate once a week.


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