
Thursday 13 November 2014

What Makes You Happy ? November 2014

A big thankyou to everyone for commenting on last month's " What Makes You Happy ? " post.  It's always great to spend some time reflecting on what really does bring a smile to your face.  Please share this post with your friends and encourage them to share three happy things.

Here's what makes me happy -

* Beautiful vintage china. I have some of my Grandma's cup, saucers and plates. My Grandpa used to play lawn bowls and was very good at it. When he won, quite often his prize was a cup, saucer and plate set. Many of them are well known brands and I treasure them. I also love to use them on the odd occasion.

*  When Darren cuts a rose from our garden for my bedside table.  The fragrance is beautiful and it's the last thing I smell before I go to sleep and the first thing when I wake up.  I also love to stop and smell the roses in the garden.

*   I love the color apple green. It's a happy, fresh color and if I see homewares in apple green, it always puts a smile on my face and warms me up inside. I have towels, tea towels, ramekns, table cloths, clothes and a handbag in apple green. I was attending a Cheapskates workshop a few months ago and was wearing my apple green coat. One lady there commented on my coat and showed me her price book. It was apple green too. I then picked up my apple green handbag to show her and we all had a laugh over our apple green accessories.

Some of my apple green things.

What makes you happy ?


  1. Wendy, your china is beautiful. Love your apple green accessories, I love the colour pillar box red, and I have a few items in that colour. Some of the things that make me happy are some very old family photos, of grandparents etc (some 100 years old). Sitting in my little courtyard, with a cuppa surrounded by the flowering garden, in silence. Trying new recipes on a quiet afternoon.
    Have a great day.

  2. Hi Wendy, i'm in awe of your vintage china sets, just beautiful.
    What makes me happy is:
    1. Clean sheets when you hop into them on the first night
    2. Receiving hugs from my children no matter how old they are
    3. My Mum remembering me when i visit her as she has Dementia
    Blessings to all, Maureen

  3. I love old cups and saucers too, I have a few.
    I also love
    Stepping off the plane when I go home to Hobart and sniffing the beautiful fresh air.
    Going to the Collingwood Children's Farmers Market and the Abbotsford Convent Farmers market, wandering around, sipping a chai and taking some flowers home.
    Sitting on the couch on Saturday afternoon with the laptop after all my shopping and housework is done for the week.
    Flowers, lots of them.
    Roy and HG
    Ross and John
    The big Island of Hawaii
    Singing at Church
    Meeting a friend for a cuppa
    Seeing people laugh.


  4. Would love a post about price books as I have never done one and kicking myself.

    Ok 3 things I love.
    The colour pink.
    Fresh new notepads

    Love ya blog.
    SAHM Jill

  5. I love reading everyones comments on this. I have some similar ie like Jill I love pink and notepads (and journals and diaries especially starting a new one, that is pure joy).And Tania said Roy and HG and I almost started laughing as I love them too.
    I love making jam and I love pantries of things youve made lined up.
    I love scones and jam and cream.
    I love a bucket of lemons or apples or any fruit really and picking fruit. Truly I am so happy picking fruit and all the possibilities of what I can do with it.
    I love rainbows. And rain.
    Ducks and ducklings. Chooks and chickens. They all make me happy, just the sight of them! xxx

  6. Having my girls home (they live 400kms away), blue and white china and travelling with my huz - all make me happy!

  7. Going for walk or bike ride or even a slow jog, makes me smile inside & out.
    I love watching birds
    seeing my kids happy & engaged, really love that.
    I also love it when my family help each other


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