
Saturday 20 December 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

Christmas Day is drawing nearer and we've almost finished our Christmas preparations.  It's been busy here as I filmed a story for tv and recovered from laryngitis.  Here's what I managed to do this week -

*  Saved some bread bags to recycle. Jessica uses them to scoop out the kitty litter.

*  Topped, tailed and cut up two colanders of beans from the garden.  I've frozen them in freezer bags.  I don't bother blanching them.  They taste ok by just freezing them

*  Made up some more foaming hand wash for both bathroms. The recipe is here  Foaming Hand Wash

*  Cut up the rest of the ham I bought last week.  I bagged it up into sandwich portion sizes and pizza sizes and froze it for future meals.

*  Started saving water from the showers again. We couldn't do it with the bathroom renos and then the big clean up.  It feels great to be in the routine again.

*  Made two big pots of vegetable soup.  I had lots of zucchinis from the garden and some vegetables from a tv story to use up.  I don't like wasting food so this is a great way to turn them into something delicious.  Most of it was frozen into single serves...

*  Made vanilla yoghurt using a starter I'd frozen previously.

*  Kept the curtains closed on the warmer days.  By doing this I didn't have to turn the evap cooling on until later in the afternoon.

*  .We were abundantly blessed with an enormous ham,  a leg of lamb and some vegetables this week.  This was so unexpected and came at a time when I didn't feel well enough to go shopping.  I also.haven't had a car all week as it's finally being repaired after the hit and run we were involved in a couple of months ago.  I won't open the ham for a while as we are using up the other ham that I froze into meal sizes.  We used the lamb for two main meals and sandwiches the following day.

*  I started picking raspberries and freezing them for future use.  I'm hoping to get enough to make some raspberry jam.  SOOOOO good  !!!

*  Made more peanut butter choc chip biscuits.  I'm so glad I had the dough in the freezer.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?


  1. Hi Wendy,
    This week I have made all meals from scratch; saved water from showers for the washing machine & then from the machine to the fruit trees; made yoghurt & all our bread; turned off everything at the wall; and the best of all - my husband & I built our first vegetable garden yesterday. So excited! Now everything in pots can be transplanted into the vegie garden. I would never have thought I could get so excited by such a simple thing, my how my life has changed. Love it!
    Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas & New Year with your family.

    1. How wonderful Lorraine. I I can understand your excitement about having a vegie garden

  2. Hi Wendy, spent lots of time in the garden this week which i love especially checking what things are popping up and flowering. I made lots of handmade christmas presents this week and gave them away. It's lovely when you get comments back like "is it homemade and can i have the recipe? ". I did some baking this week while the weather was cooler. Kept the house cool during those warmer days in Melbourne this week by closing up things early and drawing the curtains. I made Christmas crackers for Christmas day which DS2 helped me make. Donated toys and food to our church for the needing in our community. Saved all water to use in machine and garden. I also refilled the foaming handwash bottles, made yogurt and cooked all meals from scratch. Bought a bulk amount of meat from Tasmans now that i have a bigger freezer. Gratefully accepted 6 loaves of bread which meant i didn't have to make any. Spent $14.05 on fruit, vegies and milk only on my $300.00 p/m challenge , 2 weeks down, 2 weeks to go. Can't wait to see your story Wendy on Monday night. I've already wateched the previews over and over, he, he. Blessings to you and your lovely family for Christmas and the new year, xxx Maureen

    1. Mauren, it's going to be a great story. I'm so excited !!!!

  3. I find it hard to stay frugal this time of year . I find I am feeling a little guilty with the extra money I am spending.
    My frugal tasks this week included;
    *Still picking apricots, zucchinis and various other veggies from our garden
    *Not necessarily frugal, but I am having a big declutter, and hope to hold a garage sale or donate, not sure yet.
    *In 2015 I am going to challenge myself to buy nothing new. Now that is frugal. This is a challenge I found on the internet. Buying nothing new does not include necessities.
    *Made yoghurt again, this time using your recipe and method, it turned out perfect. Thank you Wendy!
    *Sold our excess eggs (and we have three new baby chicks, hatched out yesterday)
    *Received our electricity bill yesterday and it was only $122, thanks to our solar panels.
    *Washed using my twin tub, homemade washing liquid, and dried clothes outside in the sunshine.
    *Shut house up to save on air conditioner use.
    *Saved water pre dishes to water pot plants
    *Made some more toothpaste using coconut oil and bi carb

    Have a great week Wendy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family xoxo

  4. Hi wendy, just wanted to ask how do u freeze your christmas ham? N what do u wrap it in? how long can u freeze it for?. It always put me off buying one as my little family wouldnt be able to eat it all thanks leah.

    1. I portioned it into snap lock bags and squeezed the air out. I've had ham last for months in the freezer. The Prudent Homemaker freezes hers for many months..

  5. Eldest child baked cupcakes as Christmas gifts for partners family, was very gratefully received with much surprise that a 20yo bakes. Found some school supplies for a single parent which saved her $, paid credit card in full. K

  6. How do you make your bead wreaths for your Christmas tree? Thanks


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