
Saturday 17 January 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks

The cooler weather has allowed me to do more in the kitchen this week and my frugal list reflects this.  I hope you were able to make the most of the milder weather too.  We haven't had to water the vegetable garden in over a week.  Here's my frugal list -

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Baked a whole orange cake with an orange from the freezer ( bought cheap )

*  Dried all washing on clotheshorses and on the line.

*  Refilled the shampoo and conditioner pump bottles.  They were also diluted.

*  Made some foaming hand wash for the kitchen with liquid hand soap I no longer use.  I just love foaming hand soap as it doesn't leave a mess anywhere.

*  Refilled travel sized shamp,  cond and shower gel bottles in our toiletry bags for future holidays.

*  Picked corn,  beans,  strawberries,  silverbeet,  raspberries and lettuce from our garden this week.

*  Made vanilla yoghurt from a starter I froze previously.

*  Saved the rinse water from the final load of washing and watered the garden under the house eaves.  Rain rarely gets under the back of the house so this saved water will help the plants.

*  Bought eight bottles of shower gel at $1.99 a 500 gram bottle from Priceline.  Thanks for letting me know Maureen.  I can make foaming hand wash to my heart's content for many years to come.  It's a lovely green color and will look ( and smell ) nice in my home.

*  Sold one school text book and bought another one secondhand.

*  Donated lots of bags of bits and pieces to the Savers op shop over a few days to get discount stamps.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week?


  1. That is a great list Wendy! I love the look of your veggies, they seem to be producing well :)

    My frugal tasks for this week were;

    I made
    * Some bread, some rolls and naan bread. It all turned out well and my family loved it! I had run out of rolls from the bakery so instead of going to the shop and get more, I made my own. Same with the naan bread, I needed some to have with my homemade chicken laksa :)
    *Homemade chicken burgers using the rolls. We had them with homemade chips.
    *Cranberry hootycreek biscuits, this time making a double batch, half of which is in the freezer.
    *Kale chips, it is growing mad at the moment.
    *Zucchini chips.

    *I have been having vegetarian meals all week. Sometimes hubby will have them, other times he wants meat as well. I find veggies meals yummy :)
    *I picked rhubarb, kale, celery, capsicum, zucchini, cucumber, tiny tomatoes and grapes from the garden.
    *I was given some cucumbers and rockmelon in exchange for eggs.
    *Sold our excess eggs.
    *I had four no spend days.
    *Line dried the washing.
    *Saved the water from pre dishes to water pot plants.
    *Used rain water from tank to water veggie garden.
    *I have been reading frugal blogs for inspiration. Especially liking the cheapskates one.

    Sadly my nectarines have succumbed to the humid weather and rain therefore we will not be getting many this year. Luckily I still have some frozen from last season.

    God Bless,

    1. What a fantastic frugal week you had Taqia. I'm not vegetarian at all but I do like a bowl of vegie soup for tea every now and then or vegies with seasonings, little butter and cheese on top.

    2. Tania, Andy is a meat eater... meat meat meat! I can get him to happily eat anything with either cheese or by adding just a bit of bacon, prosciutto, mettwhurst, chorizo... or something even if its actually a really little bit they have strong flavour and work like magic. I make a pasta dish that is tomato base and I dont think he would like it but the addition of some chorizo and he thinks its great :) Last night my zucchini pie I added a little bit of bacon. That did the trick! :)

  2. With my youngest starting high school, this is not a frugal time, however I saved $90 buying second hand textbooks. I shopped from my own stash for the stationery list, saving about $70. I refuse to buy a new bag for a new school just for the sake of a logo so that was $105 not spent pointlessly.

    I bought a folder with plastic pockets at my local op shop. However Savers is not a charity Op Shop, it is a privately owned secondhand business. Profits go to the business shareholders. That said, it provides a much needed overflow service for the small church and charity run op shops. It also provides employment for its paid staff. But it is not what I would call an opshop. IMHO

    1. Savers might not be a charity op shop but it has helped me clothe my family, furnish my house and provide me with wonderful new items to give as gifts. The blessings there are abundant and it helps people in need.

    2. I agree, and I have purchased items there myself. It's clean and well presented. Any organisation that provides for people to purchase items at a reasonable price, and is a means for unwanted things to be put to a new use and not go to landfill is to be supported.
      I donate to a church op shop that funds a soup kitchen, and they could not function without the overflow service that savers provides.

      No matter where the purchase is made, reusing an unwanted donated item, benefits both the purchaser and the planet.

      It also allows me to feed my reading addiction . . . .

  3. Hi Wendy
    Could you explain what hou mean by donating clothes to Savers and getting vouchers how does it work sounds interesting.

    1. Savers has a discount card. Every time you donate a bag of clothes etc you can get a stamp on the discount card. The first stamp offers 5% on your next purchase. The next stamp is 10% then 15% then 20%. It's one stamp and one discount per day.

      If you are a student or one of your children is a student and they are with you when you shop at Savers, they offer 20% off on Sundays only.

  4. Oh to have a vegie patch, unfortunately we don't have the room for one but i do manage my own herbs.

    Yesterday I went and stocked up on eggs at our local IGA - they have 2 trays of 15 eggs for $7 which is cheaper than what we get around here. Whilst there I also stocked up on a few other items. The IGA is 15 minutes from where I live so I don't get there as often but when I went to the checkout I remembered my loyalty card and if you shop on a Friday you get the discount. My discount worked out being what the cost of the Borax was that I was also picking up so I counted that as free :)

    All meals were made from scratch this week and all washing dried on the line.

    I made more washing powder and miracle spray.

    I bought about 6 months supply of the half price specials at Woolworths.

    I bought 2 more christmas gifts for this year $15 down to $3.75.

    I went clothes shopping in my own wardrobe - amazing what you find in the back. I have one dress that I wore recently that got a lot of compliments and it is a dress that I have had for 18 years. Even my teenage daughter asked if it would fit her.

    Have a great week Wendy.



    1. Hi Deb, could you grow a few vegies in pots ? Lettuce, tomatoes, beans and silverbeet do well in pots.

  5. Hi Wendy, love what you do. Have used your bread recipe! Begun the new year with a budget, cross fingers i have planned well. Found non stick individual serve pie plates and deep family size large quiche/pie pans from the $2 superstore! Now making my own short crust pastry since I don't have any in the freezer. Am getting into the habit to look in pantry and fridge or freezer first.
    Thank you,

    1. Vicky, shopping at home first can save you a small fortune and eliminate waste. Good on you for having a plan for the new year.

  6. Last week and still today using up peaches I got for free has been a big saving. Also I have been using up some bargain zucchinis.
    I love Savers and you have reminded me to keep some donations for my discount coupons. Their prices and good quality stuff is a great help to so many people, they have been a blessing to me many times. Also our has half price days... they are amazing! I love lots of op shops and there are some I avoid as they have gone mad and are very expensive. I often have amazing luck if we are away and I try little op shops in far off country towns. These are straight out exciting to visit!
    I am hoping for a good week of savings and getting ahead this week and hope the same for

  7. Hi wendy,
    Just wondering if you have ever frozen pancakes, cream, cream cheese or milk?
    I don't know if you'd call my tasks this week frugal but this week I
    Got some tinned pears x8 and apricot nectar tins x6 given to me I have no idea what to use them for :(
    Bought a major bag of spinach and seperated it in to zip lock bags to freeze
    Bought some lock containers to put my flour and self raising flour in.
    Got given a big bottle type container thought I could use it for my sugar :D
    Made pancakes for my 2.5yo 2 days in a row because that's all she wanted.
    Bought a large tray of mangoes which I'm planning to blend up into baby food for my 6minth old and then throw the skins and pips in the compost.
    Worked 4 days this week and picked up a shift at a friend work for some extra cash :)
    Tried not to watch tv or use any lights
    Have been trying to do a very large clean out of the house and giving away a lot of things for other people to utilise.

    1. You could try growing mango trees from the pips. I'm in Melbourne and i have four 30cm plants growing. It will take years to get fruit but the plant doesn't cost anything. Dry out the pip for a few days then cut off the outer hard layer. Plant the inner pip into good soil and keep it moist until you see it sprout.

    2. I love to use tinned pears just as breakfast fruit in summer but otherwise I use them in pear and ginger cake. Just google for recipes if you would like to use them in cakes. The apricot nectar I use in apricot chicken otherwise google "flummery" its a mix of jelly, fruit juice and evaporated milk... you wizz it together and it sets like jelly with bubbles. As kids we loved it! I hope you find a use for them. Otherwise go on to and search your ingredients and you will get loads of suggestions. Good luck!

    3. Thanks heaps annabel great tips xx

  8. Hi Wendy
    just been reading your blog! I think you maybe on to something. I am always looking for ways to save money. So I thought I would give the frugal tasks ago!!!
    Here is my list:
    Bought dishwashing liquid and watered it down, so now I have double and should last me awhile. I also noticed when I was using the liquid at full strength, there was too many suds and now it's just right.
    Have container for my loose coins and when the container is full I cash the coins in at the bank, I use this money to buy much needed items for my house. Or use it to treat myself to a day out.
    My boys were given Movie tickets to go to the movies, this was a cheap day out. The venue had a Large popcorn two medium drinks and two ice creams for $20.00. Our outing to the movies only cost $20.00 wining...
    I have cooked every meal from scratch this month!!!! and I really noticed the savings there!!!
    I guess now I am hooked!!!

    1. Good on you Annette. I keep a frugal list on my fridge so that when I do something I write it down. At the end of the week it's amazing how many frugal things get done. Makes you feel good about life.

  9. I haven't completed it yet, but there is a discounted piece of corned beef simmering in the pot, There is a lovely aroma and it will be dinner tonight and lunches tomorrow.
    Started a pantry challenge - clearing through what we already have. Am trying to use up all the jars in the fridge as primary school needs small jars for the Fete.
    Having a school holiday tidy up - amazing what the kids had in their rooms, and what they have grown out off. Passed a big bag of stuff to another Mother whose children are younger than mine.
    Renegotiated an insurance policy to make a saving on the premium. Which we pay yearly as it is cheaper than monthly.
    Reading a new cookbook as need some inspiration for pantry challenge. Am stuck in cooking rut. K

  10. Hi Wendy, great to hear you got the shower gel. We are away in Sydney at the moment and trying to do most things on a budget. So far we used public transport yesterday as it was $10.00 for a family to travel all day, so it was on the ferry and off to Manly and around the city. BBQ's for dinner and mooing own own lunch. Hand washing some things as we don't have a laundry in our unit. Used the free shuttle bus and saw lots of thjngs for free today. I even managed to get a rain check on Colgate toothbrushes at Woolies (on special this week for $1.00). Have a great week, Maureen

    1. Maureen, the toothbrushes and mouth wash are a great special.

  11. Hi Wendy. I am really enjoying reading your blog and am inspired to really cut down my family's grocery budget this year. My frugal tasks so far have been:
    * Shopped in my pantry and freezer. Worked out what meals I could make with what I had and made a shopping list accordingly.
    * Armed with my small shopping, went to Woolies this morning around the time they mark down their meat. Purchased chicken thigh fillets at $4.00/kg.
    * Purchased most fruit/veg under $2.00/kg.
    * Purchased 1 year's worth of Colgate toothpaste at only $1 per tube. Bargain!!
    * This week's shopping bill came in at around $45 (this included the toothpaste). All I will need to top up on is bread and milk.

    I always thought I was a pretty savvy shopper, but it is amazing how much extra I am now saving by shopping around for markdowns at each supermarket.

    1. Jill, it really is worth stocking up on the specials. You save a fortune. Well done.

  12. Thanks wendy! I didn't even think about that to be honest! There's only ever been one time I've grown a mango plant and I was 6years old... I also live in Melbourne I never even thought they would last to be quite honest

  13. I realize this is about a year late (I'm going through and reading old posts) but in the US, Savers and Value Village are by the same company. Yes, they are for-profit businesses, BUT they buy their stock from non-profits that arrange for donations and collections. A win-win for everyone. In my area, they buy from the Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC). Where I used to live, they bought from a veterans' organization.


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