
Saturday 17 August 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 17th August 2019

It's been a shorter week for me this week.  I arrived back from my card making weekend late Monday night.  We had a fantastic time away and made some great cards.  The weather was glorious with lots of sun to warm our souls.  Delicious homemade / baked food was served by Carol our host and her home was cosy and welcoming.

Here's my frugal list from the last few days -

*  Purchased a padded valance for our bed for $4.  I'd been searching for one for our bed for nine months from Target but they always sold out within days of getting new stock.  After contacting head office a few times they located one for me and sent a $20 gift card for my troubles.  The valance scanned at $24 so I only had to pay $4.

*  Filled up my car with petrol and used a fuel discount docket which bought it down to $1.23 per litre which is quite cheap.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch and ate some meals from the freezer.

*  Limited the dryer use to drying uniforms.  The rest of the clothes went on clothes horses.

*  Juiced and froze the last of the gifted lemons.

*  Made potato cakes from a couple of spoonfuls of left over potato / pumpkin mash and enjoyed them for my lunch.

*  While in Tasmania on the card making weekend,  I purchased a few shower squeegees for $1 each from Shiploads ( a discount store ).  The exact same thing costs $2 in The Reject Shop.

*  Gratefully received some donuts leftover from one of Jessica's jobs.

*  Made chicken stock for the freezer from a chicken Jessica bought for our dinner.

*  Fed the compost bin every two days with kitchen scraps.

*  Saved the shower warm up water.  Turned lights off whenever possible..

Some of the cards I made on my weekend away

How did you save time and money this week ?



  1. Your cards look lovely, Wendy. I'm sure the people who receive them really appreciate them. This week, I did these things to save some money:
    * cleaned out my pantry and made list of staples I'm running low on
    * checked online supermarket catalogues for specials for my stockpile
    * added 6 x tinned pears to my stockpile
    * baked an Anzac slice and used homemade muffins and cookies from freezer for lunchbox morning teas during week
    * picked lettuce, spring onion, basil and small handful of cherry toms from garden
    * made a quiche for dinner one evening with enough for lunches the next day
    * rugged up, rather than use heater, on cold mornings
    * started sewing a small gift for a friend who has a birthday coming up at end of this month
    * booked our annual holiday at beach and, as we have been going back to the same place year after year after year, received the mid-season rather than the high-season rate. This saves a small fortune!
    * had a picnic in a park, just a short walk from home, on the public royal show holiday during week.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Wendy.

  2. Hi! What is a padded valance? My frugal tasks this week were: made sweet corn for the freezer, made onion stock, made homemade cleaner, shopped a back to school sale and used coupon for 40$ off, dried clothes outside, made sun tea, finished a library book, picked and froze 10 lbs of blueberries, made two crock pot freezer meals. Katie

    1. A padded valance is a more streamlined version of a bed skirt that hides the base of a mattress.

  3. I love your cards. Our week has been pretty frugal. There was a huge treat as we went to see a matinee performance of Les Miserable. It was at the Conservatorium so the tickets were less than half the price of seeing a professional production. I keep plodding on trying to keep costs down.

    I do like the cards you made.

  4. Hello Wendy and I am glad you had a wonderful time away with friends and did some crafting too. Seems we were both blessed in getting cheap fuel as we topped up our jerry cans as well and as an added bonus the price of fuel went down 2c per litre while we were waiting to fill up :).

    Our savings last week added up to $107.03 :).

    In the kitchen and adding to the pantry -
    - Cooked all meals and some bread from scratch. The other times we ate discounted bread rolls we bought on clearance.
    - Increased our food storage by a carton of powdered milk, 32 tins of smoked chicken and 5 tins of lychees while monthly grocery shopping and I am under budget by $36 for the month.

    Home organisation-
    - DH took down one set of venetian blinds that weren't working and installed 4 curtain rod holders and rods.
    - I made two sets of curtains from fabric purchased for $3 metre on special from Spotlight one for the kitchen door and another set for the top of the stairs in the rumpus room which I put up and put the curtain ends on the rails. The one in the kitchen will stop the heat escaping when the slow combustion fireplace is going so the cat can get outside. By making them we saved so far $28.80 over purchasing them.

    Internet listings and earnings -
    - Made $31 from the sale of a lace curtain we no longer need from the home as I have replaced them with new cotton ones to keep out the summer sun.
    - Listed 10 items on eBay on a free listing promotion saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.

    Purchases & Fuel -
    - Purchased 120.5 lts of fuel using our RACQ e-gift card giving us 5% off and took advantage of our 4 c per litre everyday rewards saving us $12.53 on usual prices. We only fill up when we have 4 empty jerry cans at home as they strap (ocky strap) better into the boot of the car without falling over and we last purchased fuel 2 months ago.
    - Purchased 5 x 6pk of white and wholemeal bread rolls and a loaf of bread for $1.25 on clearance saving $4.50 on usual prices.
    - Bought 32 tins of smoked chicken from Aldi to top up the pantry with saving $3.20 on prices in other supermarkets.
    - Got 3 free samples (a packet of spaghetti, almond and apricot cream cheese, and a cauliflower soup) as I am a taste tester for a supermarket saving $9.75 over purchasing them.
    - Bought our usual grocery staples and probiotics for the month saving $21.75 by picking up specials.
    - As DH had his eye on a leather hat for sometime we decided to buy it and by asking if they could do a better price we saved $10 on the usual price.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful week as we did.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Lorna, you do so well with your Ebay listings

  5. Hi Wendy,your cards are lovely i would love to buy the record cards 2 at least,i love them,I heard on the radio, target are closing is this true? i have been cleaning out my kitchen pantry today and cleaning my bathroom and adding some pot plants to the bathroom i made a fruit salad cake for our afternoon tea.

    1. Hi Mel, please message me on Facebook regarding the cards.

      Quite a few Target stores are closing but I don't think Fountain Gate is on
      e of them.

  6. Lovely cards. I have just decided to dip my toe into stamping.

    1. Well done. Stamping is something I need to do more of.


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