
Monday 20 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Sunday 19th April 2020

Sundays at the Gower Abundant Cottage are a little slower than most days.  A day of rest is important for the body to replenish itself and for the mind to relax.  Here's what we got up to -

*  Darren and I enjoyed watching our church service online.  Yesterday's theme was ' anxiety '.  Very appropriate for what everyone is going through right now.

*  I spent a couple of hours cutting out some men's cards to decorate and sell.  When our family moved back in,  I had to move most of my card making supplies and desk into our bedroom.  The corner is a little cluttered but it does give me the chance to do my own thing without little fingers trying to get into things.  Luka loves to sit on my knee and ' help ' with whatever I'm doing.

*  Enjoyed an afternoon tea of scones,  jam and a cuppa.

*  We had leftover family meat pie for dinner.

*  Picked raspberries,  feijoas,  a few beans and collected an egg.

How have you been spending your Sundays ?


  1. I had a lovely day yesterday (Sunday), like you, did Zoom Church, then worked in the garden. Took some cuttings to a lady I know who repaid me with handmade earrings from her studio. So impressed. Trying to do a good deed every day.

  2. I managed to sew one scrub hat. The rest of the day was not great so I will leave it at that.

  3. That sounds like a peaceful Sunday! We went to the drive-in church service at our small church and then had leftover soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. We all relaxed for the afternoon and that made me excited to get up this morning and get productive :) I do enjoy restful Sunday afternoons.

  4. Hi Wendy,

    I love your collection of beautiful tea cups and saucers. I have quite a few that I have found in op shops over the years.

    When a very close friend's mum passed away, my friend wanted me to have some of her mum's china. She gave me some very pretty trios that I treasure. They once belonged to a very special lady who was like a second Nanna to my children.
    Drinking tea from a pretty china tea cup and having home made scones and jam makes afternoon tea feel special.
    Best wishes, Maria.

  5. Hello!
    Your "happy" list from yesterday was very similar to my own; coffee from a fine china mug in particular. We are lucky to have a garden out the back. We had started a renovation before going into isolation and have continued with that, a little a day and almost finished. Still too hot to plant, yet, but the cooler weather and rain will come.
    Clean house, well organised, Skying and phone calls and yoga on YouTube plus the time to sit at the table and paint all contribute to calm, pleasant days. Our one normal thing is regular visits to the dog park! We love it, the dog loves it and we see old friends. And I read lots of blogs.
    Keep well, keep safe.

  6. Sundays: Since we can't go to the city to our church, we've been sleeping in a little bit. Yesterday we tried to watch our recorded service, but our internet is slow out here in the country and after we use up our 15gig, it's snail-paced. Dh got to see the whole service, I got to see about half before it bottomed out on me. So I went to Bible-reading. I enjoyed it more, just communing with God. I did some laundry. Dh started slowly filling the bulk water tank for the chemical sprayer. We ate whatever we wanted for lunch. We both took a nap. He mowed. I prepped some food for this week's suppers. (Cooked some chicken, boiled and made stuffed eggs, took out meat to thaw.) I found some frozen fish fingers, breaded shrimp and jalapeno poppers in the freezer. So that was supper. It was ok, they are a bit freezer-burnt. But still edible. I may try to incorporate them into a casserole of some kind. The poppers would be good in tomorrow's chicken enchilada casserole. A little reading & tv watching and it was bedtime.
    That is our usual Sunday these days.


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