
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Tuesday 31st March 2020

Today I was grateful to have a 6 hour paid cleaning job.  This kept me out of our home for most of the day.  Darren and Megan did a few things to keep busy.

*  Darren pruned a large shrub in the front yard.

*  I sold a jar of relish to my cleaning client.

*  Darren and Megan took Luka and Bryson for a long walk around our block.

*  Darren went grocery shopping for my parents.  They are staying home because of their age and because Mum has no immune system at the moment.

*  Megan cooked a shepherds pie for our dinner.

*  Dad gave us some tomatoes from his garden.

Tomato relish a made a few weeks ago.

How did you keep yourselves busy on Tuesday ? 


  1. I'm glad you got some work. Its nice to check in here daily. Yesterday, Tuesday, I did some exercise again and worked in the garden. Didn't need to pick up any groceries so managed to not spend a cent! Take care at your house. Tania in Hawthorn

  2. Cooked lunchbox cookies
    Grated some old soaps I found cleaning out the bathroom cupboard I hope they will be ok for washing powder!

  3. My Tuesday was busy. I look after my granddaughter on Tuesday and Wednesday. I swept and washed and cleaned. The household tasks are so difficult for my daughter and I feel for her. I struggle with household tasks. Anyway it was a busy day but in a great way. Stories were read and games were played. The little miss is toilet training so there were lots and lots of bubbles too.

    God bless everyone and stay safe.

  4. Husband and I are lucky that we both still work fulltime, and can work safely from home.
    Our daughters did their schoolwork, and in the evening, after dinner, we walked in the small wood next to our home, and played wii sports.
    We try to rather rigidly stick to our schedule, to make sure everyone gets enough exercise, enough sleep, enough fruit and veg, not too many snacks :)

  5. My cleaning jobs have been cancelled for now, because the clients are elderly with health issues.

    Today I had a quiet day...went for a 4km morning walk, went to the shop for my elderly mother in law, while I was out I grabbed a few things for my daughter, organised meals for hubby to take to work for a couple of days, found a spot to put more garden beds because I want to plant extra veggies. Washed out some plastic bags and hung outside to dry, fed chooks and baby chickens and collected the eggs, made myself some tea (dinner) from tired veggies in the fridge, just stewed them with some tomatoes from the garden and added cooked spaghetti at the end. Simple and yum!

    Your relish looks delicious Wendy!


  6. I just entered into my second day of being off work. I was able to work at home through last week. Yesterday I deep cleaned the bathrooms in our house. They look so nice and smell so fresh now. Also cleaned floors in our bedroom and living room. Also watched a movie with my DH in the afternoon. We never do that as I am at work.

  7. Wendy, thank goodness i found your blog all those years ago. if not then this situation we all find ourselves in would mess even more with my head, but i will add that it is encouraging to hear about your everyday activities - life MUST go on if we are to remain sane. keep well and safe everyone xx


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