
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Tuesday 21st April 2020

We like to keep ourselves fairly busy with a little rest time in the afternoon.  Having two babies in the house keeps us busy and dinner time can be quite hectic with bath,  bottles,  eating then bed.  Here's what we got up to -

*  Volunteered at the local community pantry for 4 hours.  They were running a little low on staff so I got called in.

*  Cooked up to slow cookers of Massaman beef curry using beef that was given to us.

*  Darren cooked up lamb chops on the bbq.  They will be used in a casserole tomorrow then frozen.

*  Darren also cooked up chicken fillets.  Megan will use some in a pasta dish tonight for dinner.  The rest will be frozen for future casseroles.

*  Darren and I vacuumed and mopped the floors.

Massaman Beef Curry

What dinners have you been cooking up ?


  1. Cooking hot and comforting meals here in Tasmania. So cold at the moment. Rissoles with mashed potatoes, vegs and gravy. Chicken casserole with rice and vegetables. Our oven has stopped working so not able to cook desserts at the moment. Anne

  2. Meal times are never happy times here. I have food allergies and intolerances and my mother wants stuff that I cannot eat! So I am trying to keep things very simple at present.

    Today was my last Mia day for the week. She was so full of energy today. I feel exhausted. But she was fun and I think she really enjoyed playing in the yard, drawing with chalk, playing with the cat, playing in her little kitchen and other stuff. But I am looking forward to a rest tonight.

  3. Farmer has been planting field corn this week. He finished tonight so he'll be spraying over those fields for the next week and then he'll be getting fields ready for soybean planting in May. Our evening meals are much later in the evening now. Tonight it was 8:30 p.m. before we ate. We get up between 5:30-6:00 a.m. so that is a long day. I eat my breakfast at work around 9:30. Lunch is 12 p.m. I have another snack around 3 p.m. and if I know it's going to be a late night, I have a bite when I get home at 5:30 p.m. A slice of cheese or a hard-cooked egg or a few nuts and maybe a cracker or piece of fruit. Always protein with something.
    This week dinner has been:
    Monday: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes
    Tuesday: Chicken enchilada skillet
    Tonight: Pancakes and sausage patties with a smoothie drink
    Thursday: Pasta and meat sauce
    Friday: Farmer's 60th bday, so I'll let him choose. We normally would go out to celebrate but since all the restaurants are pick-up or drive-through only, we'll probably just eat at home.
    Saturday: Pork chops, applesauce and fried potatoes
    Sunday: Cobb Salad

    1. I am so thankful for those who produce our food. thank you.

  4. I've been doing rather large meals for supper since our son has moved back. Tonight it was green beans, asparagus, mashed potatoes and oven roasted chicken breasts. I still have some molasses cookies left over from yesterday for dessert. I needed supper over a bit early since hubby and son had to be at the firehall to pay respect for the 22 victims of the massacre. One was a retired firefighter. And I have my radio show at 7pm on Thursday nights. So tonight supper had to be done early.

    I like your blog btw. You can check out mine. It's Spring Peeper Farm

    Lisa Doucette

  5. Sounds yummy.
    We are very grateful that I am able to work from home and my husband’s job is essential so we are both still being paid. So grateful to be able to help some who are struggling. My husband works in grocery. He is having an emotional response every time his load is light. He buys rice. I have so much rice and we don’t normally eat much....
    Sausage and peppers with rice, rice breakfast cereal, grilled chicken with beans and rice, notice a theme?
    Hoping to be able to find seeds to put in a garden. I don’t have any in stock as it has been a few years since I grew a garden.
    Keep up the encouraging posts, they are a blessing.


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