
Thursday 30 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th April 2020

We've been a bit busy over the last couple of days.  Todays post is a summary of what's being going on at the Gower Abundant Cottage.

*  While I've been at work Darren has vacuumed and mopped the floors.

*  I cleaned the kettle with citric acid to get rid of the mineral build up.  Once it's cleaned the kettle looks brand new.

*  Cleaned out the fridge and gave the shelves a wipe down.

*  Wiped the kitchen cupboards of toddler finger prints.

*  Did a couple of loads of washing and dried what we could on clothes horses.

*  Gratefully received quite a few small packets of lamb chops from a friend.  We feel very blessed that she thought of us.

*  Darren and Kurt have been building a new garden bed in honour of Darren's mum.  As soon as it's planted I'll post some photos.

*  I picked a few handfuls of raspberries and beans from the garden.

*  Gave the washing machine a good wipe over.  I cleaned the lint filter and put the machine on a long hot cycle with Epsom Salts to clean out the drum and pipes.

*  Lamb shanks with vegetables on a bed of mash was on the menu for Wednesday night.  Shepherds pie was enjoyed Tuesday night.

In the garden

Are you keeping busy with the colder weather ?


  1. It isn't much colder here in south east Queensland. I am looking forward to cooler nights.

    I have spent two days looking after my granddaughter and I am afraid she has shared a bug. Oh well. I enjoyed our time together. Today was housework day but first job was to get my son to the dentist. He may be an adult but he hates needles. Anyway that was done and he helped me with a few jobs before we left. I was grateful. The cleaner came today but there are always more things mum wants done so I did those this afternoon. Petrol prices are rising in Queensland so I topped up the car with fuel at 81 cents a litre. One positive side of this virus is the lower fuel cost and less distance means less fuel is needed. I am currently knitting little slippers for my darling girl. Because she is tiny they do not take long to make.

    God blessing stay well.

  2. It sounds busy at your house Wendy. That is a pretty coloured hyacinth.

    It has been busy here too, with gardening, cooking, baking, washing, housework etc. There is always something to do. I have made some garden beds out of large foam boxes and I had planted seedlings in them when the nice rain tumbled down. Our rainwater tanks are full again. It has turned cold here, we have had the fire on for two nights and I have washing drying on the rack by the fire tonight.



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