
Thursday 9 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Wednesday 8th April 2020

We continue to keep ourselves fairly busy around our home and garden.  Outside jobs are a priority while the weather is still mild.  Here's what we've been up to -

*  Megan and I cleaned out the fridge.  With two families sharing the fridge,  things easily get lost or forgotten about.  Now we have space in the fridge to move things around better.

*  We cooked up the last of our tomatoes from the garden.  I used some of the tomatoes to make spag bol that night and the rest will be frozen.

*  I cleaned the shower,  sink and mirror in our ensuite.

*  Darren pruned a couple of bushes in the front yard.

*  I refilled the shampoo and conditioner bottles and diluted them by 1/3.

*  Spag bol was on the dinner menu.

Spag bol for dinner.

How did you spend your Wednesday ?


  1. I made a red pasta sauce with added red lentils on Monday, which we had with spaghetti; added grated courgette/zucchini from the freezer on Tuesday, and served with fussilli and broccoli. The rest of the sauce and the leftover pasta is in the freezer and will be turned into minestrone-like soup next week.

    Refilled one of the foaming handsoap bottle with old hotel shampoo, which was rescued from my former work. Former work (hotel head office) had a reassessment of all their amenities about 5 years ago, and all leftovers were in the Purchasing office, just laying about. I gently suggested we move them to Reception, for all colleagues to take if they would want to. After about a week there were many many items left, so (after checking I could) I took them home; about 5 moving boxes full! Soaps, shampoos, conditioners, showercaps, cotton buds, nail files, sewing kits, anything you could possibly find in a hotel room. I have worked through this stash diligently, and now have soaps, shower caps and shampoos left. Most shaving kits, toothbrush kits, and sewing kits were donated to husband's family in Africa when husband went there a couple of years ago.
    I continue sowing seeds, because food prices may go up this year, with farmers having lack of staff to sow, look after, harvest, pack, and transport their products.

    I like reading your daily tasks; it motivates me.

  2. We are keeping busy around our home too, Wendy. Both inside and outside there are always things to do. Today, we walked our dog both in the morning and late afternoon. I helped my son learn to make chocolate cupcakes which turned out nicely. I have also done some sewing too. Meg:)

  3. I am beginning to find the days are more of the same. I am working hard at finding space so I can sew. But it is along job and bit by bit I will get there.

    God bless and stay safe.


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