
Saturday 16 May 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Friday 16th May 2020

We are making the most of the mild weather here in Melbourne.  The back garden continues to get it's make over which has been keeping us busy.  Here's what we've been up to over the last week -

*  Put petrol in the car on the way home from work.  With very little driving compared to what we normally do,  we can go 4 or 5 weeks before filling up again.

*  Cleaned the toilets.

*  Darren had a delivery of soil for his new garden bed.  He spent a bit of time fill the garden bed up and used the leftover soil to top up one of the vegie garden beds.

*  Wiped out one of the ovens while it was still warm.

*  Dusted a few window sills.

*  Massaman beef curry from the freezer served with rice was on the menu for dinner one night.

*  Spent time with Luka outside playing with a bubble machine.  Unfortunately it was too windy and the bubble blew away before he could play with them.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Picked a couple of handfuls of beans.  The plants were starting to die so I've pulled them out.

*  Moved a couple of small silverbeet plants into a better position and fed them.

*  Moved a couple of packets of toilet paper from my shed and into the house before the weather gets wet and cold.

*  Cut open and scraped out a conditioner bottle.  Refilled the pump bottle and diluted it by 1/3.

*  Refilled the herb and spice jars with bulk packets.

From the garden

Darren's new garden bed in memory of his Mum

How did you spend the past week ?


  1. Darren's new garden bed looks lovely. I'm sure he'll think of his mum whenever he walks past or picks something from that garden.

    I worked my usual two days this past week and am booked for more teaching days later in the month. Needless to say, I go through a lot of hand sanitiser so am very grateful for the large pump pack of it that I was able to buy before stock ran low. I picked snow peas and spring onion from our garden for a stir fry during the week and lots of herbs to flavour a large pot of stew that I made yesterday. I baked a dozen homemade sausage rolls and a large tray of chocolate chip bars too. I gave a large bunch of sweet basil to a friend too. Today, I am doing some more sewing. I am making a top with a beautiful, soft grey-blue fabric that I bought as a remnant at my local community centre ages ago. It was $7.50 for 3m. I am using matching thread and bias binding from my stash too.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Wendy.

  2. Darren's new garden bed looks lovely.
    It has been too windy here on the Wide Bay Coast to enjoy spending time in the garden so I am just doing what has to be done. I did manage to spend some time catching up on my crochet project yesterday, which the first time I had taken that project out in a few weeks. We had a couple of large trees chopped and dropped and taken away during the week and a load of water brought in because the weather has been so dry.

  3. Thanks for posting Wendy you always inspire me the garden bed Darren made in memory of his mum is so special really beautiful Shelley


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