
Saturday 25 July 2020

My Sewing Machine Is Humming.....

I had planned on putting a post up on Wednesday as well as my usual Saturday Frugal Tasks List.  My week started out on Sunday with lots of sewing of hanging tea towels to put in my blog shop and for future presents.  Later that day our State Premier announced from Thursday,  Melbourne residents would need to wear a face mask at all times in public to help reduce the rising number of Corona virus cases.

Monday morning started with a trip to our local material store for supplies to make face masks.  Unfortunately many other crafty ladies had the same idea and the queues to buy material were about 1 -  1 1/2 hours long.  I grabbed some pipe cleaners for the adjustable nose wire then headed to the big shopping centre to hunt for elastic.  I encountered the same problem as the material.  Everyone had the same idea.

So home I went to make face masks with what I already had on hand ( material wise ).  Other than two big cleaning jobs that took me away from home,  the rest of the week has been spent at the sewing machine making or at my laptop taking orders.  It got so hectic I had to employ Darren to answer messages and take orders.

So I'm terribly sorry for not posting a Frugal Task List.  There just hasn't been time to be thrifty this week.

I'll post again as soon as things settle down here.  In the meantime,.....

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Wow lovely looking. So pleased we don't have to wear them here in New Zealand as I think I would feel like I'm suffocating.

  2. We are not yet having to wear masks out in NSW but are expecting it soon. I managed to buy a cloth face mask, minus the insert, and puzzled what to use for the insert. With a sense of amusement I realised that I had the perfect thing. The cloth nursing pads that I've been meaning to get rid of for the last year or so! Perfect size. And nobody knows they're there :)


  3. Did you manage to get elastic?

  4. It's lovely that you can sew these masks with the supplies you already had, Wendy. I can only imagine having to wait in line for hours to get fabrics and elastic! We don't have to wear masks up here in QLD but that could all change, as it has done down in Melbourne. I am going to look for a pattern and have a go at making a mask so that, should we reach a point where we have to wear them, I'll be able to make them.

    This week, I've tried to save $ wherever I can. I have a big pot of apples with cinnamon stewing on the stove. We'll have this with homemade yoghurt for snacks during the week. I made a fried rice last night for dinner to use up veg in crisper before picking up my weekly produce box today. During the week, I made bolognese sauce and we had this with macaroni one night and then the leftovers in a pasta bake, which I topped with homemade bechamel sauce, then next night.

    I shopped at Aldi this week for dairy products and nuts. I got $10 off a shop at Woolworths too. We topped up petrol at $1.07 which is a lot cheaper price than what it was last week. It's been raining and cold here. We've rugged up during the day and snuggled under warm blankets while watching tv in the evenings so have avoided using our heaters. The washing is drying on racks inside and on the line strung up under the house. We don't have a dryer so this saves us money.

    The garden is producing lettuce, spring onion, cherry toms and herbs. The herbs in particular have been lovely to use in soups and stews.

    Stay warm and well, Wendy!

  5. Dear Wendy
    Thank you for another great blog .
    I think you have been thrifty this week despite what you said about not having a thrifty week.
    You are using skills you have developed over the years ( sewing being the main one this week ) to prepare for the new rules related to the pandemic . You also used pipe cleaners to put in the masks and you used things you had on hand for the masks also so I think you have had a thrifty week overall.
    Also by working with Darren you have been more efficient than if you worked by yourself . Furthermore you have probably done all your usual frugal tasks so don't worry about it too much.

    I have been unwell and still am I even had two trips to hospital this week and I am not feeling very frugal at all .
    I hope you are all keeping safe and well Wendy and that all your blog readers especially those on Victoria and other affected states are safe and well too.
    Love Barb W.

  6. Dear Wendy,

    I love these! You are doing a fantastic job with your masks.

    Sorry to report that I checked out my local shops but no elastic except for the wide stuff (I don't know if that could be cut down the middle successfully to use). It seems there has been a run on elastic all over Australia.

    Good luck and take care,
    Love Tania xxx

  7. Hi Wendy

    I am so sorry to hear of such trying times you and others in Victoria are going through. Please stay safe. Things seem to be rapidly changing.

    Your masks look fantastic. The top photo looks like maybe you solved the elastic problem with hairbands??? If so that is a brilliant idea.

    I have been busy sewing today. A friend who was having a clean out found 3 unfinished quilts/floor rugs that she was making when her eldest (10) was a baby and I have now inherited them to finish as I have one friend due in a week (gender not known) and another in the next 2 to 3 months gender is a boy.

    I am sorry I keep forgetting to check in. My computer had a clean up and removed everything I had as quick go to places

    Take Care
    Aly xxx


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