
Saturday 15 August 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 15th August 2020

 A week and a half into stage 4 lockdown and we've managed to keep ourselves busy and sane.  Darren has taken this opportunity to paint our kitchen,  family room,  hallway and dining room.  There was a mad dash to Bunnings to get paint equipment and it seems many other people had the same idea.  Lots of paint was flying out the door.

We became empty nesters ( again ) a couple of weeks ago.  Now we have two empty bedrooms to rearrange as we see fit.  I've gained a craft room  ( YAY  !! ) which is work in progress.  I've had craft materials stashed  in many nooks and crannies  around the home.  Now the hunt is on to find them all.  So far I have a trestle table for mask making and a desk where my sewing machine stays all set up.  So exciting.

Yesterday I did my monthly grocery shop but make it an extra big one.  I usually spend Winter and Spring building my stockpile up until it has 12 months worth of pantry items,  toiletries and laundry supplies.  I love grocery shopping but most importantly,  I  LOVE to be well prepared.    This pandemic has revealed that no food is guaranteed to be in stock.  I'm making sure that I have everything I need to bake or cook anything on my menu. 

Here's what else I've been up to -

*  Made a menu plan for the next fortnight.  I concentrated on using up bits and pieces in the freezer.

*  Made pumpkin scones using cooked pumpkin from the freezer.  We've really enjoyed them with homemade butter and a cup of tea.

*  Used saved bread crusts from the freezer to make dried bread crumbs.  Bread crusts never go to waste in our home.  If they are not turned into dried seasoned bread crumbs,  they are fed to the chickens.

*  Made batches of butter every 5 or 6 days.  The cream I'm using has been frozen but it had 1 day left on it's use by date.  I'm not sure if butter goes off but I didn't want to risk it.

*  Started working on grocery shopping lists for the next 4 months.  I like to plan ahead and be well prepared.

*  Made and sold lots of face masks.  I've been getting some orders from NSW ( interstate ).  Their COVID 19 cases are on the increase.

*  With just the two of us to feed, I've been cooking the usual amount and freezing all the leftovers.  There will come a time when I can have many nights off from cooking.  

*  Saved the shower warm up water and poured it into the washing machine.

*  Collected an egg almost every day.  We only have one laying chicken and one free loader.  Our laying chicken was at death's door almost 3 years ago.  She was so sick for about 6 - 8 months,  every day we thought we'd lose her. Now she's making up for it.

*  Made a bottle of shower cleaner and floor cleaner using kitchen detergent and cooled,  boiled water.

*  Picked ssilverbeet from the garden a couple of times.   

Making pumpkin scones

                                                         One of our silverbeet plants. 

If you are interested in buying one of the face masks I'm selling,  please message me through my Facebook page My Abundant Life 

Are you doing any home renovations whether it be big or small ?

What was on your frugal list for the week ?


  1. You and Darren are certainly showing your resilience during this hard time Wendy. We are living through times when we as community and society need to be more adaptable than we ever have before. You are shining a light on the path for many. Thank you for the encouragement.

  2. Thanks for sharing Wendy,
    You are making the best of a difficult situation. Very inspiring. I'm sure you will enjoy having your spare rooms again, but miss the hustle and bustle of a full house. Especially your gorgeous grandkiddos.
    Butter can go off. You would definitely be able to smell it. It takes a while to go off though.
    We are happy to report a good week here in Qld. We are close to the border so we are all a bit nervous. We hope this awful virus slows down soon, for everyone.
    I stocked up on some meat and veggies. It's being reported that the prices will increase by 50-60%.
    We saved up to have our leaking shower rececces replaced. It's been a process but so glad they are finished. We are just waiting on the shower screens to be re-installed. We will continue to save up for household repairs and white goods replacements.
    Have a great week. I'm sure you will keep busy and hope you sell many masks.
    Take care. Rachel:)

  3. I love you positive outlook on everything at the moment. Well done on your planning as I feel that things will be a bit topsy turvy for some time. I pray that things will return to some sort of normal soon for you in Melbourne and that Darren and yourself can return to paid employment as living on benefits is a life of being well managed and stress at times. Hugs to you all and can’t wait to be able to visit one day again in the future. Janine Colac

  4. My garden is getting a lot of love and attention at the moment. Good on you for getting stuck into the painting. It is so worth while.

  5. Hi Wendy

    Such a positive outlook you have on things in such an awful time. Some choose to make the most of it which you both are and this is wonderful to see. Some are I know of are starting to get down which is totally understandable as everyone is different.

    How wonderful it will be to have a craft room for yourself. This will be so much easier for you. I do hope you enjoy it in the coming weeks whilst you are home. Are you busy making Christmas gifts at all?

    Thinking of all those in lockdown be it here in Australia or any other part of the world.

    Take Care and stay safe
    Aly xxx

  6. You can dilute the cream with water and make pancakes. Even slightly off/sour will be fine; you won't taste it in the final product.

  7. I made pumpkin scones this past week too, Wendy. They are lovely to have with jam and cream. It was an expensive week here with a $750 mechanic bill. More frugal things were borrowing lots of books from library, topping fuel up at $1.14per L, homemade meals and snacks, picking leeks & lettuce & kale from garden and gifting a handmade washcloth and soap.

    I hope you stay well and warm, Wendy.


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