
Saturday 26 September 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 26th September 2020

 Over the last few weeks I've been busy sorting out my newly acquired craft room. Over the last 20+ years craft supplies have been stored around our home in cupboards,  wardrobes,  behind couches and under beds.  It's wonderful to have everything in one place.  Last weekend I made a few cards with my card group during our online meeting.  I've also started making things for presents and I have plans for stocking my blog shop with some Christmas goodies shortly.

Here's what else I've been up to this week - 

*  We ate freezer meals for dinner twice this week.  I'm consciously trying to eat out of the freezer as much as possible to make room for our harvest of beans later in the year.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and washing machine rinse water.  This was all poured into the washing machine ready for the next wash day.

*  Stocked up on some great specials at NQR.  Lynx shower gel was for $2.  It was on sale at Woolworths the same week for $4 and usually retails for $6.  The shower gel will be stocking stuffers for Christmas.  I also stocked up on Colgate tooth brushes 3 pack for $2.  I now have enough for the both of us for the next 4 1/2 years.  They also had Dove moisturising cream for $1 a tin.  I think it was a 85% saving off the RRP.  I'm planning on putting these in beauty hampers for birthdays and Christmas.

*  Picked lots of snow peas and sugar snap peas.  I'll admit I did eat them straight off the bush and a few made it into the kitchen to go with our dinners.

*  Used recycled bread bags as bin liners for our bathroom bin.

*  Made a reed diffuser  for our bathroom

*  Knitted another dishcloth.

*  Scraped out the conditioner bottle to get every last drop.  I scraped the contents into the new container.

*  Made a few hanging tea towels.  Some will be used in our kitchen and some will be either sold or given as presents.  I'll have photos for you all next week.

*  Made shortbread biscuits from scratch.  We also enjoyed an orange cake from the freezer for our morning and afternoon teas.

*  Picked a small bunch of daisies from the garden.

Ready for afternoon tea

Homemade shortbread biscuits

Wholemeal bread with extra goodness

Flowers given to me

 Have you tried any new crafts during lockdowns this year ?

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Thanks so much for sharing with us Wendy :)
    Can you please post how to make a reed diffuser. I can source the reeds but was wondering about the oils? This would be a great gift idea.
    Have a lovely week :)

  2. A whole craft room sounds wonderful, Wendy. I have two tops I want to make while on school holidays. I've cut out the pieces and just have to sew them up. I also have half a washcloth finished. We spent three nights away at the beach this past week and I kept cost of that lower:
    * chose a self-catering place to stay so we could take most of our own food and cook own meals; just bought milk, bread and a few salad items + one ice-cream each
    * made picnic lunches for 3 hour drive up and again for drive back - we ate this in a beautiful shady park overlooking a lagoon at a stop along the way
    * took our reusable water bottles and refilled along drives with water from our cooler jug
    * bought a new, larger picnic rug for $15 from KMART - our old one is too small now
    * borrowed books from local library and took board games and cards to play
    * bought extra pair of board shorts for my son for $2 from op-shop
    * filled our holiday days with mostly free activities - swimming, walking on beach, reading etc. On our trip home we visited an olden days museum and we paid for a family entry ($30) and spent lot of time looking at all the old and fascinating items from yesteryear
    * defrosted a freezer meal and had this for dinner on night we arrived home
    * washed and cleaned car ourselves when we got home - sand!!

    We will be staying in and around home for the rest of the school holidays so expenses should remain pretty low. Have another great week and enjoy more crafting.

  3. I am planning on having an ultra frugal week next week. My mother has bought so many things this week and the fridge is groaning. The freezer is full. The craft cupboards are full as well.

    I have started making a crochet blanket for an aunt for Christmas. Then I have to figure out what I will do for my children, mother and granddaughter.

    God bless and stay well. I hope that your covid rules relax very soon.

  4. We have had a good week
    Usingup soup from freezer for lunches and mixing soup with pasta for kids
    Picked a whole heap of broadbeans hubby loves them as a snack so has been taking them to work with some salt and pepper. Also has added them to his plain nut mix for something different.
    Reused an underused shelving unit for my craft room and sorted all my craft supplies ready for Christmas rush.
    Shopped online as to avoid the shops for Christmas gifts stick toy budget per person as some items have come on sale.
    Shopped from our pantry and chest Freezer for any meat we haven't used up. Happy to be able to go another 2 weeks without purchasing meat
    Sounds like you had a fab week
    Love the flowers

  5. Your afternoon tea photo is gorgeous! The new craft room sounds lovely :)

    We split a lot of wood, some for our use and some to sell. This was from the trees that were knocked down in the bad storm we had back in the spring so it helped to clean up the property.

    My husband and I patched several pair of his work jeans to get a couple more months’ use out of them.

    I refilled many of the homemade cleaners including laundry detergent. I really prefer doing this over buying more at the store.

    We harvested a few vegetables from the fall garden and hope to get some cold frames up so we can get a few more weeks out of it.

    More on my blog at

  6. Those shortbread biscuits are my son's favorite. Would you mind sharing. Thank you, have a wonderful week...

  7. Those shortbread biscuits look lovely! How wonderful for you to have a craft room, how exciting. A couple of weeks ago we made our final mortgage payment and are now mortgage free. I have no intention stopping my frugal ways as it's become my lifestyle now. Many blessings, Mel x

  8. There is no recipe for your shortbread. Would you share that p,ease?


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