
Saturday 21 November 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 21st November 2020

 I have to be honest and say that this week has not been an especially frugal one.  We had our evap cooling unit replaced,  bought a spot cleaner machine to do the car seats and other surfaces and went out to lunch yesterday. We already had money put aside for the evap cooling and it was a necessity.  The spot cleaner was something we had been thinking about for a while.  My car is 12 years old and very much in need of a deep clean on the pale grey seats.  So it will save us money in the long run.

I have stayed home as much as possible.  The shops are not that appealing to me.  Maybe that's due to our 14 week lockdown and other restrictions during the year.

Hayfever season is in full swing in Victoria and I've suffered dreadfully this week.  My face masks have come in handy when hanging the washing on the line,  dusting at clients homes and going out to the bin and letterbox.

Here are the other frugal things I've done.

*  Found a seller on Ebay who has buttons at a much cheaper price than Spotlight.  I use the buttons on the hanging tea towels / hand towels I make and was shocked at how dear they are in retail shops.  The seller I found on Ebay is an Australian seller and she sends them very quickly.

*  Cleaned the kettle with citric acid.

*  Picked green beans for the first time this season.  I also picked a handful of strawberries.

*  Filled up my car with petrol at $1.09 a litre.

*  Sold a few hanging towels.  If you are interested in buying some,  they are $6 each and on my Facebook pages.

*  Sold a couple of Christmas face masks.  I still have 9 left for sale and I have photos of the designs available on my Facebook pages.

*  Found a cotton doona cover at Savers for about $6.50 that I will use to make tea towels for presents.

*  Gratefully received lots of used greeting cards from a friend.  I've cut off the fronts I can use and will repurpose them into gift tags or newly designed greeting cards.

*  Made up a bottle of multi purpose surface spray using cooled boiled water and dish washing liquid,

From the garden

Bryson is now sitting up


Under the Christmas tree

At St Kilda beach

Luka having fun with the camera

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Hi Wendy. Your little grandson is gorgeous and growing fast! Your strawberries look delicious. I have a currawong here who swoops in and eats my strawberries...cheeky bird! Here is my frugal list for this week:
    * I found 2x books and a very light summer dress at op-shop. Total cost was $11. (One of the books is to add to a xmas parcel.)
    * Made all our meals and snacks here at home, packed lunches and took our own refillable waterbottles.
    * Checked specials at three different supermarkets before writing my shopping list.
    * Made a batch of scones with leftover mashed pumpkin. Made mini quiches too.
    * Made large pot of spaghetti bolognese to which I added celery/peas that I had frozen earlier in year as well as carrot and mushrooms.
    * Made a stir fry to use of lots of veg and added spring onion from the garden.
    * Made potato salad with a lemony dressing instead of usual creamy dressing (I didn't have any mayo or yoghurt). Added lots of herbs from garden.
    * Gratefully received a batch of homemade biscuits from my mother in law.
    * Cut my husband's hair & he trimmed mine
    * Turned off appliances at wall - TV, wash machine, microwave, toaster etc - when not in use.
    * mended a reusable shopping bag where seam had come apart
    * diverted wash machine rinse water to lawn
    * picked small bunches of zinnias from my garden to bring colour inside

    Have a lovely weekend. Perhaps another drive to the beach?? MegXx

  2. Your little grandson is so very precious.

    I have had a very frugal weekend away. My son took me camping. Now I haven't camped for around 40 years but I survived. He paid for pretty much everything.

    Our car was filled with petrol purchased at $1.01. Food purchases were much lower but oh boy our fruit and veg components have risen. Some Christmas presents were bought at Costco. One needs to be very careful when shopping there as not everything is a great deal. My herbs are doing well.MY strawberry plants are holding on. My lime has some fruit on it.

    Enjoy your new fond freedoms.


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