
Saturday 7 November 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 7th November 2020

 This week has seen me at the sewing machine just about every day.  Christmas face masks have been flying out the door as people prepare to get into the festive season.  Darren has been busy in the garden tidying,  planting and picking.

Here's what else we've been up to -

*  Made 2 batches of butter using the free cream I'd frozen.

*  Cut many heads of broccoli,  blanched and froze them.

*  Darren picked a beautiful bunch of hot pink roses from the garden for my bedside table.

*  Fed the compost bin almost every day with kitchen scraps.

*  Made lots and lots of Christmas cards to sell and for us to give to friends and family.

*  Sold lots of hanging tea towels that I'd made a few weeks ago.

*  Went to a local op shop that was having a $1 store wide sale.  I picked up a few shampoos I can use to make foaming hand wash.  I also picked up a new silicon cake mould for $1 that usually retails for $12.99.  I'll be using it for soap making.

*  Megan,  Darren and I lined up on the first night Kmart was open after lockdown.  We picked up long sleeve tshirt type tops for $2 that usually retail for about $10 - $12.  I bought enough to put some away for the next couple of years.

*  Bought a few craft supplies from a $2 shop that are cheaper than the usual discount shops.

*  Purchased knitting cotton for better than half price from Spotlight.  I'm now fully stocked to make more knitted dish cloths over the next few years.

*  Made a double batch of ANZAC biscuit dough.  Some were baked and the rest were frozen for future baking.  I also made a whole orange cake with an orange I'd frozen last year.

*  Made and sold lots of Christmas face masks.  

*  Darren planted out lots of veggie seedlings and seeds.

The cotton I bought on sale

Christmas face masks I've made

Bright Christmas face masks

Home baked ANZAC biscuits

How have you saved time,  money or energy this week ?


  1. I love the bright colours of your cottons, Wendy, and your face masks are very festive! This is how I saved this week:
    * topping up fuel while price is low; combining errands to save on fuel
    * making meals and snacks at home
    * made pizzas and a big salad when friends came over for dinner mid-week
    * visited grocery factory outlet and made savings on tinned pears and peaches
    * bought discounted overripe bananas and made into two banana breads
    * turned off lights, appliances at wall when not in use, closed curtains and blinds
    to block sun on very warm days we've had
    * line dried all the washing on sunny days
    * gifted a bunch of flowers from our garden to a dear friend
    * picked bunches of gardenias to bring inside; they have a beautiful scent

    Have a lovely week! Stay safe and well.

  2. I emptied three bowls of kitchen compost in the compost pile, divided my parsley, thyme and sage plants to bring indoors for winter and gave some away, roasted and then froze two acorn squash and one butternut, made pumpkin muffins, made fried rice with leftover chicken and vegetables. I enjoy reading your posts. Debi

  3. How do your readers purchase on line from your store? I am interested in your products.

  4. Oh how I have been culling, decluttering and donating! Unless it is an item being currently used or used several times daily like the kettle, my kitchen benches have nothing on them.
    My loungeroom is nearly the same.
    The tomatoes are beginning to colour which is wonderful and just in time for my daily take to work salads. The capsicum is still blossoming and our mango tree is loads of babies on it at the moment. Fingers crossed there are no wind storms this year.
    For the past few months, all our shower water has been run out onto the front and back lawns. Hubby fed the lawns during the few days of rain we had and they are already beginning to feel soft and lush underfoot.
    Looking at our strawberry plants, I think it might be a good year for a crop.
    I recently down graded our streaming services and today will be cutting off Weight Watchers.
    After the ironing is complete, I will be baking spinach slice/quiche and some muffins for the kids lunch boxes.
    Tonight Hubby is going to his brother's birthday dinner. Unfortunately the kids and I are staying at home because it will cost well over $100 for all of us and secondly, tomorrow they have school. The eldest is also in the middle of school yearly exams.

    Take care Wendy,


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